Feeling Despair: I am a senior citizen... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Feeling Despair

emmi331 profile image
20 Replies

I am a senior citizen, and I am new here. I have been suffering from anxiety and depression for several months now. I have been on a very high level of Buspirone (120 mgs a day), which after several weeks is no longer working, after a relatively anxiety-free 4 or 5 weeks. I know I may need an anti-depressant, but I had such a terrible reaction to one several years ago that I'm frightened to try again. I am ready to despair that this anxiety is back after a month of feeling more like myself again. It's the same symptoms - nameless dread in my stomach, jittery feelings, can barely eat, broken sleep, crying. I am seeing a talk therapy counselor. He has told me in the past that yes, there is light at the end of the tunnel, but that there may be more than one tunnel. I guess this is my second tunnel, although seven years ago I went through something similar. I never thought I would have to go through it again, but here I am. Although my topic is under Anxiety and Panic, I don't recall ever having panic attacks. I have, however, been diagnosed with GAD. I was quickly diagnosed by a GP whom I began to trust less and less, and am now with a much more sympathetic GP. Lastly, I am scheduled at the end of September to see a psychiatrist who specializes is prescribing medications for mental health problems. In the meantime, I am hoping my GP might come up with something that will calm me down for the present. Thank you for reading my long post.

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emmi331 profile image
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20 Replies
EndUser13 profile image

Hello Emmi, welcome!

I feel for you, particularly thinking about bad experiences with medication or worrying about what new ones may do. I had to stop reading warning labels a long time ago because I would get myself too worked up worrying about what-ifs.

General practitioners are great and if you have a good history and rapport with them they can be some of the best people to help, still, they can be limited in time and experience in treating many mental issues. A couple of months sounds like an awful time to wait, my sympathies I've been there before.

I think it's great that you are advocating for yourself and making an effort to seek a better quality of help while also coming here, these forums have some really great people who will actually listen and can offer some great advice or maybe just lend an ear.

emmi331 profile image
emmi331 in reply to EndUser13

Thank you for welcoming me. I am on a waitlist with the psychiatrist, in case of a cancellation by another patient. I made the appointment with him in May! I don't know about other areas, but in my medium-sized city it is impossible to get appointments with specialists in anxiety and depression, unless you're willing to wait for months. There has been a huge increase in need since the pandemic began....no surprise.

EndUser13 profile image
EndUser13 in reply to emmi331

That is ridiculous! I'm sorry, it's unacceptable to have to wait so long when you need help NOW. I'm incredibly grateful for telemedicine and hope medical providers keep using it where applicable. Keep advocating for yourself, call and bug them on occasion to see if there is a cancellation.

Roia profile image

Welcome Emmi. Sorry you have to wait so long to get to your psychiatrist. I also hope that he is worth the wait! I am surprised they prescribed Buspirone alone as it rarely helps from what i know. In any case take one day at the time, lots of positive self care : sleep, healthy food, fresh air, nature and you will get through this.

Suneshine profile image

Hello you described the anxiety and depression really well.And the journey of meditation us suffers have.I hope you get the help and medication to help you on your journey to being well again.Linda.

emmi331 profile image
emmi331 in reply to Suneshine

Thank you for your kind comment, Suneshine.

mschloe profile image

Hi emmi331,

I'm also a senior with GAD & have been using You Tube meditation videos for a while now & they have made a HUGE difference in my anxiety to the point of not needing klonopin most days. You Tube has tons of meditation videos for anxiety, depression, sleep & pain & I have found one that I use several times a day & especially when my anxiety is going up. It's only 15 minutes long & I can easily do it myself without guidance now. I'm presently dealing with severe insomnia which has made my anxiety go way up & You Tube is helping me enormously.

mainegeezer profile image
mainegeezer in reply to mschloe

I am 74 years old. Have had anxiety for the better part of my life. I was prescribed Klonopin for many years. 4 years ago my psychiatrist said we should stop and try anti depressants. I suffered terribly for 4 years. Tried everything, including Buspirone which did absolutely nothing for me. I went for a second opinion which took months but my doctor finally agreed to prescribe klonopin again. I started taking just .5 mg in the morning. It works like a miracle. I had to decide if I should put up with the anxiety or Klonopin. I decided Klonopin because it works and yes it can be addictive but if I have to take it the rest of my life so be it. I feel I have my life back . Gabapentin, Buspar, Prozac none of that stuff works for me. Our bodies are all different though and we all react differently to medications. I found a lot of comfort in reading Claire Weeks. give that a shot. Just a clear explanation of how anxiety works was helpful for me.

emmi331 profile image
emmi331 in reply to mainegeezer

Thank you so much....I am hoping that eventually something will help; so glad you are so much better now!

Rafiki11 profile image

I am so sorry you’re suffering! It sounds like you have been working really well to help yourself. You will find something to help you with these tunnels.

