so to start this off I was raped about from around age 9 to 12 by my mother's husband. I was young and grew up in a very broken home, with very broken people. dad was in and out of my life, still is about 11 years later.
there's a little back story... there's alot to it and I've posted about my childhood some on here.
to get back on track I've dealt with this since it has all happened, who wouldn't... I've had my fair shares of doubting my self worth, self harm, suicide attempts, running away, having bad boyfriends / girlfriends, having severe depression, anxiety, paranoia and just taking everything out on myself. I thought that I was the fault for everything bad that's ever happened to me.
I used to dream about him alot... I used to dream about it happening again, him coming back, him finding me, or my mother taking him back. I've had dreams like this since I was 15. this last year I've done everything to re process my brain to stay positive, I've grown and healed so much.. I fell in love, got engaged, moved in with my partner, got a job, a car.. did everything everyone said I couldn't or would.. the man who took my innocence away was in the back of my head and stayed there. I barely thought about it. I wasn't going to let it affect my current relationship and good life I have going. I recently opened up to my fiance about a sexual abuse encounter I had when we were split up. I went to a party, drank way to much and the girl I went to the party with was no where to be found. I woke up with just my dress on, slipped up, and everything else gone... I think that sparked flash backs, hurt, and things I never wanted to think about again.
with that being said it's been on my mind a lot lately and I dreamed about him last night. I woke up this morning terrified and in tears wishing it would all just go away. I put myself in that situation.... I feel better coming on here and sharing this with my friends... I know everyone is beyond kind and only wants what's best for me. sometimes i just need a shoulder. my fiance doesn't know about the dream.. I feel almost like a burden. like a mess up. I know everything will be okay and I control my own life at the end of the day... I just needed to get this out there.
I love you all and thank you for listening 💗