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Whoever said Covid is like a mild dose of flu are lying

secrets22 profile image
49 Replies

I am now in my 5th day of contracting Covid and i feel wretched.

I ache all over,feel so weak,not a scrap of energy,coughing like mad,a nose running like a tap,in fact i need a hose pipe on my nose. Sleep is very intermittent and i feel totally drained,apart from all this i am doing just fine...not.

My neighbour called on me to do me a favour,and he was wearing a mask ,but said all his family are down with Covid,and i reckon its where i caught it.?

I am spending most of the day in bed with an electric blanket,but i am catching up with my reading,and one recent book i bought i read it in one day,''An Accidental Icon'' written by Norman Scott,which was a rather harrowing book to read,and certainly did not cheer me up,but even so i was addicted to it,what that man has been through is horrendous.

Oddly i am not off my food,but must confess i am not cooking with the same deliberation as i normally do,but i manage.

I guess i must just wait until this awful illness has finished with me,but it truly is a nasty virus.

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secrets22 profile image
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49 Replies
Roukaya profile image

I can relate to your Covid symptoms if you read my post concerning my MotherShe is in day four of the Covid Virus

She is also on her own

I am in the same country but in a different home

She is trying to manage

Here Covid is rife and it can be airborne as well

I was told you should have rest with lots of fluids and vitamins

I am here to listen if you would like to talk

I am very worried for my Mum so if you need to talk I can listen

MadBunny profile image

Tell me about it ! I had an argument with a friend last week about it- he seems to think I was exaggerating. He's one of those lucky peopIe who never gets ill. I got it just over 3 weeks ago and was the same as you- same symptoms. I never lost my sense of taste or smell. I'm much better now. It started out like a bad chesty cold, which is not unusual for me, but after a couple of days the exhaustion and aches hit me. I was also getting a bit short if breath but thankfully that didn't last long. I just had to go with it and let it take its course, staying in bed for most of the time, drinking plenty of fluids. After about a week I started to go for short walks , but struggled after 5 minutes . I'm much better now , but still have to rest frequently. Thank goodness I'm fully vaccinated! Sods law though, I got it a week after my 4th jab🙄

Look after yourself - stay warm and safe

Sending you big hugs

Maria 🤗🐰

in reply to MadBunny

Hi Maria and Roddy it takes couple weeks for the boosters to kick in properly mam heard, just shows how bad you would be without it, mam just had her booster again I'm still waiting for my next one, we will continue to wear masks when shopping, it's good that you posted this Roddy I hope it will make them that are blarsay and ignorant to how bad it is think twice,and be more careful and considerate, I'm sure it would effect my breathing bad I have slight asthma, glad your still eating and cooking as mad bunny did 😁it doesn't surprise me that neither of you lost your appetite 😁🤗I don't think I would either, keep warm sending hugs as always 🤗😻💐xxx

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to

I was worried because of my asthma.Me lose my appetite🤔 You know me well 🤣

in reply to MadBunny

😁my niece's daughter had no taiste when she had i would hate that but might keep us off the food for a bit 😹🤗

Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to

Not a good way to slim M 😘

in reply to

Is that Mandy Pixies mum?

in reply to

Hello yes it's me hope you and baby are well 🤗😸

in reply to

Baby is extremely well and sends her regards to Prince Pixie!

She was 18 yesterday and for the first time since 2019 we went out to celebrate her birthday!

in reply to

Oh that's nice she's amazing pixie is 8 in June he was off his food today and eat some grass to make himself sick he's ok tho and had a bit of tea have you got a job yet I got one as lolly pop lady no start date yet had to go through rigmarole of police check and not had induction yet, it's only 1o hours down my street going out half hour on morning then again later crap hours but I'll be my own boss in charge and no one to upset me exept maby the odd driver, I don't think I get paid on school Holliday's i forgot to ask but read when looked it up they don't strange as other council workers do get so much pixie is here now meowing to come in he's got some of my haddock in his dish enjoy the rest of sunday pixie sends his luv 😻💐

in reply to

Yes I got a conditional job offer as a pharmacy assistant a couple of weeks ago and had to do an occ health form and a pre employment check meeting as well and send in ID documents over e mail.

I haven't got a start date yet either and I admit I have become fed up with the whole thing with the uncertainty of it all so I am still applying for jobs and keeping options open in case the offer gets withdrawn as nothing is guaranteed to anyone.

With my pharmacy job the next thing is to go to occ health for some jabs which will be Wednesday at 1.15pm.