It sounds like your body thinks you’re not safe. Can you think of ways to convince your body that all is well? There are deep parts of the brain that are impossible to convince with words. You have to use actions and experiences to convince your lower brain that you are safe.

Think of ways that a baby or a puppy might be soothed by someone they are attached to and then think of ways to apply those to yourself.

Warm baths, massages, snuggling a pet, looking at pictures of loved ones, sitting in a rocking chair, wrapping yourself in a blanket, heating pad, healthy foods, lots of water….

Is there a senior water aerobics class you can join?

emmi331 profile image
emmi331 in reply to Rafiki11

Your self-comfort ideas are excellent! And I think water aerobics are reopening here now.

Rafiki11 profile image
Rafiki11 in reply to emmi331

Taking care of myself is new to me so I’m happy I could share! I’ve been doing yoga classes.

Midori profile image

If you can remember what anti depressant didn't suit you before, Your GP should be able to avoid it. There has been quite a bit of change in recent years for anti depressants so there should be something to help.

Cheers, Midori

lolanell profile image

Hello dear, oh I hope you get the right meds. Are there people you can call or text. Any family to visit. Do you have any places to walk in your area. Keep yourself on a schedule. It really helps. Listening to the television helps me. I look for series on Netflix. They help distract me. I am new here, but my GAD is bad now. I am 65 and my sister just lost her husband and my Mom is in the hospital. BE NICE TO YOURSELF.

emmi331 profile image
emmi331 in reply to lolanell

I am so sorry for your loss. Your suggestions are excellent. I usually have things scheduled for every day, including walking, so I feel there is some structure going on. I can no longer watch violent shows on television, so I've turned to series like Miss Marple, Sherlock Holmes, Midsommer Murders,Hercule Poirot, etc. Cozy village mysteries are far preferable to shootouts and car chases!

Happily, I have close friends with whom I talk or text daily. I don't think they all understand the anxiety thing, though two of them have suffered from depression and are on medication. I just am grateful that they care about me!

lovetodance2018 profile image

Welcome to HU. So glad you reached out here and shared. We all understand the struggles with anxiety and depression and are here to encourage and support each other. As I read through your post, I could relate to spiraling into severe anxiety and depression several times in my life. I actually had five years where I didn't struggle at all. For me it turned out to be more hormonal. I have been going through pre and peri-menopause for over six years. Turns out even when I don't cycle my body goes through hormonal changes and then I have a chemical imbalance and need to be on medication to help. I would spiral for 7 days and then start to feel like myself again. Now that I am more aware of my body, that the depression is chemical, and I know when I am starting to feel bad.. the awareness really helps with controlling the spiraling. I had to learn to not be hard on myself, give myself a break, and do a lot of positive self-talk. These 4 techniques have really helped. I hope you find them useful too.

1) Remind myself that healing comes from the inside out. It starts with letting go of the things of the past, forgiving and changing our focus and behavior. Becoming aware of what you need through self-care and personal nourishment. Take time for yourself - you are worth it. Like taking walks, baths, massages, mani/pedi/, listening to uplifting music/sermons and anything that makes you feel refreshed and renewed.

2) The 557 breathing technique is take 5 deep breaths in while thinking good thoughts about yourself like I matter, I am special, I am strong and then hold the breaths for the count of 7 focusing on those words about yourself, then let out the breath slowly for 5 seconds letting go of any anxious, self-defeating, unhealthy thoughts. I do this one to three times a sitting.

3)The gratitude journal is writing down something good every morning and night something that went well in the day, or something I appreciate about myself. Taking our focus off of the anxiety and depression and focusing on positive uplifting things really helps. What you think is what you believe. So thinking uplifting things you believe those things but the reverse is true - thinking negative self-defeating things, you will believe those.

4) Emotional Freedom Tapping - You tap on pressure points while you repeat positive uplifting things to yourself. bit.ly/36FyOQ5

I will be praying for you. Feel free to pm me if you'd like to chat. Hugs and God Bless

emmi331 profile image

Thank you so much for your response! Your suggestions are very helpful. I had started a gratitude journal....then kind of let it go, but you have motivated me to get going again.

lovetodance2018 profile image
lovetodance2018 in reply to emmi331

How are things going? I have been praying for you. Hugs

emmi331 profile image
emmi331 in reply to lovetodance2018

Thank you so much for your kind inquiry....since I've had the anti-anxiety meds reduced and added a lowish dose of an antidepressant, I've started feeling better. I realize meds take a while to be effective, but I feel more optimistic now, which may have an effect as well. Claire Weekes's book has helped me, too. I'm continuing to keep a gratitude diary. I'm also working on what triggers my anxiety, in order to minimize the "damage" it brings.Hugs back to you!

lovetodance2018 profile image
lovetodance2018 in reply to emmi331

Sounds like you are doing all the right things to feel better. Stay strong and know too you can reach out anytime here. We are here for each other. Hugs

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