Let's get started **Trigger Warning: ... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Let's get started **Trigger Warning: talk of sexual abuse

JustWannaBeHappy17 profile image

Hello to my beautiful friends, I hope you're all doing well and enjoying your weekend. I've taken the past few days to give myself the time to mentally prepare to bring up all of the trauma and be completely honest with not only myself but all of you. There is so much that has happened, that with some situations I end up trying to make excuses for what the other person has done to me. There is one in particular that I would like to start with.

Trigger Warning: This story has to do with sexual abuse from a family member.

When I was around 11-12, I had two family members, cousins, who had been adopted when they were children come back into the family, for my sake, I'm going to change their names for this story, so we'll call them Jack and Sally. Jack is older than I, by 11 years, and Sally also older, by 9 years. Jack and I ended up becoming close, as I saw him as the older brother I never had and had always wanted. Over the next year or two, I ended up going and visiting him and his girlfriend quite often on weekends, going with them to his baseball games and tournaments. When we would get back to the house, and Jack wasn't around, his girlfriend would give me alcohol and let me get drunk. Of course at that age, I thought it was so cool and I loved the attention of feeling like they saw me as a mature young adult (who the **** was I kidding). Sometimes I'd bring my best friend with me, but up until this point, every time I had been there, his girlfriend was always there. Well, one weekend his girlfriend wasn't there, and my friend hadn't come with me. He and I just hung out at the house, watched movies and ordered pizza. Again, up until this point his girlfriend had always been there whenever I was, so I would either sleep on the couch or the spare room if it was set up. Since she wasn't there, he had said we could watch movies in their room and I could pass out in there. I didn't think anything of it- why would I? We're family. I'm supposed to be safe in this environment. I was just a kid, I didn't think things like this could/would happen. Silly me. I passed out, and woke up, with his hands, between my shorts, feeling my bikini area over my underwear. I kept my eyes closed, I was terrified. I pretended like I was still asleep. I didn't know what to do, what to say. I didn't know how to react, or how he would if he knew I was awake. I was crying, SCREAMING, inside. How could this be happening? Does he know what he's doing? I instantly started making excuses, he must be half asleep and used to sleeping with his girlfriend so doesn't realize what he's doing. Anything to make me feel like what was happening wasn't what it was. Until I felt the bed moving and heard his breathing and moaning to him pleasing himself. Once he was done, he finally stopped touching me. He never stuck his fingers inside me but touched all of the outsides. I was frozen. Confused. Scared. I laid there for an hour waiting to make sure he was asleep and ran out of that room and to the couch as fast as I could and had put track pants on over my shorts. After that visit, I never went back. I never told anyone, I just buried it down. Years later, my mother and I were living with my grandmother, and Jack and his girlfriend had broken up, so he moved in. At this point, I still hadn't told anyone about the incident from years ago and convinced myself it was a mistake and he didn't realize who it was and what he was doing. I acted normal with him like nothing had ever happened, which now looking back I think has a lot to do with my father not being in my life at the time and wanting an older male in my life (****** up, but the truth). So I would still hang out with him while others were around. One night I was upset about something, I can't remember at this point what it was, but he was in his room watching a movie, so I went to join, stupidly thinking what the **** could happen when there's other people in the house. Again, silly me. I had passed out during the movie, and this time, woke up with his hand in my shirt, completely under my bra, cupping my breast. Again, I was frozen and confused and so upset that I had again put myself in this situation. I didn't say anything, but this time I just got up and walked out of the room. I didn't say anything afterwards, he didn't say anything. For the second time, we both acted as if nothing had ever happened. Knowing this had happened a second time, I knew it couldn't be a mistake this time. There's no way it happens two times as a mistake. He was single and had been sleeping by himself for months at this point, there was no excuse. This time, it ******* me up mentally. I was around 19-21 at this time, and started drinking excessively and doing drugs.