I think it's a matter of not counting my chickens with the conditional offer and putting all my eggs in one basket as if it does come to something I can always withdraw other applications later on.

in reply to

Yes I was fed up having to do the PDF forms had to go to library and at one library the lady gave me a funny look as she didn't want to drag herself away from the so important job of stacking books away this happend a few times I was going to report her and say it's ok for you you have a job I'm trying hard to sort this job offer, at another library they were extremely nice and couldn't do enough to help me, I'll only get 5 pound lol on my split shifts and the uniform has a lot to be desired 🙄😁I will look for something else, tho, but I don't hold much hope, they were advertising for passenger assistants again just last week but I thought I'll give the lolly job ago and I won't have to answer to anyone and I kinda thought it's there loss that they didn't give me my job back they always need people no one stays long so it's one thing to be happy about, I don't have to have a interview knowing I most likely wouldn't get it again I can hold my head high and not knuckle under to that woman who sets the passenger assistants on, good luck with your job we are just resting now pixies snug 😻

in reply to

Thing is if after giving the school crossing patrol job a fair go and you realise it's not for you you can always move on same as with me I feel there's no harm in trying the pharmacy job and if I don't like it after a fair try I can always move on.

Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to MadBunny

Glad you’re feeling better MB, stay safe 😘

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Arymretep


Isinatra profile image

People who say covid is just the flu haven’t had a serious personal experience with it and I would never want them to. I caught it two years ago when there weren’t vaccines or therapeutics. I wanted to go to the hospital, but I could still breathe, barely, so I thought I didn’t qualify for being ventilated yet. To this day, I still have symptoms. Lesser, but impactful. Fatigue is a major problem, lungs are better, but no cigar. Instead of feeling like I was run over by a truck, it’s a VW now. The worst part, because I’m a woman after all, is that I’m still losing hair. But that’s ok, I guess. I wouldn’t mind being compared to G.I. Jane.

You’re a warrior, too, Secrets. You’ll make it through. If I lived near you, I’d bring you a sign to hang over your front door…..G.I. Joe Lives Here. 💪🏼

in reply to Isinatra

I had flu many years ago and it was a horrible experience and I had to call in sick to my job and the line manager had said to me you aren't at all well are you and had believed me when I had said I had flu as I don't call in sick for silly reasons!

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

Oh, yeah, the flu can take a person to their knees and more. I’ve had the flu several times in my life, but I’ve never experienced anything like what covid did to me. The upside, for me with long covid, is symptoms are improving which was a big worry. I don’t have allergies, but I’m going to talk with my doc about the antihistamine thing that fauxartist mentioned. It makes sense.

Midori profile image
Midori in reply to

I find it difficult to tell if I have more than a heavy cold, as, with Fibromyalgia, so many symptoms mimic other conditions.

Fatigue and exhaustion, pretty well permanent, pain likewise, although I have managed to make sense of the pain signals to know what is what. I am getting a lot more headaches lately, and I think in the last couple of weeks I had my first go with Trigeminal Neuralgia, Definitely not to be recommended.

I have always been congested in my chest, and I get an intermittent Asthma attack if I encounter a trigger, so I just can't tell.

Ah Well,

Cheers, midori

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Isinatra

I had the flu a couple years ago and it was awful. If covid was just the flu I would avoid it too.

Mrspjsmom profile image

I hope you feel better soon. When I am sick I drink lots of fluid, eat soup and take Vitamin C. Actually have been wondering if I should take a Covid test myself. Chills, coughing and a runny nose for several days now. Probably nothing and if I have it my husband can't go to work at the hospital if anyone finds out.

Arymretep profile image

Ithink it depends on the person and your age etc , my Niece had it and was fine after isolating for a week whereas my SIL was quite ill and still not fully recovered.

secrets22 profile image
secrets22 in reply to Arymretep

My friends daughter has it terribly and she's 19,and far worse than me.

fauxartist profile image

When I first got it was during the beginning of this thing... and it knocked me on my butt. So I feel for ya... and I never had a cold like that. I was delirious, spiking temp., every square inch of my body ached, I should have gone to the hospital, but I don't trust them.

All you can do is stay warm, cool down when your temp spikes, hydrate a lot, and ride the storm. After my battle, about two weeks later I started with the long term Long Covid symptoms, they never stopped until recently. I kept searching for some relief... nothing helped until I found this article about two women, who like myself, have long covid, but also had severe allergies and started taking antihistamines. They noticed their symptoms had gotten better.

This virus attacks the immune system, and you can have a cytokine storm, also called hypercytokinemia, it is a physiological reaction which the innate immune system causes an uncontrolled and excessive release of pro-inflammatory signaling molecules called cytokines which cause the body to attack itself, this is exactly what happens to me when I get stung by a bee and go into anaphylaxis. For this, I have to take antihistamines and an Epipen shot.

