I usually wake up with anxiety in the morning and after around 12:00 PM or so my anxiety is mostly gone and then throughout the day it gets better. I’ve been journaling and doing 3 x 3 breathing in the morning and it does help some. Any other similar stories?
Anxiety in the morning : I usually... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety in the morning

You will find many others on this site who can attest to Morning Anxiety as well
including myself. It is a physiological issue that sends the wrong message to our
brain. We all go through the ups and downs of hormones early morning. The more
sensitive our nervous system is the greater the fear. The average person may find
that feeling exhilarating after good night's sleep. We interpret it as something bad
is going to happen.
Doing your breathing exercises are an excellent way to calm down both the body
and mind. Adding Meditation to it, can also help.
The idea is to practice this every day, like an athlete would so that when morning
rolls around, you are more than prepared to jump in and stop the sensations before
they get full blown. You are not alone dear. It's one of the more common symptoms.
Welcome to a caring and supportive community. xx
Mine usually abates in the afternoon, also. I exercise to make myself feel better.
I also wake up with anxiety. It is a real struggle. Some days breathing helps. Others I can talk myself through it with a reminder that it is my brain releasing cortisol and a normal response. Some days it spirals so quickly that nothing helps and I have to medicate. Those are the days I feel defeated. I will try the 3x3 breathing, writing down my fears, and adding meditation. All good suggestions.
I am exactly the same. I go to bed at night & feel absolutely normal & think to myself my anxiety has gone……but sadly when I wake up in the morning it’s back to square one again. I have to say tho I am on new medication & I certainly feel an improvement so hope it continues to go in this direction.
I wish u well on ur journey. Take care x
Cortisol levels (the so-called stress hormome) are naturally at their highest in the morning, so while it is annoying, it's actually pretty normal. You may want to consider exercise (even just a short walk) or yoga in the morning, to help "work off" or channel some of this. It's a great way to regulate cortisol level, reduce anxiety, and simply improve your overall health. Hope this helps!
I wake up anxious every day.Having this whole day ahead of me as a responsible adult scares me instead of making me happy to start.I use guided comfort meditation,tapping,asmr videos,morning affirmations.I also have my own routine of coffee,wordle,read the healthunlocked posts so I feel less alone.Hope this helps
My anxiety also peaks in the morning. I used to do a workout as soon and I woke up, but I am too old to work out in the morning now. I now check my emails, practice piano, and try to concentrate on something other than my anxiety when I wake up. I am an early riser, so I usually have a few hours before I have to go to work. Usually by the time I drive to work my anxiety has subsided.
Oh yeah. 0 to 1000% the minute i open my eyes. And I go into fight or flight mode. I was walking up and down my street before sunrise.