Hi i have been precribed aripiprazole for anxiety although this ia a anti phycotic my phyciatrist said it treats anaxiey. I was on pregabalin and i didnt toleratle as it made meput on weight. I am curious to know if anyone out there is on this med as im not keen on taking it cos its a antiphycotic. If so does it work..
Aripiprazole: Hi i have been precribed... - Anxiety and Depre...

I was on it for the same reason anxiety and depression. I also hesitated in accepting it due to the category, antipsychotic. It helped greatly. But I'm going to be honest and tell you it has the same side effect of weight gain. I ended out lowering my dose down to basically nothing due to the side effect. Did your MD tell you it was better than the other as far as the gain? Maybe have another discussion.
We are all different so maybe it won't be an issue for you.
Hi thanks for your message Yes he has swapped me from pregab to that. Only 5mg a day.what areyou on. How much weight did you put on. On pregab i put on a stone qns half in 3 months
Lost some of the weighr now and hoping to get bback to my normal weight od 9.5 stone
My phyc said it wouldnt put on weight
Hmmmm..... I'm going to have to disagree with your psych. Mine feels certain ones have less of an effect on the weight. I don't agree with her either lol. Most psych meds have the side effect of weight gain. In this category it's pretty prevalent. Im only basing that on other people I know that are having the same problem I told her I wanted off it when my weight was up 8 pounds. Luckily I'm tall and I could hide that. I workout 5 days a week and have for years. I had to increase intensity and frequency to drop it.
I started at 1 mg daily. Now I only take it twice a week.
Talk to him again. See what he says. Im hoping other people will come on with some answers for you also.
Thanks did the 1mg work. I thought 5mg was low.
Im on a baby dose. My Dr starts very low on everything and the 1 worked
How does it make you feel. Im taking diazapan 2mg twice a day as well. Ive been on it over a year and they are trying to get me off it. It doesnt do much anymore and if i dont take it i get the shakes. Do you take any other meds
Oh good glad they will try and get you off the Valium if it makes you shaky.Yes I'm on an antidepressant and a Benzo also. It was the antidepressant and abilify combined that settled me. The veneflexine alone wasn't enough.
Def chat with your Dr. I think it's reasonable to work things out together. You are a team looking for the best combo to make you feel better. My Dr understands my issue that weight gain. It was going to pull down my self esteem and I wasn't going to deal with that.
I can't believe people are so easily prescribed benzos on here. I have to beg for 5 klonopin 0.5mg just to have on hand for when I really need them. I'm REALLY surprised you've been on Valium for over a year. Its crazy how prescribing can differ so much depending on location.
I’m on it and it is working for me. I had a breakdown two years ago and it is one of the mixture of meds that is keeping my mood stabilized. Yes it does contribute to weight gain in my case but I try to offset that with diet. I’d rather be overweight than go back to that hell I was living in. I am diagnosed with a Major Depression and Anxiety Disorder and some PTSD.
As much as I’d like to get off the meds, my chemical imbalance seems to need everything I take. Like I said, it’s much better in my experience to be mentally stable. The other option was terrible. I couldn’t get out of bed. Cried almost constantly and wanted to jump out of my skin.
But everyone is different. You’ll have to decide (with your professional) what is best for you.
I take 40 mg Paxil and 2.5mg Abilify, with occasional 0.5 klonopin.
Hi 409657, How did you get on with aripiprazol? I've just been prescribed it for similar reasons.