So much in so let it out in FREEWRITE - Anxiety and Depre...

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So much in so let it out in FREEWRITE

Starrlight profile image
72 Replies

There’s so much in my head today

Let’s let out some of it, huh?

What are you thinking?

This is a place you can just write anything without thinking first about punctuation or anything and it doesn’t matter how it sounds or looks or if it makes any sense. It’s to release. I don’t know if anyone will want to do this but I will.... I need it!!!!!!!!!!!

Here i go:

Rough stars birds 🦅 you hurt me PAIN anddoyoucare no not enough to stop hurting me Songsofbirds again playinginmymind 🦅 please guide, come help me I’mintroubledeepthistime I’m very tired 😓 I’m very tired 😓 I’m oh so 😓 let me lay down and pray with you, universe, grassy hills meadows filled of wild flowers be still be at peace .....whycantibeatpeacenow ❤️

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Starrlight profile image
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72 Replies
Starrlight profile image

Your turn......

Mrspjsmom profile image

I like being by myself in the quiet of the early morning with my dog my cat and fresh coffee when things get loud I will find a peaceful place. Don't want to talk. Don't want to take care of you. Just want to be!

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply toMrspjsmom

Nice! I just want to be..... yes

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply toMrspjsmom



Roxylox profile image

Local people new neighbours judge me people out walking with friends, during day just have my dog outside of family very few people like me, yet they dont know me go on hearsay not fair am finding my tribe on line a little less so on Zoom. Tomorrow may be a better day. I keep learning online like learning. Soon meet some Zoom peers in person mYbe ,a little nervous. Prob can't look much worse in person than l do on Zoom. No poetic language in my freestyle Starrlight. Yours shone great idea here, felt great

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply toRoxylox

Roxylox I can sense you got a lot of deep stuff out. I’m so happy it felt great! I loved reading it. You’re a pro at this

Roxylox profile image
Roxylox in reply toStarrlight

Oh, no I" m not, but thanks for the great idea. It really helps!

Mrspjsmom profile image
Mrspjsmom in reply toRoxylox

I have a black notebook I call my b**ch book. I use dark colored pens and let out my negativity and anger. Occasionally some of it gets copied to my journal. Usually I let it out, rip out the page and rip it up into teeny, tiny pieces before I throw it out. Very therapeutic. 😊

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply toMrspjsmom

That is such a cool idea! Genius. I like burning things 🔥 😆

Mrspjsmom profile image
Mrspjsmom in reply toStarrlight

I used to burn things in the fireplace. But we got a gas insert. So now it's into the trash then covered with coffee grounds. Glad you like the idea, it really helps me. A way to express my feelings then let them go.

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply toMrspjsmom

Cool 😎

Roxylox profile image
Roxylox in reply toMrspjsmom

I love it!

Starrlight profile image

Fuckshitjustwentonawalkandifeelworsethanwhenileftimsoanxious this is not a good time fir me I know it will pass I feel creepiness creeping in my body the anxiety moving around should have run instead of walked ffffffffffffffuck

in reply toStarrlight


Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to


Isinatra profile image

Been lying here on my couch for three hours. No tv yet. Just silence , my thoughts and iPad. Reminiscing of high school life…the fun times, it’s what I do for company in the wee hours . Coffee to clear the head. Answering pms from other early risers. Trying to sound coherent. Had to put a hoodie on to ward off the chill of a/c. Love the cold. Thoughts of what I need to do today spring up,but put them aside to be considered more seriously later. A cocoon right now is needed. Two comfy blankets. Two pillows. I love this start to my day. Alone, but not lonely.

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toIsinatra

Hey you shouldn't be reminiscing about times in high-school, or maybe you should, but you must find space for your times in Louisiana, had a think block don't know if I've spelt it right and I've written it sooo many times🤔😞

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply toBTCCET

😂Good reminder! Tomorrow when I wake, I’ll make sure my thoughts will include Louisiana and you as well. You’ll be my companion again. There’s still lots I haven’t shown you yet. It’ll be fun! 💃

BTCCET profile image
BTCCET in reply toIsinatra

We'll resume our travels and I'll be tasting that food 🍲 😋

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply toBTCCET

Looking forward to it, B. 😁

Mrspjsmom profile image
Mrspjsmom in reply toIsinatra

I hated high school. Some of the worst years of my life except for starting to date my husband senior year.. So glad your memories are good ones.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply toMrspjsmom

I’m sorry your memories weren’t happy. It wasn’t Alice in Wonderful for me either, but there are enough good memories I can still pull from to keep me company. Unless I’m imagining them. 😉

b1b1b1 profile image
b1b1b1 in reply toIsinatra

Sounds like a lovely start to the day!

