Struggling a bit today with depression and anxiety. Any kind of support or feedback is welcomed and greatly appreciated. I'm feeling stuck today. A bit scared. Having some doubts. Questioning myself, my surroundings. My ability to stick out my recovery. I know what triggers these feelings... and right now I guess I'm feeling really powerless, not yet defeated, but unable to pick myself up today and tell myself I can keep doing this. Not being able to control what's going on around me, feeling violated, constantly, not being able to do anything to make it stop and only being able to control the way I respond to it has been the most challenging thing I've ever had to experience in my life!! I feel like it's adding trauma on top of trauma, making things very difficult to try to heal and recover from. I just really want to be free from this.😢I wish someone understood my situation. But I don't even understand it, I don't understand WHY!!! So I guess that would be an unrealistic expectation. The fear of failing and or having a group of people, vultures waiting for your next mistake and the constant pressure of trying to do 'the right thing' according to what everyone else believes 'the right thing' to be doing is weighing on me heavy. To the point of, it's just not good. I need a friend right now. Really badly😢
Need some support today. : Struggling a... - Anxiety and Depre...
Need some support today.

Hi Survivor1687, I don't know the details of your struggles but you are reaching out and as I see it that is a big step forward.I may sound overly simplistic but lately i have found comfort in "The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse" by Charlie Macksey. We all struggle, some people seem to cope better than others but how do we really know? You are unique and you keep going, that is enough.
This storm will pass. Sending you love from the other side of the Atlantic
I would also like to second that response from Louloubelle. The mere fact of reaching out is helpful, I find. I also like to read real life stories of people who overcame their phobias - it helps me go on. Many people also find meditation and breathing exercises helpful. I hope some of this helps.
Just know you’re not alone.
I’m here for you. Lay down and do the Wim Hof guided breathing exercises free on you tube. The 3 round begginer one . Do it twice in a row back to back. Then run a cold bath and lay down in it 5-6 minutes. Exhale slowly the whole time. Or go for a dip in a cold lake or ? Snuggle and breathe
Hi @Survivor1687 how are you doing? Hope you're feeling better. I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone and we are all here to support each other. You are strong and will get stronger everyday, keep taking one day at a time and breathe.Sending you hugs and a prayer.