So... I took some antihistamines I use for anaphylaxis... miracle for me... I'm better. I still can't believe it and it's early days. But I live in hope.

in reply to fauxartist

I think I had covid back in 2019 before it was official and had thought it was a bad cold.

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to

I think I had it at the start of lockdown in 2020,I had the most horrendous flu like symptoms, could hardly get out of bed for about 3 days, every time I tried to move I got very dizzy. And I was very short of breath.

in reply to MadBunny

How's Dylan getting on?

Baby is well and was 18 yesterday!

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to

Happy belated birthday to Baby. Wow that's some age!

in reply to MadBunny

Cats can live until well into their twenties especially those that are spoilt!

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to

Dylan's ok. Had a couple of naughty days but he's settled down again. He's started to spend more time in the garden thank goodness 🐇

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to fauxartist

I heard, of course I can’t remember where, recently that MRIs have been able to see the damage in lungs caused by covid where x rays couldn’t. It could open up a new path for treatment.

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to Isinatra

Yes, that's sadly true, there are brain scans showing permanent damage to the brain as well.... hence the brain fog. They had their first clue when they gave some people with brain fog from post Covid symptoms, an Alzheimer's test, some scored higher than some diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Then they did extensive testing to find out why. And it was due to the initial infection and it's after effects. All the organs can be damaged they have found.

Lve2dance profile image

I'm sorry for what you are going through 💋. People who say that either were lucky if they got it with barely any side effects or are completely clueless.. I have tried to tell people it's no joke.

Blue_81 profile image

Sorry you are going through this. Hope you get better soon. Best wishes.

How's the dogs getting on?

secrets22 profile image
secrets22 in reply to

they are doing well,much better than me i must say.x

Midori profile image

Try not to stay in bed for prolonged periods of time. You lose muscle tone if you do.

Then if you aren't getting outside to get your daily dose of sunlight (Vitamin D), you body will start taking it from your bones.

So, try to keep out of your bed, and also moving about, as some exercise will help to keep the calcium where it belongs, in your skeleton.

Meantime, if you cannot, ask someone to get you some high strength supplements, until you are feeling better.

Cheers, Midori

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to Midori

Great advice... there are Vit. D supplements you can take, but there is just something about the sun that can't be replaced. Also, this thing can also create micro clots which cause problems throughout the body, so it's important for sure to try and move around when you can. But don't over do it or your fatigue really hits you hard. I used to be able to get up and start working like crazy and soon would start to feel like my old self.... I can't do that anymore.

Hope you feel better soon secrets.There's a lot about, I know of many who have had it bad. I've escaped so far but how long that continues, we'll anyone's guess. Thinking of you

secrets22 profile image
secrets22 in reply to

thank you so much,it truly is a nasty virus.

Joshgw profile image

I have a question: of all the people who have had covid, how many of you have gotten the vaccine? I got the vaccine, and I haven't gotten it. Yes, it's still possible to get covid if you get the vaccine but the people I know who've had both, haven't gotten sick, maybe a small cold that goes away in a day. No vaccine is foolproof and will block you from getting covid, but have symptoms so small unless you get tested you might even know it.

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Joshgw

I've had 4.3 primary doses and one booster. I got it about a week after the 4th. I still got it bad enough to have to go to bed for several days, and still felt very weak for 2 weeks. and even now, I'm still suffering from fatigue- I struggle to walk for more than 10 minutes.

secrets22 profile image
secrets22 in reply to Joshgw

i have had 3 vaccine and still am down with it bad,so it has;nt helped me at all.

in reply to secrets22

Thing is tho the vaccines become weaker and wear off so it's important to keep having your booster, and without any vaccine remember people were on ventilators and dying so I hope you get your next vaccine, you may be immune for about 4o days I heard but that's not for sure it varies X

MadBunny profile image

How are you now? Getting any better?

secrets22 profile image
secrets22 in reply to MadBunny

yes thank you,but it ebbs and flows.

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to secrets22

Good to hear it's starting to ease. Its the fatigue with me. I spent a bit of time in the garden today, just doing a bit of tidying, and I was exhausted🙄Take care- and rest as much as you can xx

coolkitty1934 profile image

well the severity varies person to person like when i had it i thought it was just mild allergies but then some are like you and it effects them way worse

kenster1 profile image

had three jags still testing positive 8 days in suffered pretty much the same as you although my cough wasn`t constant but with my throat it was awful when I did cough.still eating plenty also active in the house during the day chilling at night.had an appointment for blood tests on Thursday and they`ve cancelled it till next week till I test negative 2 days running.

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