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Anyone with similar condition? Anxiety, Depression, Dry eyes, heart palpitations, chronic fatigue, headaches etc.

xavier65 profile image
14 Replies

Hello! This is Sam, 20 years old Economics Student in my junior year, Guitarist & Musician.

Few months ago, around March and April, I went into depression. I got caught by wide variety of symptoms along with it, that keeps progressing. I'll write down my story and symptoms below and I hope there will be someone who understands them, have went through them or has some information so they can help. It's more of a health concern along with depression.

Please note that I kindly request some real advice, not like what most people or doctors would say "It's all in your head". Thank you for your understanding.

So I want to classify my health situation into two periods: 1-Normal and manageable on my own (pre-pandemic times) and 2- Not fine, wide variety of symptoms (post pandemic times), which is out of my control.

Have to mention that I had a moderate covid-19 infection, that sort of changed my overall health. I kind of think I had a pre-existing condition that showed up.

Back in my normal times, I was an intelligent and sometimes mediocre student (and human being). I could handle my stresses, like exam stress and family problems. although they were pretty overwhelming at times. I had some sore throats, colds, eyestrain, migraines and tension headaches. But overall, it was manageable, and I would call myself normal. I could take care of it by saying no to unimportant events, making schedules and keeping good track of time.

A little background:

So around 6 months ago (I don't remember exactly) I got my covid-19 diagnosis. Alongside typical symptoms, I had a very low blood pressure and a really fast heart rate accompanied by palpitations. I was anxious about it too, but not too much because I didn't want to exacerbate it.

So it was that time, that triggered annoying palpitations.

So now in my current situation, I now experience the following symptoms that developed progressively over the course of 2-3 months:

Brain fog, memory problems, trouble learning new information,

insomnia, and daytime sleepiness, oversleeping


During stressful times like exams, I get insomnia during night and oversleeping during day, also with random sudden nap attacks like narcolepsy. During stressful times, Extreme carb (sugar) cravings are also present, that never goes away with eating. And at the same time, each sugar binge gives me a painful heart palpitation, a strong forceful beat. Then it occurs throughout the day and night.


"dry eyes" (burning, stinging disturbances, gets very red, foreign body sensation), extreme "blurred vision" in the morning or at random times) distorted vision (oblique),

"Vertical Double vision" that progresses and fluctuates with blinking.

Vision flucuates throughout the day, with double vision being present most times, a vision like being drunk!

Lines on screen look slant or oblique. Sudden onset of many "Floaters".


Frequently changing eye prescriptions, nearsightedness and astigmatism present.

Did some eye exams, misdiagnosed with infection-induced dry eyes. No dilated pupil exams were done (to check the back of the eye)

Dry eyes seems to have some other cause.


Resting pulse rate: 84 most often, but can be 90-96.

•Palpitations (sudden strong, forceful beat),(episodic)(PVCs)

•fast rate when suddenly standing, or moving (from 84 to 120 or 130). Sometimes racing heart at rest while turning sides, sometimes it's low.

Really fast pulse when climbing stairs or running, accompanied by shortness of breath and a severe pounding headache. The headache mimicks a pulse on my head with pain. Probably


I sometimes get a racing heart in bed , or while waking up in the morning.

It does accompany shortness in breath and extreme weakness.

Palpitations are painful and annoying.

At times when a palpitations episode is present (lasts for a day or even days) they almost always occur after eating something sweet, right about 15min-2hours.

Did an ECG and Echocardiogram, results came back normal. Not surprised because symptoms weren't present at the time.


Energy levels

Fatigue, low energy, extreme tiredness



•Twitching, anywhere in the body, random, pulsating VERY annoying. Often occur episodic.

•Joint pain, •Numbness, not feeling fingers or hand,

•Pins and needles in chest and extremities

•Muscle pain

No tests taken yet.

• Visible and completely felt. Have video for proof of condition.



Tinnitus (continuous ringing in ears) often in silence. Also annoying!

Noise sensitivity and "Phonophobia" (fear of unexpected sounds) at times of stress.

No tests yet.



Mild and severe, sometimes really severe (pounding) along with Orthostatic Hypotension

Tension headaches, headaches on different parts of brain, stabbing pulsating, come and goes sometimes last long time.


Bowel movements

Chronic Constipation, infrequent bowel movements and less volume, feeling full quickly. Shortness of breath after large meals.

Sometimes abdominal pain that comes and goes.


Panic attacks

Hot flushes (Feeling overly hot like being under sun)

No sweating, I usually don't sweat at all BUT I do get shakiness and adrenaline rush. Right as I fall asleep. Then my sleep would get entirely disrupted.


In short, my worst symptoms are: Brain fog and trouble learning, dry eyes, fatigue, palpitations, constipation, muscle twitching, tinnitus, and sometimes low libido.

Conditions I suspect based on personal research:

1- Severe Depression 2- POTS (Postural Orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) 3- Hashimoto's thyroiditis 4-Blood sugar problems 5-Magnesium deficiency 6- Dysautonomia 7- prediabetic 8- Some sort of autoimmune disease, like rheumatism

9- Insulinoma 10- Reactive hypoglycemia 11-A rare condition, pheochromocytoma


Finally about the chemical imbalance theory causing depression, does anyone know what are the symptoms for each so I can work it out? I mean what are the signs for serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine deficiencies?

I apologise for the long post, and I wholeheartedly appreciate everyone reading it till here. These are really what I'm currently going through and have a hard time struggling with it. I know I might seem a bit of hypochondriac, but I have to. Because otherwise, my life will not go any forward, If I don't reach to the root of my problems and approach to it with an effective treatment plan I will be stuck in my current situation.

