So I've spent the last two years crying. I have seen 6 neurologists in the last two years. I've been called a liar and a "googler," though given the quality of care I've gotten so far, you bet your bottom dollar that I'm googling EVERYTHING.
I feel lost and have no hope. Doctors simply do not care about me. I've seen 18 doctors in the last two years (a third of them neurologists) and very little has been accomplished. I have gained a hardcore case of doctor anxiety, and anything medical twists my stomach and chest into knots that are so tight I can't breathe.
I'm ready to give up. I'm totally stuck and am completely hopeless. I dared allow myself a sliver of hope the other day, and it took less than 72 hours for the world (aka doctors) to burn that sliver into so much ash.
So why should I carry on? It hurts to exist. I'm negative. My husband is exhausted. I'm exhausted. I'm so depressed. I think about dying all the time. It's not that I plan to - images of me killing myself just pop into my head all the time. And it's the medical system that's doing it to me.
What is the point of living if there is no hope. Meditation doesn't work, I'm alone and miserable all day, and my husband and I fight about my depression all the time. He wants to make light of it, but it's so freaking heavy - there is nothing light about it. I've had to give up all my soothing activities due to undiagnosed spinal compression that affects my hands and my legs. I walk like a drunken sailor, and my hands are either numb or very painful. I don't even get to sleep in my bed half the time because the Restless Leg Syndrome is steadily getting worse and my husband needs to work in the morning. Since I'm the dead weight around here, I figure he has more right to the bed than I do anyway.
I know this is long. I'm just heartbroken and at the end of my rope. I go to therapy, but it cannot keep up with how awful I feel my life is. I want to die. If I was unmarried I'd be dead tomorrow, but I couldn't do that to my husband, who is, despite my complaint, amazing and deserving of better than me. Society has spoken, and my worth is pretty much nothing, I guess.
I want to die. This life is terrible and I don't want it anymore. I simply don't know how to get treatment that has compassion attached to skill. Apparently, the doctor that provides that is a complete mystery to me.
Every day, all I do is wake and then endure the many hours until I can go to bed.
Sorry this is so long. You're a trooper if you actually read this.