I'm sorry that it seems like I'm such a negative person. I'm just majorly stuck now days and its only gotten worse over the last 3 months. It's very frustrating I'm trying everything everyone suggested and its not working. I'm trying so hard to retrain my brain again like I did in the past when I was 17. My biggest struggle is health anxiety and always thinking that I'm dying or on a verge of a heart attack or something bad like that. The physical symptoms in my arms and chest shoulders jaw head get very scary I try and explain them to make sure I'm not crazy but I'll just be sitting there and get this weird like feelings that go down my arms chest jaw it's like different each time its sometimes like a numbing feeling sometimes like a rush of something going down both arms or just one then I'll get a headache on top of it my back will get hot feet get cold. Like I never experience panic attacks like that before. When I was younger they were always just the shot of adrenaline and omg ahhh then they were over. These are so intense and I just cant shake the feelings of fear and being scared. Not even the doctors reassurance helps me with my anxiety because at this moment my body feels so bad. All my blood work looks good ekgs looked good chest xray looked good and I know I'm young. I just cant seem to convince myself that I'm actually okay especially with my arms feeling like jello all day and hurt and the weird pains and tightness continue and I cant seem to find a good stomach med that works well for me that doesnt seem to give me other side effects or not help my stomach pain. Like I know how irrational some of my thoughts are but I cant seem to convince myself that I'm okay. One of the biggest things to help me is talk therapy but my therapist once again ditched me she has done it in the past and she would even cut sessions short. I hopefully have found another one but that's not for 2 weeks.
Apologizing for being so negative - Anxiety and Depre...
Apologizing for being so negative

My husband had panic attacks that manifested as heart attack symptoms several times. So very scary. We rushed to the ER several times. I can understand why you feel so scared. Because you have a medical workout done and know it’s panic attacks do you have any calming techniques you could try? I know some have suggest the 333 method or different breathing techniques. Just enough so your mind can calm and you can think again.Hope you get a new therapist soon
Thank you yeah it’s really scary I wish I could get my mind to just switch to something else. When I’m having them it’s hard to get my mind out of the thought process.
That is why those methods for panic attacks work. They cause your frontal lobe to take charge and focus rather than having a fight or flight feeling take over your body. I thought it wasn’t going to work but honestly, it truly has helped me.
You stated you managed to get through this before. I think given time you can work through this again. The key is time and work.
I'm sorry about your therapist. Losing one and having to wait is hard.
I know during my bad panic attacks I thought I was going to die. They were so bad. I just had to learn to breath and keep telling myself it would end.
I know you've had good work ups. There is not much else they can do for you during acute symptoms. They rule out worst case scenario.
I hope in time you can retrain that brain
Hello Adamj. You’re not a negative person, you’re just expressing what you feel and when you don’t feel well especially if it’s for an extended period of time or if nothing is working to make you feel better….. most of what you think or say is going to sound negative to most people! Many of us who are like you totally understand and comprehend that you are not a negative person! You’re being honest, you’re expressing yourself and you are trying to get better and find help even if it comes from strangers like an online community! I’m with you and share your fight as I’m sure others in this community and around the world are as well!
I just scrolled by this. You have made progress since this post
It takes time. There will be ups and downs and it's ok.