I've been doing so well as of recent changes in my life. I've striven every day to try to make something of it not letting the thoughts of a lost broken relationship bother me. Then from waking up this morning I just could not get my act together at all. it appeared I struggled with everything. I felt tired, sleepy and for the best of my abilities, I just felt like going back to bed. I felt irritated and emotional not knowing as to why? it got worse and worse towards tea time after 6.30 pm. I had a hot bath to freshen up and just had a weep sat down in the hot water in front of the mirror not really knowing why I was crying at all. I then realised maybe I had forgotten to take my daily medications. The problem with me is I can do this on a regular basis. My GP told me because of fibromyalgia I also had fibro fog which is a type of Alzheimer's for fibro sufferers. she said it can impede all motor functionality and in my case, I showed A typical signs of having this with all the confusement I had, some days are far worse than others. I have lost my house keys twice, most of the time I have no idea as to what time of day it is but more often do not even know what day it is or month? The tablet medication-taking has always been a real problem for me so I have a weekly pill dispenser and all my monthly medication is laid out but I still make the odd laps and forget or worse, double dose the same day twice. I honestly have read there is nothing you can do about this disability. I also worry as my mum died of Alzheimer's disease in 2017 that I also may have this disease also. Does anyone else have the same problems taking regular medication and forgetting to do so or worse double-dosing minutes later?
Fibro Fog and forgetting to take your... - Anxiety and Depre...
Fibro Fog and forgetting to take your daily medication or worse double dosing.

I forget to take my medicine sometimes because I’m too tired during that time I take it before I sleep but lately I have been tired in the afternoon as well
Brother DB, I forget to take my meds sometimes & I have alarms set on my phone go off each day at the same time and if I do forget I suffer with my sleep & my pain becomes more acute. Is there anyone that lives with you that can ask you as a reminder ? My daughter asks me if I've had my meds everyday & it's a great reminder when I've forgotten to take the meds .
Another suggestion Brother. Ask ur chemist to put ur tablets in a dosage blister pack that way its already sorted for u & all u need to do is take them.
I hope u find a solution and fast mate .
I have to fathom all this out on my own now as my long tern partner went back home to her mothers because of the pandemic. she has never seen her 84-year mother in all that time of 15 solid months lockdown. it's now left me on my own with severe disabilities so I have to learn to live all on my own, I have no family sadly as I lost them all in 2017 or close friends so it has placed me in an awkward position. . i may have a word with the GP: this week about the blister situation. thanks for reaching out, you take care

If ur on ur own with severe disabilities why not ask ur local council for help with adaptions to ur home to make things easier for you. Take it easy mate
They are referring me to the occupational health team for evaluation.

Brother that is a magnificent thing. Now a suggestion if I may & I tell a vast majority of folk this ..... keep notes or journal of any symptoms & times & dates . That way you can ask all these questions at the check ups & if they can't answer ask for someone that can & the killer punch is simply say........
I need to know to help prevent my mental wellbeing being shocked by any surprises & thats why I ask. Now by rights that should set their alarms off as it means ur more aware of any negatives putting pressure in ur mental health.
I wish you love & light on ur journey & as Foxy used to say.... POWER TO THE PEOPLE
Thank you for all the kind information you gave me as it's all appreciated. I can only imagine you also have gone on a journey yourself by the sounds of things. I have letters of support from my local neighbours and one who is a local counsellor herself plus my ex-partner has written a letter regarding my health issues so this should all help hopefully. I am waiting to see what the GP has arranged with the occupational health team and see what exactly they have to offer me. I'd like to think somewhere along the line they may issue me with a blue badge to make the parking side a lot easier. possibly my eligibility for applying for my PIP being re-evaluated at a higher rate may be, with the GP and the occupational help it may be possible. 👍

Brother I hope they help you & as for PiP , I once fell foul of ATOS & their oh he/she is breathing so fit for purpose. Of course I appealed & went through every single question & tore the nurse assumptions apart & told the appeal board to the best of my memory , what I had told the nurse compared to what they wrote. Each bullet point I gave a logical response & tried to put the appeals panel in my shoes & I got full points for both living & mobility hence giving me virtually max points .
Fight them for ur PiP as its rightfully yours.