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A tip from a fellow panic attacker who thinks can help us ...

PrincessOfGod profile image
9 Replies

Hello all. Today, I had a 74 yr old lady (who suffers from panic attacks) tell me she finally found something that has helped her! I have not tried or done this yet but thought I'd pass it along to my friends to see if they've heard of it, or have tried it before.

She drastically reduced the sodium intake of what she eats, and now carefully looks at sodium on every product. Since doing this, she says her panic attacks have reduced SO MUCH, and that I need to try it asap.

I lived a normal life until I was 32 years old when I had my first panic attack. I've mostly managed to live with GAD since then (I'm 55 now), but it has not been easy. The first 3 years, it morphed into me not going anywhere, not even outside to get the mail (agoraphobia). My husband worked 2nd shift and I was alone at home, with two babies in diapers (1 year apart). It was a nightmare that I'll never forget. Slowly, with faith and medication (after getting the courage to get out of the house to see a Dr) I transformed to a semi-functional adult mother. Along with mind meds, alprazolam, and a little medicine for epilepsy (which I do not have), the Dr. felt it, in particular, would help treat the symptoms of my panic attacks, and it helped.

After 23 years of marriage, my husband passed away 4 years ago, leaving Daddy's little girl fatherless at 17, and her brother 18. Needless to say, this caused me a great deal of anxiety, and still does. I hid my anxiety disorder from the kids until they were 16 and 17 because I did not want them to see me as different or disabled.

They found out when I was teaching them to drive. My main attacks come when I find myself about 20 min away from home. I start googling where the nearest hospitals are, avoid all highways (now mind you, I used to drive for a living, and took very long vacations). As if losing my husband was not traumatic enough, I soon found myself losing the legality of being responsible for two children because they were no longer 18. They were "adults" and that was a new experience, one that no one tells you about when you're thinking of having children (which I prayed 31 years for before it happened).

While they continued to live with me, they were out doing their own things, living their own lives, getting into car wrecks, drinking in bars, ya know, all the things they thought were now freely available to them, without "rules". I almost felt they enjoyed torturing me and my nerves lol, and boy oh boy, was I more anxious than ever! Not knowing where they were sometimes, and not hearing from them for days...all I had was prayer and faith the God would keep them safe and make them remember how they were raised.

My kids are great kids. Daughter now 22, due to graduate in May 2022 with a business degree from Indiana Wesleyan University. Son 23, still a virgin (waiting for the one woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with) and saving to buy a house. He moved out just 2 months ago, but the bad part of that (aside from the EMPTY NEST SYNDROME that STILL plagues me, sigh) he basically disowned us. Got a new phone number and did not speak to his sister or me until YESTERDAY. He came and took us to lunch, and I'm not kidding when I say this, I literally cried after he left, with happy tears, for nearly 4 hours. It was such a relief to my heart that he was OK, and he still loved me. He promised to come see us every Wednesday now.


I'm lonely. I have not dated since hubby passed away, but I would love companionship. I've tried online dating, and they are all creepos, so I basically have come to terms that I might live the rest of my days out feeling this dark loneliness. My kids and husband were my life...every moment of it, a dream come true, whether good or bad times, we were a solid unit. Since my daughter spends all of her time at her boyfriend's house, I am alone (thank goodness I have her 4 rescue dogs to keep me company). She'll POP-IN literally for 3-4 minutes, long enough to ask for money, get clean clothes and toiletries, and dip back out.

"Help me Lord" is my favorite saying and "sighing" is my favorite exercise it seems. I'm lost right now, and just pray the Lord will show me what the next chapter of my life is supposed to be. Needless to say, when I have my daily panic attacks now, there is no one here to help me or watch me, or anything. Just me and the utter fear of dying, feelings of death, and darkness.

Any ol hoo, thought I'd share the sodium thing lol. Got a bit off-topic. I enjoy reading everyone's posts, and I'd like to encourage you all in your own journeys in any way I can. Take care :)

New link to check out that will not only help with depression, but BAKING SODA added to your coffee (just a pinch) will reduce the acidity and raise the sodium a bit. I'm going to try it myself, let me know if anyone else does.


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9 Replies
Roxylox profile image

You have had a tough time, my heart goes out to all your family. Mine are 24, 22 and 18 and their father is a big part of their lives

My brother passed away 11 years ago, leaving his wife and 3 boys 25, 23 and 20. It hit them hard, but they are doing pretty well.

My sister- in- law didn't want to meet anybody new, my 2 sisters and I feel it would be great for her. Shr is 65 soon, so she probably won't go in the way of meeting anyone at this stage.

At 55 you are still young. I am 56 and happily married, most of the time I still feel young. I can see how online dating could be yeuch!

Perhaps you could take up a course or a hobby that interests you, possibly meet people that way?

The sodium idea is interesting. I only suffer a little bit of social anxiety along with bipolar, but my cousin suffers full- on anxiety. I will pass on the tip to her. Too much sodium is bad for our blood pressure anyway, if nothing more, so it wouldn't do any harm to cut down.

PrincessOfGod profile image
PrincessOfGod in reply to Roxylox

Hi Roxy, such a great name (play on Goldilocks?) Love it!

I did pick up a new hobby. After sitting on the front porch for 3 months whittling sticks (which I've never done in my life), my daughter suggested trying painting. Reluctantly, and definitely not being an artist, I appeased her nevertheless. Started by watching "how-to" videos and asking other newbies, etc. (this was right after he passed away).