Im just on my bed, reading comments on youtube, next door neighbours dog barking , i know im not mind is in its own world, i let it wonder...i can hear myself breathing, eyes getting tired and i think im half asleep..cant sleep yet cause i ate so much...taking a deep breath as im typing, i don't even know what I'm doing, all spaced out yet in my corner killing time, unforgiving you my friend🙂

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to

Bro I love ya so, yo yo yo lol are ya still awake let’s bake my chef friend I just ate and drinking matcha 🍵 gotcha no really I am I feel like I should rhyme for some reason I love this new season almost autumn I bought some kick-ass boots but I feel bad I should be saving money honey 🍯 I’m suuuuuuuuuper woman no actually I’m super anxious right now it’s almost unbearable. Are you asleep if you are not then make a peep. P.s. Hope your birds are well. (Magic spell. ✨ did it work?) I was casting a be happy spell on you!!!!

Plant that I used to help cast the spell with
Florida1959 profile image

I have Covid at the moment, so I am at peace with myself during isolation xxxx

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply toFlorida1959

Oh no (((((((((((( healing hugs)))))))) peace=yaaaaay so glad you have peace ☮️

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply toStarrlight

Tired, so tired. Long work days. Just want to sleep. That will come. So many appointments. Busy weeks. Birthday with my granddaughter Sunday ❤️ Her. Talking with friends. Need some exercise. Makes me feel good. Welcome fall.


queenetta profile image

Tired and it’s fiveinthemorning welp I have school, hope I don’t lose my cool and miss any classes, sick to my stomach, frick I have a concert tomorrow and I’vebarelypracticed

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply toqueenetta

Are you sick from a bug or sick from emotional stuff? What kind of concert?

queenetta profile image
queenetta in reply toStarrlight

Sick with anxiety and Chronic stomach illness , and orchestra I play viola 🎶

They call it tomorrow, but it's just a fresh rain-washed reborn today.

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to

I feel you. ❤️

in reply toStarrlight

❤️ What was told to the flowers that caused them to rise after the rain?

I wish I could take credit for these words, Starrlight, but they are from a beloved poet that I follow. I love poetry, even write my own, not sure I can share just yet. It would probably be cathartic.....someday 🙏🏻

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to

Yes when you are ready. Thanks for sharing Thanks for the writing you shared. 🤔 I wonder...

in reply toStarrlight

You are welcome.💗 About the flowers, I wish I knew the answer, it would be a great help.....🌸

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

Nature follows its own path. A flower doesn't have to think to rise. It's just part of being a flower.


in reply toDolphin14

This is a lovely response, Dolphin, thank-you. 🌼 We humans need to do the same, rise above our troubles and start fresh after cloudy times.

Starrlight profile image

❤️ ❤️

c-mac profile image

New development on the meditation front -- sadly, I don' tthink I'm always meditating my way out of problems. I've always been able to suppress feelings and thoughts I don't want, so I swallowed all my anger for like 25 years until I figured it out. And now I'm seeing that some of the time I think I'm refocusing on my conscious experience, I'm actually just suppressing my feelings through that ancient mechanism I have. The result is that I had a couple of really unprofessional angry outbursts in front of my colleagues. I think it's those suppressed feelings finding a way out. So my path to nirvana hit a broken bridge, and it's going to take some work to repair it.

The neat thing, though, is that now I can see that feeling and thought suppression thing -- the bad one -- as it's happening while I meditate. So maybe -- maybe -- I can find a way to stop doing it. That would be a huge step for me. But, it's also maybe not possible. So we'll see.

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply toc-mac

I’m so sorry you suffer that way. I have also noticed I have a lot of inner rage... just recently it bubbles near the top...but it’s weird because I don’t tend to bottle things up but I guess there are certain things that are too much that I did bottle up. My therapist says when things start to come up, start writing things down to try to put pieces together as I lost a lot of my memory.Best to you. I think it’s possible for sure... it would be cool if you could work with a really good therapist I think. You think?

c-mac profile image
c-mac in reply toStarrlight

Good advice. I have a permanent therapist, and I'm talking to her. I also don't remember much of my childhood -- I think that's part of the feelings suppression, too.

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply toc-mac

Oh good on the therapist. I love mine. She was supposed to call me 30 minutes ago though and I’m really frazzled and anxious and depressed and just terrible feeling even my body hurts all over from stress. I am done. How are you doing?

c-mac profile image
c-mac in reply toStarrlight

I think I'm okay, but I'm feeling unsettled because of this unwanted behavior I did to my colleagues. That's shaken me. I guess there are no easy solutions.