That summer, I was at a family cottage and had been drinking and ended up opening up to my mother, but making it extremely clear that I wasn't yet ready to make this public within the family and deal with it, and that I needed her to respect that. She and I have a rocky relationship, so the fact that I opened up to her about this was huge. And unfortunately, she didn't respect me at all, made a bunch of drama mostly making it about herself. Because of the way she dealt with it, it never even got dealt with properly and I was left with most people not even believing me, so I just dropped it and stopped talking about it. Her betraying my trust, and then not even being genuine about the situation and just using it to benefit her, made it even worse for me, and made me shut down even more.

This is the first time I've talked about it since, it's the first time I've let myself think about it. But finally admitting that what he did was wrong, and knowing that it was not my fault, feels good. I know I need to speak with a professional and dive deep into the trauma, but this is a big first step for me. If you're still here reading this, thank you. Thank you for allowing a safe space for me to be genuinely honest about this situation. I will slowly start getting more and more out, and am glad you are a part of my journey.

Sending love and positivity to all of you xoxoxo

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JustWannaBeHappy17 profile image
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3 Replies
SquirrelsHolt profile image

Hi and after reading your story i have great empathy for you. Such a nightmare of a situation all made worse because you've nobody you can 100%confide in and trust. Are you in a position to seek professional help? It seems that you are carrying all this on your shoulders and its really important that you seek support, from your Doctor who can recommend a good counsellor. Please do come back and tell us and also for other people in very similar situations, that it's never too late to find your voice and speak out. Wishing you all the best. 🐿🥜🥜

DodgeDhanda profile image

Hi JWBH17.

Just a simple question to start off with ..... is either ur cousin or mother still part of ur life ??

AZdesert35 profile image

Tim Burton reference? Well done. First, I don't even know what to say about your story. It was very brave and healthy for you to share that. I admire that. I feel totally unqualified to offer any advice here as I have no true understanding of experiences like that. If it's weighing you down this much, I would suggest a professional who concentrates on this type of trauma to help you work through it effectively. That being said, I can make a few points.

First, we can't pick our family. While all cultures put a priority on the bond of family and blood is thicker than water and all that, I don't really buy into it. As an east coast Italian, I was raised that family comes before everything. I come from a very safe but very dysfunctional family. I never understood how we share the same DNA because we are all such complete opposites. While I never had a situation like yours, I've been betrayed and used heavily by family members and I always tried to write it off and just absorb it. All these years later, I realize that if they can't respect me as a member of their family, they've lost my respect and support of them as family. I've cut ties with certain members of my family and moved on. Much the same as I've done with a friend who used me or takes advantage of me or throws me under the bus when things go wrong. Don't look at it as one family member versus another. Just think of it as two human beings. If you wouldn't tolerate that treatment from a stranger, you shouldn't tolerate it from a member of your family. Respect within a family is earned, not a right as society will have you believe. My family members members have to earn my trust and respect just like anyone else. If a relationship is toxic, I don't care what the relationship is, move on. You will never feel better, be stronger or be more healthy than when you have eliminated all the garbage from your life and replace it with only good, healthy people and things. Surround yourself with love and respect and support. From there, you can build on the internal things you want to work on. I've seen too many good people swallowed up because they choose to allow themselves to be around questionable people or murky circumstances. As for moving forward, again, I've never had anyone do anything that bad to me, but over the years, the one perspective that has helped me when people have used or betrayed or lied to me or cheated on me was to say I've let this person rob me of time. Those are minutes I will never get back. They've send me down the wrong path. They've used money I spent weeks or months working to achieve. They've robbed me of something in the past. I will be damned if I will give them the benefit or power of taking anything else from me again. Even if they are not around and it's just the mental energy I now spend dwelling on it. They didn't deserve what they got back then, they certainly don't deserve anything from me now. Own your future and don't let them keep taking from you. But again, I would talk to someone who knows what they are doing. Hugs for your journey...

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