I’m tired and alone: I feel so alone... - Anxiety and Depre...

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I’m tired and alone

BrownEyesBlue profile image
20 Replies

I feel so alone and like I have no one.

I reach out to people and it just seems like I’m looking for pity.

I’m lonely. All alone.

I reached out to a niece who I was always close with; she had written me a very long detailed message of how I was unbearable to talk too a while back. I don’t think people realize I don’t ask to be this way.

She called when my ex and I broke up (I wrote about him in a previous post). He had reached out to her. The telephone conversation ended with “I’ll message you”. She never did. So today I messaged her back and said “I didn’t hear from you 😕”.

To say her message back was rude is an understatement. I now feel like her only intention of calling was to drive the knife a little deeper; an “I told you so”. I feel stupid for not seeing people’s true colours and not believing them when they tell me who they are.

I’m just so broken and alone right now. I just want someone to talk to and help me through this. I’m scared I’ll go back. I’m scared I won’t find someone else. I’m scared I’ll be alone forever. I’m just so scared.....

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BrownEyesBlue profile image
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20 Replies

BrownEyesBl, I am sending you a huge virtual hug. You are going through a difficult time. A break up is hard enough to go through without being alone. I went through a really tough break up alone and I would have loved to have had some support. You are not alone. You have this community here. We all care about you. I am sorry for your nieces harsh words. It sounds very out of order. Are you still having therapy?

BrownEyesBlue profile image
BrownEyesBlue in reply to

Yes. Still doing the therapy. And the medications. I’m just so stressed. I just feel broken and lonely. Oh the loneliness and being alone is the worse feeling in the world 😢

in reply to BrownEyesBlue

I think you are right. Feeling lonely is just so awful. I would post on here when you feel alone so you have people to talk to. It is great you still have therapy and are taking the medications.

miles45 profile image
miles45 in reply to

I am experiencing the lonliness as you are. I try to do things to meet people, however, most people my age already have their own families, grandchildren, etc. If anyone has any suggestions how to meet people (I am 73, female), please give me suggestions. Thank you.

in reply to miles45

Hello miles45. Welcome to the forum. I am sorry to hear you are lonely. I would make regular posts on here and you will make friends in no time.

JEG325 profile image

First, calm down....I will talk to you whenever you need someone to listen. Believe me, I know where you're coming from.

I've been on this site for a year and I was a lot like you when I started. Broken, shattered and alone.

But, I met my sweetie on this site and I am here to tell you that there is always hope and you shouldn't give up.

However, I will take it further and chat with you whenever I am available and you need me. Otherwise, I will always answer you when you send me a message.

I have strong shoulders and 2 ears that are not busy right now. So you can pm me or talk to me here. I repeat, I will always answer.

I will listen to whatever you want to say as many times as you want to say it. I will also pray for you too. I want you to turn your life around and rediscover the beauty and sunshine all around you.

Remember, you are one of a kind! More rare than the most precious jewel....You are worth treasuring just for that fact alone!


Sorry, I relate to how you feel, the problem is when we are ill we try and explain how we feel and expect people who we trusted when we were ok. What can happen, some people become frightened and are unable to relate to your mental health concern. This can also cause problems as you keep trying to explain how you feel, the person feels you are going on a bit and eventually walk away.

You need to talk to someone so CBT may help where you can discuss all your concerns and gain suggestions on how to control your Depression/ Anxiety.


Ragdoll15 profile image
Ragdoll15 in reply to

You are so right. I think I am inclined to push people away. The trouble is that when you are consumed with anxiety it's difficult to be able to talk or feel about anything else, and as you say we push people away.

AjaStar profile image

I feel the same and you expect your family to understand but they don’t. I also feel people pull away because they see the weakness and it bothers them. I think it’s a natural instinct to detest weakness that’s why there are bullies because there are people who can’t stand to see the weakness that is so evident and maybe contagious and they want to either avoid it (you) or stomp it down the way a bully does. So I stopped expecting someone to just magically appear to come and help me and make me feel better. You have to do it yourself which is discouraging but when you start to feel better about yourself, people won’t see the gloom and doom you were portraying before and they’ll start to come around. It sucks because you need people to be there for you now not when you are happy, but who really wants to be around such sadness. It just doesn’t work that way, so we have to somehow get happy on our own.

JEG325 profile image

I may not have done a good job on my pm. I am sleepy and in need some rest. But, I wanted to reiterate. I will always answer your responses.

Hopefully there will be much less typos the next time....

Try to stop dwelling on how you feel by replacing that time with something that you love. Some hobby or activity that makes you happy.

I would like to hear about your favorite hobby or activity. I love music, reading and writing. I watch some TV too & love NFL Football.

You can ask me about my life and how I deal with stuff too. Just knowing that someone is there who will listen to you is helpful.

Have as awesome of a day as you can!

BrownEyesBlue profile image
BrownEyesBlue in reply to JEG325

Thank you. I love writing but it’s been a while....

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to BrownEyesBlue

Please keep writing. I think this will really help. Let the beauty that is within you flow out in your writing.

Remember that you are Precious and Loved. Try to let your neice's cruel words go. Not worth your time .

God Bless x

Kat63 profile image

This is terribly bad behavior on your niece’s part.

I don’t care what you’re like - you deserve better.

This might be a stupid question, but are you in therapy or counseling of some kind?

Would it be an option for you to reach out to a faith community?

I think you’re in a place where you need kindness and comforting more than anything else.

K9Crazy profile image

Let me just say I am new to this forum, and this was the first entry I read. However, I wanted to reach out to you. I’ve feel I’ve been in your shoes and still am to an extent. Not sure if you have pets but they are about the only thing that love you unconditionally and are always happy to see you. Increasing your spiritual side helps too. Sometimes it’s worse to have someone that lives with you and still be lonely. To quote Marilyn Monroe “Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together”. I have acquaintances but few close friends and I let very few know everything about me, unfortunately even my therapist. I guess I’m scared of being judged. Please hang in their and feel free to reach out to me if you ever need to talk.

BrownEyesBlue profile image
BrownEyesBlue in reply to K9Crazy

Thank you.

miles45 profile image

I have a younger sister (10 years) and sends me emails she want no calls, em's, vm's, texts, nothing from me. She will not explain nor tell me why she wants no contact with me at all.

Her cold heartedness creates depression and anxiety to me because she refuses to tell my why. She lives in San Diego and I live in Milwaukee, WI. I am 73 and she is 64. Any suggestions why a sibling is like this?

Justbreathe3 profile image

I know exactly how you feel. Like no one cares and there is no one you can turn to for help. Yes there are friends and loved ones but it is not the same. People need to learn this is an illness and with support we all can become better. Giving you lots of hugs. Wish i could do it in person but stay strong.

There's nothing anybody can say or do to make the pain go away. I know it sucks

It takes time for your heart to heal. Just hang in there it will get better.

princesshalss profile image

If you need someone to listen or even talk to you can PM me. Sometimes even just mindless babbling or to get things off your chest can help! XO

20156 profile image

I know what it feels to be in your shoes ...I have lived a life in which it seemed like I was a burden to every one .....I felt so alone that I would only talk to my dolls made of gloves I sometimes only needed a hug and someone to listen to me......but here I have met a community of people who understand what I feel.....so feel positive I believe this community will help you ...whenever you feel alone just log in ... remember there is always a clear sky at the end of a storm ....don't give up there will always be a brighter tomorrow

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