Hello, everyone. I tend to struggle the most in the morning with my anxiety. I have lung disease which was caused my chemotherapy. My lung and chest feel really tight in the morning which causes feelings of anxiety. Some mornings, I am able to go about my morning routing, help my kids get ready and be ok. Other mornings like this morning, where my chest feels heavier than normal and I have some post-nasal drip, I am trying hard to stay focused on the positive. My mind catastrophizes and thinks something serious is wrong when its not. Anyone else struggle in the mornings? Thank you.
Struggle the most in the morning - Anxiety and Depre...
Struggle the most in the morning

Right now mornings are the worst for me. It's like I automatically start snowballing my negative thoughts. I just walk around taking deep breathes and trying to calm down. I'm alone, so crying it out is an option.Hugs to you
I can identify with you. Every morning my anxiety begins to build up to a crescendo that makes me wonder if I can get through the day. My meds don't seem to be touching it. I'm grateful that it seems to ease off through the afternoon, but mornings make me wonder whether it's worth the fight.
Mornings are the worst because our cortisol level is the highest, our stress hormone release is happening then. I take a lorazepam .5 and usually that does help me get thru the morning hours. I am sorry you experience this as well. It’s really hard to start your day like that every darn morning. I am hoping things will get better once I am thru menopause 😩Breathing helps and I do an intense workout in the morning. Also, no coffee. Too agitating. Good luck to you. Hoping you will feel better.
Mornings are terrible for me. I wake up every morning the same, anxious and super worried with negative thoughts. There are very few days I have escaped this. Groundhogs day every day.