I have just finished my last therapy sessions . Feeling pretty emotional but in a good way , so just felt like sharing 🐼
Therapy has come to an end ! - Anxiety and Depre...
Therapy has come to an end !

Sometimes talking to someone can give a chance to let things out. Sometimes there is nothing to share. Treat this like quitting cigarettes. Take all the money you will save on not paying a therapist and buy yourself something you don’t need. That’s the way of things. You do you panda!!!!
Hi it’s Shnookie. Good that feel emotionally good. R U still taking meds ? Wishing U good luck on your journey.
Hugs 🤗 S
Thank you . Nope I had to come off them as if was effecting my vision .
So sorry to hear that the meds negatively impacted your vision. Hopefully your eyesight is better now.
Congratulations Megapanda on completing your therapy sessions.Although, we never really are finished. We must use all we learned
and got out of therapy in working on ourselves now that we have been
given a path to follow.
Good Luck....you still have us. We all need each other's support xx
Megapanda, glad to hear this 8smaking you feel so good!
If you feel the need for follow-ups, has your therapist recommended support groups, or other venues?
That's great. Hopefully, you find it helpful and yes it has fewer chances of recurrence. I had also taken the counseling session (CBT)a few years back to treat anxiety and it worked really well for me. I am glad that somebody else feels it right too.