Thanks in advance

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xavier65 profile image
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14 Replies
Fearoffear profile image

I have health anxiety, IBS and Fibromyalgia and that list is spot on. I don't see you having anything you are googling. Dr. Google is a terrible doctor unless your shopping for worse case senarios. Please search what is really going on health anxiety. Nothing you mentioned with the tests you've had is any different. I have most of those symptoms going through the change because of hormone fluctuations. Hope you find the answer. Gentle hugs 🤗🤗

xavier65 profile image
xavier65 in reply to Fearoffear

Did some research on that too, but even the health anxiety had an "onset". It was triggered. I was never anxious about my health before. Plus, the reason I have health anxiety is because it is a constant sense of discomfort or being unwell that disrupts my academic life and career. Think of it as catching a severe cold, when you have to take time off from work, school and other things for just lying in bed. And then never fully recovering 😞What's more interesting is that I was quite well after I recovered from coronavirus for about 3 months, then these symptoms showed up. Kind of curious about it.

Thanks for your reply though 🙂 I'll keep health anxiety on my list.

lovemydoggy profile image

The thing that keeps hitting me throughout your post is autoimmune symptoms. You did state fatigue prior to COVID and suspicion of under lying condition. Everything taken altogether suggests to me that you're dealing with "long COVID" or an actual autoimmune condition. I have many of the same issues you describe. Fatigue, of long standing, which has increased and fluctuates. I don't have the eye symptoms, but I get joint pain along with a lot of other things you mentioned. I haven't had COVID. I have had clinical anxiety my whole life, a few bouts of severe disabling

depression. The autoimmune symptoms can exacerbate anxiety. Usually, not as much depression, just mild depression symptoms. I wish you well on your search for answers.❤

xavier65 profile image
xavier65 in reply to lovemydoggy

Thank you for your reply. I hope you will recover soon. Well, the long covid can also be a possibility. I excluded that from my list because still there's not much known about that. Some sources reported Covid-19 brain fog that occurs months after an infection. Possibly that could be the cause of my brain fog. I found no info about the causes and time needed for recovery. Have you found any?

lovemydoggy profile image
lovemydoggy in reply to xavier65

Not much. It does seem that people get gradually better, but that can mean weeks or many months. Time will tell. I do know that I've heard and read pretty much every, if not all the symptoms you mentioned. I've paid attention because they are classic weird, seemingly unconnected symptoms characteristic of autoimmune illness. Have you been vaccinated? I ask because I saw a report that a significant number of long COVID patients symptoms improved dramatically after vaccinations. They don't go completely away, but some are experiencing huge improvements.

xavier65 profile image
xavier65 in reply to lovemydoggy

No I'm not vaccinated. Because a lot of people I know got adverse reaction to the vaccine, as much as they needed hospitalization. My body is not normal, and overreacts to the virus, perhaps I was genetically predisposed to it? Everyone is affected differently. My doctor also didn't recommend me a vaccine, he says I got some sort of immunity. I'm not afraid of catching the virus again too, I just want these terrible symptoms to go away. Coronavirus might be associated with some sort of autoimmune disease, after all it fools our immune system to attack it's own cells and run a massive Cytokine storm. And perhaps in some people, this lasts a long time.

lovemydoggy profile image
lovemydoggy in reply to xavier65

Did your doctor recommend against the vaccine? I'm just curious as there is quite a bit of autoimmune disease in my family. All our doctors recommended it. No one has any lasting side effects.

xavier65 profile image
xavier65 in reply to lovemydoggy

Yes, but that's only in my case. Though, he doesn't seem to be sure enough with his recommendation. He was quite in dilemma when saying it to me.

I suggest you should also consult your doctor if you want to make a decision about vaccination, because we may be different. Just for your safety. 🙂

lovemydoggy profile image
lovemydoggy in reply to xavier65

My gp and rheumatologist told me to get it. My mom's neurologist told her to get it. She has MG. He said in the beginning to wait a few months just for him to make a judgment because MG can be deadly. Then later strongly advised getting it. My aunt's myriad of doctors (she has RA, lupus, pulmonary arterial sclerosis, sjogrens, Ranauds...maybe more) strongly advised her to get i. You're right, everybody is different though. None of us ever had COVID so we didn't have any natural immunity like you. Hope your symptoms get better soon ❤

b1b1b1 profile image

This suggests long covid, as Lovemydoggy mentioned. Have the POTS test. Also, some of the more major hospitals have established centers and clinics to try to treat long covid. See if you can find one of those. Otherwise, try to take care of your general health, rest as much as you need to and try to take a semester break from your studies. xx

xavier65 profile image
xavier65 in reply to b1b1b1

Thank you for your suggestion.

jubemmeva profile image

hi there,was wondering if you figured out what was causing all of this and how you are currently doing?

quickblizzard profile image

Some of this could definitely be anxiety, but if you haven't already, get your thyroid tested. Not just your TSH- request a free T3 and T4, as well as anti-thyroid antibodies. I'm currently going through a round of worsening anxiety brought on by a bad batch of thyroid meds (I have Hashimoto's). Until you get that under control, managing anxiety and depression become exceedingly difficult. Good luck, and I hope they get to the bottom of this for you.

Di01 profile image

I get all the above issues too but also always feel lost like brain dead to horrible wake up wondering when will i feel better i got put on sertraline 25 mg been on these 22 days and just feel like crying all time dont feel like they r working and my brain fights the meds this chemical.embalance is making my life hell how u feeling now have u reach anything that helps ?

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