4 years later, I've continued the hobby, and have managed to even sell a few! Who knew?! Last winter, I was selected to add a piece to our local art gallery. I did not place (or win the money I had hoped to lol), but being talented enough for them to accept my entry was a great feeling. The kids and I went to the exhibit opening and took a selfie in front of mom's piece :)

My cover art is a photo taken in Butler County, Ohio one early sunrise on an old country road. I've always had an eye for beautiful photos, so I guess God blessed me in a way that he knew of a hidden talent.

My heart feels for the loss in your family, and oh my gosh, the poor kids. It is SO hard. My best friend lost her only sister a year ago, and 3 nights ago, her nephew (26 years old). Life is short on this Earth, and one thing I've known since my best friend passed away in 1990 (my grandmother), is to cherish every moment.

Thank you for replying, and God bless you! Let me know how the sodium thing goes too, I'm willing to try it myself.

Roxylox profile image
Roxylox in reply to PrincessOfGod

Wasn't trying to do a play on Goldilocks, but you are right , it could be. Was more about rock music, which I love.

The photo is beautiful. Lucky you, your daughter helped you discover your talent. To be able to sell them is fantastic! My youngest daughter hopes to study art at college next year, she is good at it.

I think I have found a hobby I enjoy in Creative Writing. Drove to meet the group in person for the 1st time today. Think it went well.

Your friend has had a very tough time. I try to cherish the moments too. I will contact my cousin soon.

Happy painting!

PrincessOfGod profile image
PrincessOfGod in reply to Roxylox

What a doll you are! Thank you. Hey, I just found this out today, please also share it with your friend.


It says that adding just a pinch of baking soda helps with depression, and also has enough sodium in it, to help with what I began talking about at the beginning of this thread! I'm a daily coffee drinker, so of course, I'm going to try it. I'll be back to give my opinion if I notice anything different.

So glad you enjoyed meeting your writing group. I too am a writer and enjoy it immensely. God bless your day.

Roxylox profile image
Roxylox in reply to PrincessOfGod

Will pass that on, thanks.

Agora1 profile image

PrincessOfGod, what a beautiful username. I am truly sorry for the loss of your husband.Also have had GAD and Agoraphobia for 5 years, I understand how life changing it was.

But as long as we have a breath in us, it's amazing in what hidden talents we can find.

A new Chapter, a new Journey.

I wanted to touch on the subject of sodium intake. I don't know about the benefits in

making your anxiety better however, anytime we make a change in our body for the good, it can help.

I watch my sodium intake and take medication for blood pressure. In that, I've noticed

a dramatic feeling in my overall health and stamina.

Everything on the market's shelves are literally loaded with high amounts of sodium.

Most things in a can come also with heightened sodium. I also watch for any MSG which

can put one in a spiral of anxiety. Fresh products are usually best to use and season to taste.

I'm going to do some research on less sodium, lessened anxiety.

Thanks for your post. I wish you well in your artistic ventures :) xx

PrincessOfGod profile image
PrincessOfGod in reply to Agora1

Hello sweet one, God bless you! Thank you for the kind words and understanding, it means the world to me.

Yes, the lady who told me about the sodium helping her, mentioned that even bread has outrageous amounts of it. When we eat Chinese, we ask for NO msg to be added. Not sure if you knew you could do that (ask).

Thank you for reading and commenting, have a blessed day love!

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to PrincessOfGod

:) xx

PrincessOfGod profile image

The CDC Adds Mental Health Conditions to High-Risk Covid-19 ListThe addition of mood disorders expands the list of Americans eligible for booster shots by millions

Corryn Wetzel

October 29, 2021 4:33 p.m.

The CDC added mental health disorders to the list of primarily physical conditions that increase the risk of Covid-19 hospitalization or death. Andriy Onufriyenko via Getty Images

Earlier this month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) added mood disorders to the list of conditions that put people at high risk for severe Covid-19. Millions of Americans with conditions "including depression and schizophrenia spectrum disorders” are eligible for booster shots based on their mental health diagnosis alone.

The decision comes after mounting evidence that mental health conditions make individuals of any age more likely to become severely ill from Covid-19. A meta-analysis published this month in JAMA Psychiatry found a link between mood disorders and the risk of hospitalization and death from Covid-19, according to Lauren Frias for Insider. A study from January of this year found that Covid patients with schizophrenia were nearly three times more likely to die from the virus, though those with mood and anxiety disorders were not at an increased risk of death from coronavirus infection. A 2020 study from the Lancet Psychiatry was another to suggest that “a psychiatric diagnosis might be an independent risk factor.”

“Not only would it increase the risk of Covid, it would increase the severity of Covid once you have it,” says Maxime Taquet, the lead author of the Lancet study and a psychiatry researcher at Oxford University, to Dani Blum for the New York Times.

The CDC made the addition on October 14, adding mental health to the list of primarily physical conditions that increase the risk of hospitalization or death, like having a weakened immune system, diabetes, obesity, and substance use disorders, such as addiction to alcohol or opioids. One reason researchers are finding a link between mental health disorders and severe Covid-19 may be because long-term mental health conditions take a physical toll that makes patients more vulnerable to diseases.

Conditions like depression can “wreak havoc on the body’s immune system,” says Christine Crawford, an associate medical director at the National Alliance on Mental Illness, to the New York Times. “They’re at increased risk, just because of the impact the stress response has on the body.”

Around 19 million American adults—nearly 8 percent of the country—had at least one major depressive episode in 2019. Since then, the numbers have only grown. In 2020, the pandemic triggered 53 million new cases of depression globally, reports Washington Post’s Jenna Portnoy. The CDC’s addition of mental health conditions to the high-risk list comes after months of deliberation and pressure from advocates.

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