So anyone else feel an overwhelmed feelings now that things are getting back to normal ? In the two years of Covid I didn’t have one depression outbreak and now it’s in full force the last couple month's . 🙈Everyone is out doing stuff and so excited and I’m isolated alone and tired all the time with the darkness heavy on my shoulders and with the nicer weather coming just makes me feel like the odd man out ! Just so alone sad and frustrated. Meds counseling even started exercise nothing helps 😢
Over Covid : So anyone else feel an... - Anxiety and Depre...
Over Covid

Yes, it is very difficult, especially if there are any other factors such as age or medical problems. I think the restrictions are being removed a little too quickly and I personally will still be wearing a mask in public indoor places, and generally being careful. The whole thing has been very hard, especially for people with anxiety. I know it has been hard for everyone, but if you are anxious covid adds another layer on top of existing issues.
What I am reading is that you survived covid okay (all things considered) but now that things are opening up you are having a backslide. Do I have that right? I tend to think there is something about opening up that is triggering you.
For me...I actually didn't mind being locked down for the most part as long as I could go outside which was encouraged here. I did run into depression at the beginning of 2021. I think that was a combination of winter and just being burnt out. Now you are just supposed to be raring to go! I don't know if you can relate?
Yes blueruth you have it right and your probably right about this opening back up is triggering some anxiety for me especially since I am not in a good place and everyone else seems to be .
That is media talking. There are lots of people (even without diagnosed anxiety) that are anxious. Not trying to make you feel bad but rather not so alone. It has been two years. Our brains were not meant to deal with that trauma for that long and they aren't meant to "just get over it" overnight. Don't be too hard on yourself.
Thanks good advise and I need to hear that ❤️
This is a good thing! The media has had everyone in fear for two years! Get out and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. Do not let fear control you.
Easier said than done Kampal
Even if you are just by yourself enjoying that sunshine walking and getting that natural Vit D- it is better then staying behind 4 walls and will make you feel better once those endorphins get going. Everyone is different in how they respond. I didn’t stop doing things and going out, socializing, etc… so to me… not too much has changed except I don’t have to wear a mask in a store anymore. I had covid 15 months ago- I have diabetes, and got through it with just a cold. I still have the natural antibodies- so I never lived in fear to begin with, because I trusted the science of Natural immunity. Fear can and will stop you in your tracks. Take it slow, week by week- going out by yourself for a walk, then out to stores, out to eat, etc…. Do everything at your own pace.
LOL... I have found amusement over these types of statements. Social media, YouTube, websites and blogs are media too.
That said... being outside has data driven evidence it saying that it is the safest place to be. I am really lucky to have a governor that got that early on (while still listening to the health departments.) I was in a city for a month that believed in masks outside too. That was miserable.
However you also need to know that compromised people already avoid activities. Covid affects the nervous system which affects the immune system. At a min long covid is highly likely even with a vaccine. Can you blame them? It is important to assume someone wearing a mask is doing it for a reason and honor that.
I hear you sister! It seemed like we were all in the same boat during Covid struggling with anxiety over the pandemic and feeling lonely, overwhelmed and isolated. but now there’s this push to get out there -be happy and do a whole bunch of stuff! I don’t feel that way at all .. like you. most health experts agree that we’re all suffering from some form of PTSD from the pandemic. Give yourself a break. Be gentle with yourself. I’m trying to find little things that bring joy like swimming or sitting in nature. Meeting a pal for a walk or coffee. Keeping it simple. I’m not up for bars or crowds - it’s gotta be mellow! Hang in there. ❤️