I'm living totally by myself for the first time, pretty much ever. I've had stints when I was younger by myself but I've always had a roommate or my family (as a kid and then my own family later in life).
I've struggled as a bit of a hypochondriac, along with my ptsd and bi polar, it's been hard to get under control. My partner helped me feel safe, and confident if i was hurt they would either help or get me help. Now after a week of being alone, It's finally started to creep back in. What if I choke, or fall down the stairs, or just have a sudden medical emergency that doesn't allow me to call for help and no one is here. No one is checking on me, and (I don't know if it's true but my anxiety tells me it is) no one really cares right now if I'm ok. does anyone else deal with these fears or issues and have suggestions for what I can do to maybe help myself feel more safe and able to get help if i need it?
My biggest fear for the last 10 years has been just dying alone with no one to care about me...and I thought I had found someone who would always be here, but they're not anymore and it's becoming a very difficult thing to accept and work through.