Husbands job just turned its back on him after 21 years. Losing our rental soon. Searching for a house to buy in the market with what income we have. Dealing with it all has me so down. I push my family away and feel numb. Think about how it could end all the time. Therapist told me to only worry about things for one hour per day then that is it. Easier said than done. So worried my poor kids (11 and 12) are affected by my depression and anxiety and that makes it worse. I just hate this life.
Tough day: Husbands job just turned its... - Anxiety and Depre...
Tough day

You are in a tough spot made worse by depression. Been there. The worry hour is a good suggestion. Maybe it would be easier to do if you kept a worry journal. Writing things down I’ve found helps you deal with them. Then when you deal with it all and come out of it you can burn it with a flourish! Keep busy that’s the best way to get through it. I know it’s hard to do but it really does help. I’ll say a prayer for all of you.
Something my therapist shared with me. Hope this helps:
Challenging irrational thoughts can help us change them.Answer the following questions to assess your thought:
•Is there substantial evidence for my thought?
•Is there evidence contrary to my thought?
•Am I attempting to interpret this situation without all the evidence?
•What would a friend think about this situation?
•If I look at the situation positively, how is it different?
•Will this matter a year from now? How about five years from now?
It's difficult, I know, but you need to be strong for the kids.
I'm hoping your husband is jobhunting as well. I agree it can be absolutely soul-destroying to be let go with no consideration.
Have you seen your doctor to get some antidepressants?
Cheers, Midori
I am currently in both antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds as well as weekly therapy appointments. It’s has taken the edge off but I still feel a bit panicked most of the day or so depressed I am numb to others. Had a good chat with husband today to set up a game plan (though I cried through most of it 😕) and I feel a bit more steady.