It would be "refreshing" every day to read more posts about "Successes" combating Anxiety, Depression, and other psychological struggles. I would Love to see a "Success Corner" on this site and an icon at the top of the home page for those who are in need of Good stories.
Misery loves company. If we surround ourselves with negativity and "crisis", it all needles its way into our minds, even subconsciously. Positive talk does the same thing. Let's share even "baby step" small successes and offer our praise, which will soon become contagious.
Today, I consider the fact that I have a good roof over my head, loving pets, enough food for all of us, and no constant fear of a bomb dropping on my peaceful little corner of this planet to be a GREAT thing..... enough to make me smile and be so very thankful despite any personal difficulties within and around me.
To Those who continuously hate their lives, say they wish they could "end it" (but don't), complain about absolutely Everything, reject all help and ideas offered by others here, and seem more "comfortable" living in comfortable negativity, afraid to make positive changes, I say, Stand Tall, Have Some Courage, Fake Some Smiles, Be Grateful for Having Life's Necessities (food, shelter, clothing, safety), and FINALLY, just Start Owning your unhappiness. Put one foot in front of the other, take steps to a better outlook, take meds if needed, see a counselor, and let everyone here know the GOOD things YOU are doing for Yourselves.
I care about Everyone here. I have done my best to empathize, encourage, and strengthen others. I have also thrown down the towel with some, taking a tougher approach when it really was needed because pity and pretty words weren't seeming to be making any difference. Tough love is the right thing to do when all else has failed. More "counselors" should stop coddling patients, and start challenging them with actual tasks to do in order to remain their patient.
"God, grant me the Serenity to Accept the things I Cannot change, Courage to change the things I Can, and the Wisdom to know the difference."
Be well. 💜