So the sadness, crying, loneliness continues today and now anxiety is up with the thunderstorm. This area loses electricity a lot especially during winds & storms and that really freaks me out. No A/C and no tv to distract my dark thoughts. I dread hurricane season & it's almost here (June 1st). My dogs are beside me but I really need a hug and someone to get me through this storm--right now and every day. It's so hard doing life by myself year after year, no support, no back up plan when something goes wrong. I have Fear of Fear, if that makes sense. Nothing specific but everything in general. I want to believe that everything will be ok but I really don't see how. Feeling trapped and frozen, afraid to move. It's horrible to live like this. I've taken meds to calm down but still waiting for it to kick in. Just thought I'd share my 2nd post. Thanks for reading.
...and now a thunderstorm: So the... - Anxiety and Depre...
...and now a thunderstorm

Im really sorry to hear that. I wish there was some way i could help, but my thoughts are with you!
Thank you Louie.
A picture of my little one to cheer you up
Actually it's your books that grabbed my attention. I tried to blow up the photo enough to make out some titles, but no go. Looks like you're maybe a bibliophile.
Is your "little one" good about chewing his toys, and not Daddy's books? He looks pretty pampered. I wouldn't mind a life like that. Lotsa soft, squeeky toys, getting my fur combed and clipped. Boy am I jealous.
I can relate to the fear of fear and feeling frozen. I’m there now. After every difficulty comes ease; it will get better.
(((hugs))) I hope you feel better soon. Animals are such a huge help when struggling with these feelings... You have two little awesome blessings in your life and I absolutely adore them! 🤗🐶🐶🥰
Really sorry you are going through a difficult time,I have been just like you for many years now and only somebody who suffers this horrible ILLNESS can truly understand and feel the fear that it brings.I know lots of people my family included are very sympathetic for a while but then they start to get fed up or avoid meeting up because they don’t want to be in a situation they don’t know how to deal with or what to say.I can only send you a great big Hug🤗🤗 and to remind you this site has got amazing sympathetic people who will listen and help you any time.Take care and tryand stay strong xx
When I have an episode like this, I go for a walk, meditate with someone on youtube, and find a video by EFT practitioners who offers free EFT for anxiety. EFT, emotional freedom therapy, is on youtube, you can learn how to do it, and then do it by yourself. But you need a practitioner to start out with, even though it is very simple to do. Also get some L-Theanine from the health food store. You have to take it for a few days to get it to work. Good luck. I know it is hard, but hang on. Not getting any hugs these days is difficult as well. but it will pass and sending you lots of hugs.
I know the fear of fear thing. I did it for years. But it seems to have gone away over the last few years. So it is possible. I think the self help book, "Feeling Good" helped. I also did a lot of writing stuff down which seemed to help me a lot at the time. Part of that was going back to re read what i had written later. I think that helped me see how it was depression talking and how different things can look later. I decided that the fear of fear is one of the lies depression tells you. Remember that when things seem hopeless and always bad, it is most likely depression and anxiety talking. Reality is a different story. Reality may suck now and then, but depression and anxiety can make it so much harder to deal with. Knowing that the illness makes things look worse than they really are is a bug step. Writing things down also helped me see first hand that even though things were so miserable before, i did get through it.
I dont think I am explaining it all very well, but remember the dark times are temporary. They will pass. They are made worse by feelings brought on by an illness. The proof of this to me is that when I am out of the funk, the crappy reality is still there, but I am able to deal with it better.
Take care.
It looks like those 2 dogs are there for you. I have been watching old war movies, because it’s Memorial Day. Seeing those brave men live with death or possible death on a daily and hourly, or even minute by minute basis. I think they got thier courage and strength from each other. And from god and family. It helped me seeing men learning how to live with such fear. They used humor. Lots of joking around to distract from reality. They used thier bravery for the enemy to find courage. Because the enemy was invading neighbors countries. And they knew if they didn’t stop them thier might be next. Maybe watch a few of the old black and white war movies today. And snuggle up with your dogs. And maybe seeing others be brave it will help you be brave. Like the old saying goes, don’t take life too seriously, nobody makes it out of here alive. And do some Wim Hof guided breathing exercises free on you tube. How about some you tube aerobics or jogging in place? Burns off steam and anxiety. Cold showers and baths helps too.
Beautiful dogs they must give you lots of love. Don't focus your thoughts on fear. God is with you and He is pure love. His perfect love casts out fear! Have you ever used CBT to help change your thoughts? When your internet is working you can research it on YouTube. I worried last year about hurricanes for naught. They never affected me only my fear thoughts about them. I am a widow and live alone also. It made me seek out God and now I feel safe and protected. Sending you lots of love and prayers.🤗🙏💕
I relate to everything you wrote, except we don’t have hurricanes, here. Oncoming thunderstorms make me extremely anxious and depressed, but that’s because the electricity that the oncoming weather front engenders lowers serotonin in the brain.Like you, I am deeply afraid of Fear. And I know I mustn’t be, because our plastic brains get ever more adept at generating fear, that way. The best thing to do is to say “come on, fear, do your worst. Let’s go.” Not easy, but we have to do that.
Good luck! And your dogs are adorable. We have to try and be a little upbeat, just for them.
Are your dogs frightened by the thunderstorms? I was wondering if you have to comfort them while they're comforting you. They are sooo cute! What kind of dogs are they?
Tornado watch over here, til 1am Central.
I completely understand Fear of Fear. I lived like that for years. My best therapy was my dog. When I cried he would just curl up beside me.
Your fur babies are beautiful. You are blessed to have their company.