I am horribly anxious and depressed and no medications or therapy are helping me. I struggle every minute of every day. Is anyone finding any relief? Any suggestions?
Is anyone finding relief for their an... - Anxiety and Depre...
Is anyone finding relief for their anxiety and depression/. If so, how?

Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. I don't believe medication will help you. There's an underlying reason why it's happening but that may take some time to discover. Something from your past or present. I use YouTube videos to help. Many people on there share their experience and what helps them. The most sound advice I can give you is to see a doctor about any symptoms that are bothering you if you have concerns about health. I like to go for walks with a friend or neighbor. Don't sit around after work and suffer from your thoughts and feelings. Get out and go shopping, exercise or hobbies. Sitting around made my experience so much worse.
Without my meds I couldn’t get out the door! There is something called a chemical imbalance!!! Believe me! I have not one thing to worry about!!!! And I have anxiety and depression. I’ve had it since I was 18. I’m 53! I don’t appreciate what your saying about meds!!!
What medication are you on that helps you??
I'm happy they helped you. I was going off my own experiences. I'm stubborn with medicine though. No sweat, Spooky. You do you!
You shouldn’t tell someone meds WONT HELP them. Your not a Dr. probably most of us don’t like being on meds or even taking a Tylenol. But everyone is different. Thank God for medication or I would for sure be 6 ft. Under. Everyone has to see what works for them!! I know of a few suicides , if they were on the right meds, it’s possible they’d be here. I’m not a Dr.
No, especially since I joined this group. It's sad that no one responds. I think you have to get to the root of the problem.
Hello, I am sorry you are not finding this site helpful. I did however notice you just joined today! Please know it takes some time to get to know each other here before you feel comfortable or others feel comfortable replying to you. I have found This to be a safe and and loving place. Give it some time😊
We all must understand that depression is a disease like any other, sometime chronic one and like any other disease need medication to relief the symptoms.
On the other hand nobody here will care to much about others because all here has own fight to do
I understand. Thank you.
I don't understand why you replied like this abc30.
Because many people on here do care about others - a lot.
All help and support is given voluntarily and yes - people have to get on with their own lives too. Can't always be on here all the time and read every post, sadly.
Just words, nothing else
What do you mean 'just words'.
You made a sweeping generalisation - giving a wrong impression of what happens on this forum.
How do you think that is helpful to a new member?
Please leave me alone, I don't want you help me, you probably cannot help yourself, help others who want to be helpled by you telling just words
I'm not offering to help you - just don't agree with you making false statements about other people on here.
Hope you're ok.
No I am not ok and nobody here can help me, is like a blind men trying to help another blind men, they both will end in a hole. We all here are blind, we cannot help ourself and for sure we cannot help each others.
People can help if you wish
For sure no, I prefer to go myself in a hole .
You received a lot of help when you wrote a post one month ago.
You also thanked the people who helped you and -
said that you would keep people informed.
You didn't.
So please don't make false statements about others on here and criticise this forum.
Nobody helped me, they wrote just words and because I'm educated I tanked them even they didn"t helped me
Shouldn't we be honest on here? This is a place to come for moral support, a 'listening ear', encouragement and comfort (hopefully ).
No one on here is medically qualified and it is against the rules to give medical advice.
The only medical 'advice' that people can give is to suggest that the poster contact their doctor.
Sometimes a reader who has personal experience of the same medication may reply to tell of their experience. But even then meds can affect people in different ways. No two people are the same.
So any medication change needs to be between the patient and their prescribing doctor - you can always ask questions about what you've learned from researching the meds and should report side effects.
There are many genuine people on here who care.
However, of course, no one is perfect.
I don't agree with joking about - on someone else's post.
Hope you find the help you need.
I didn"t find any help here, just words, but I hope that someone , someday really will help me. I am waiting.
Is it practical help you are waiting for? Is that what you mean.
If I lived near enough to you I would call around.
Sadly, too many miles between us.
I may understand a little of how you feel - as I have sought help locally and people who might be expected to help don't. Oh, they might ask ' how are things' but seem to want a brief answer, then move on - not to offer any help.
It can help to talk things through, especially with someone or people who genuinely care. That's the support that's available here.
Hi there, I'm sorry to hear about your suffering. I know it is devastating and unbearable. I was at rock bottom for about 5 months until just recently. I couldn't feel anything but despair, worthlessness, fear and worry. Mercifully I am starting to get a little relief these last few days as I believe a new medication is beginning to take effect. I am on prozac but I have also had some success with other SNRI's (Cymbalta). I have done CBT and DBT but in my lowest moments none of those skills were working. For me it is very much a neurochemical disorder that needs medicating. I also have a relatively healthy lifestyle - I am quite active, I meditate, I practice yoga, I eat clean, I make gratitude lists but again none of those things were providing any relief whatsoever, I was only going through the motions. Alternatively I have tried microdosing psilocybin for several months with little success and have done Ayahuasca on 4 occasions which was incredible but it didn't have the long lasting effects I had hoped. I truly hope you find something that works for you - please don't lose hope!
thank you
I just realized that you weren't responding to me. lol, but I was starting to feel like all these people were, and it made me feel a little better.
I can respond to you too 😉. I saw that you are thinking of leaving the forum because of a lack of responses. Responses can take time and even if you don't get any I have found that reading other people's stories has given me invaluable insight and relief that I am not alone.
I agree. I don't always get responses on my posts and I've been here for nearly a year, but I do find answers and comfort here, regardless of my posts. The search bar is a great tool, you can find info on just about anything, read other people's threads, advice, etc.
This forum is one of the things I do to alleviate my anxiety, whether conversation or just reading, it helps to know that SOMEONE knows what I am going through. ♡
You're telling my story. Right down to the Prozac being the medication which worked for me. None of my tools were making a difference and I know the roots to all my defects. I practice a daily spiritual program but have a chemical imbalance and need meds.
I went inpatient at a hospital when it got to the point I couldn’t function like everyone else in my family who went to school/work. Go to a good place and it will save you’re life. There are plenty insurance covered options out there!
I've been on an antidepressant of some kind for 25 years, either an SSRI or an SNRI. I also take Klonopin at night to sleep. My anxiety has kicked up in recent years, so I am incorporating mindfulness techniques and breath awareness. There are quite a few free meditations on YouTube.
I feel the same way you do chickennugget, at the present. My depression seems to be worse with age and menopause. Also the winter weather has a very bad effect on me. I take prozac and wellbutrin together, but still have alot of symptoms. But when i try to go off them to get on something else, my depression is unbearable, so i stay on them. Next week i am looking into TMS. (transcranial magnetic stimulation). Uses a magnet to stimulate parts of your brain that may be under functioning. You might look it up and see if it might be helpful to you. Sending out thoughts and prayers to you.
I also struggle every single day I find it helps to go for a walk outside and to clean my house too
Some people are treatment resistant. I think it’s an imbalance and it takes time. It’s a really a pain in the a&&. I just go through the motions and hope I can return to work in the next year I hate being home. It’s true I do better eating clean movement and trying to socialize and being mindful and keeping track of my expectations which I make each day which are very minor due to my health but big for me. I’m giving myself a break because I’ve had so much trauma crap and health stuff happen over past 10 years and my relationships I grieved a lot I still do but I try to feel safe and not let others distress me. If they do I leave if I can’t handle it until I can slowly take stuff on. What you’re emitting is a vibe of numbness. If so that’s not uncommon in grieving and feeling detached. You might benefit from from more interaction with animals petting caring for them helping them. And feeling things in your hands your mouth your visualization. Maybe your densities need to be adjusted slowly mindfulness starting there to feel things again.