Morning anxiety. Yuck. Not as bad as it has been. Depression yes it's there. Welcome back my old friend. so I don't want to get out of bed but I know I have to. So at this moment I made myself get up get dressed and start cleaning out my car. I said to myself this is what I need to do for me today. Right now at this moment, because that's all that we really have, I am doing something for me. that is to get this car cleaned out so it's off of my mind and stop feeling guilty about it. I imagine you're pushing through something right now too. We can do it peeps! Let's do this day the best that we can. That's all that we ask of ourselves. H please share what you are doing and how you are coping with it. Hugs
Hello brothers and sisters in our wor... - Anxiety and Depre...
Hello brothers and sisters in our world - what are you doing today?

I did the same over the weekend. I cleaned out all alcohol bottles and quit a few days ago. I bought healthy food to finally lose some weight. I cleaned my room, got a new bed and hung up pictures. Bought new scrubs and clothes for my daughter. We all need a overhaul and it starts with me. I'm gonna also buy pool park season passes and take my daughter swimming as much as possible. She needs me back fully. Great post!

What an inspiration you are. Thank you! I am breaking out in a sweat on my forehead cleaning and vacuuming my car as I posted this. I feel much better doing this. We need to see for ourselves that we can still function and carry on and move past these depressive and anxiety feelings.
Good job!! Feels so much better to just do something rather than spend days to weeks hating yourself for not doing a task.

And wow! You're really knocking it out! Your daughter will be beaming with pride.
Know how you feel. I have severe anxiety and depression w/fatigue every morning. Getting out of bed is the hardest step for me. Congrats on doing that and then doing even more!
It's encouraging to read your post.
Hey there. First all of its amazing you got out of bed and are making yourself productive. Most days I can hardly move from bed if I’m not working. If it’s not depression eating me away it’s my anxiety. Currently on vacation with my bf and another couple. I’m having such a tough time coping with my anxiety. So I’m just staying up while they all sleep and stumbled across this lovely website.
My heart is going out to you! it's rough going away from home when you have an anxiety or depression disorder. What do you think is triggering your anxiety? Being in an unfamiliar place? Not feeling well? It helps me to identify the trigger and then rationalize it speaking truth to myself. It sounds like you are in a safe place with people who care about you sleeping peacefully nearby. Surrounded by protection. Soon and you will be home! In the meantime, tenderly pat yourself on the back for being where you are! Be kind to yourself and know that you are not alone.