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply toc-mac

Oh I hear you. I have the same sort of thing I keep acting weird toward people the last few days like really immaturely just tonight because my bipolar was out of control and I am not well it does strange things to my personality and choices I make so I understand the embarrassment but you k ow it’s all good it happens you know it’s ok it’s all small stuff in the end really.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply toc-mac

Child in the hood. Trying to be good. Spin around. No one found. What’s the use. Just abuse. Up the stairs. No one there. To the roof. What a goof.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply toIsinatra

Anybody care to add their own ditty?

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply toIsinatra

I forgot until just now. Lying on the tenement roof. Far from assaults. The tar. The heat. So far to the horizon... the church, the row houses. No birds. No one. Silent and alone.

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply toNothing_but_books


Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply toIsinatra


Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply toIsinatra

On the ledge. Sees the edge. Heard a call. Didn’t fall. Down the stairs. Mama’s there. Someone’s there. After all. ( I like a happy ending)

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply toIsinatra

Your rewrite didn't happen in the real world. That's why I like fiction.

My seven-year old fiction of a happy family:

I want a snake just for a pet

But Mother says they're cold and wet

And when I asked my Dad about it

He said "Sorry, dear, I doubt it

And so I guess I'll never get

The snake I want -- just for a pet

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply toNothing_but_books

😊Ah, yes, but this your mother didn’t get…….snakes aren’t ever wet. 😁

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply toIsinatra

Real life memory. Walking down the street when a group of adolescent boys come in view, congregated around a large box. Curious, I walk up and inquire "What do you have there?" One of the boys reaches in the box, pulls out a large garter snake, and shoves it towards my face. Aglow, I reach out and inquire "Wow! Where'd you find him?"

Disappointed response: "Ain't you skeared, lady?" 😄

in reply toNothing_but_books

Ha Ha! I love this Nothing_but-pain. Of course you weren't "skeared!" 👍

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply to

😎 👍

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply toNothing_but_books


Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply toIsinatra

Laying on a blanket on the sea shore at sunrise. Using all 4/5 senses to take in the beauty. Drinking a coffee which sometimes tips over in the sand. Then I use my 5th sense, my coffee gets crunchy :)

Mine doesn't rhyme... 🐬 cant rhyme haha


Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply toDolphin14

☺️Poetry doesn’t have to rhyme. I like to to refer to it as poetic license. You’re very brave to drink coffee with sand in it. Or was it a metaphor?🤔

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply toIsinatra

Ty.... I wanted to be part of the poetry club. Well sometimes it does tip. You wipe of as much as you can but you do always get a taste in there some where. Many people on here know I love my ☕️☕️. Sand and all I will drink it :)


Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply toDolphin14


Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply toDolphin14

Eew. Lovely picture takes a sudden turn down a dark alley. Crunchy?

Where's my Sammy Cahn's Rhyming Dictionary when I need it? Let's give it a go:

With coffee in hand

My day is planned

But I'm unmanned (unwomaned doesn't work)

By these grains of sand


Can I withstand

In a manner grand ?

Take it offhand

'Cause distress is banned...

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply toNothing_but_books

Fantastic! You have talent for sure❤️🐬

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply toDolphin14

Stand me up against Oscar Hammerstein anytime; I'm set to go!

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply toNothing_but_books

😁👌👌Good One!

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply toIsinatra


Starrlight profile image

Oh sounds like someone doesn’t want you to write freely, my friend?

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply toStarrlight

Hello my friend.

Yes, I am contemplating deleting every sound. This is where we come to be safe. What do I do with the rest? I don't know; ill at ease to bring it here. But. There it is.

Dolphin14 profile image

Great post ⭐️


Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply toDolphin14

(((((((( 🐬 )))))))) thanks ❤️ ⭐️ Oh you know it reminds me of when we did the artists way

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply toStarrlight

Yes... that's what I thought of.


Midori profile image

Today started dry but grey, now the wind has risen and there is fine rain blowing, rattling on the windows. I do not like the wind, it fights me and I have to force myself though it. I'm glad I decided to stay in.

Today is a neutral day, not really nasty weather, but Meh. Affects my moods.

I don't understand why folk wax lyrical about sunsets; yes, they are beautiful, but I find them sad, the dying of the day.

The night is beautiful when there are stars and hopefully meteors.

My favourite time of day is dawn, when the sky is mainly clear, before people are around to spoil the peace with cars, etc., I love to watch the sun rise with only the birds for company. It is like having a brand new notebook that I haven't written on, nothing to spoil the peace.

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