I have lived with anxiety and depression for 30+ years. I have learned some things along the way that I would like to share in hopes it will help someone.
1) EVERYONE has anxiety and depression. You are not alone. Yes, it affects people differently and people cope differently, but everyone has it.
2)Cut out caffeine. No coffee, chocolate , tea, soda, caffeinated water, etc. Start by switching to decaf and then cut it out completely. It takes about 3 days of flu-like symptoms, and you will be able to function even though you will feel miserable.
3) See an endocrinologist. They specialize in hormones. if one hormone level is off, it can cause a domino effect and you can feel anxious without knowing why.
4) Investigate your medications. Drugs like sudafed can really mess with your head and body, creating high anxiety and blood pressure. It you experience anxiety symptoms after taking a medication, check with your doctor to see if there is an alternative.
5) Check with a cardiologist. If you are having problems like heart palpitations, check with a cardiologist to make sure there isn't something else causing the palpitations.
6) PMS really messes with your body and can cause extreme anxiety. Something as simple as birth control can help alleviate these symptoms. Talk to your OB/GYN about it.
7) Simplify your life. The more complex and complicated our lives are, the worse anxiety can be. Obviously, if you have children, this can be very difficult. But by setting a schedule/routine, it can alleviate a lot of anxiety. Too many things to do and not enough time to do them causes anxiety. Learn to say no. You might feel bad at first, but once you free up some of your time, you will do it more often and feel much better.
8) Stay away from toxic people. We have all been there just the mere mention of someone's name can send us into a panic. At one point, my anxiety got so bad, I graduated from panic attacks to full blown hives all over my body! I tried everything I couldn't get any relief. It wasn't until I cut my parents out of my life, that I finally got some relief. Granted, this is not always possible, especially if that person is someone you live or work with. But, at the very least, try to minimize your exposure to them.
I hope these help. Please add your tips and tricks for coping with your anxiety!