I'm so weary and tired of fighting for a bright day. Life not get easier, that's my opinion. There's Always something that's pulling at me mentally ans physically. I'm worn out. I never thought my life would be this way.
Does it ever get better : I'm so weary... - Anxiety and Depre...
Does it ever get better

The impulse to fight for a bright day or a better life when you are tired and weary of how things are is completely understandable. The paradox is that the more you fight the more you suffer. It’s like quicksand....the more you wiggle the faster you sink. It does get better. Just by doing the best you can. Be determined but try not to fight. There’s a difference between the two...
Catsamaze is correct: the more we struggle the faster we sink. What we resist persists. What we focus on receives more and more of our energy. The more we try to fix things the worse they seem to get.
And it does get better. When we let it. When we let our body and mind heal. And stop trying to mess around with that process.
I have often felt that way and am struggling now but have also have had long periods of feeling good. I am rooting for you that you find some peaceful and easy days just around the corner.
Thank you for sharing. I remember those days of not seeing how the darkness would ever go away. I just wanted the pain to end. However, with the right help and medication I have had many bright days. Are you currently seeing a counselor or on medication? Have you talked with anyone about your depression? Seeking professional help is the first step in feeling better. Depression is a disease that we can't heal on our own. It is a chemical imbalance that happens in our brains, it is not something we cause, but we can feel better in time with the right help.
Here are two techniques I have learned to use when I am struggling. I also remind myself this is temporary and I will feel better.
The 557 breathing technique is take 5 deep breaths in while thinking good thoughts about yourself like I matter, I am special, I am strong and then hold the breaths for the count of 7 focusing on those words about yourself, then let out the breath slowly for 5 seconds letting go of any anxious, self-defeating, unhealthy thoughts. I do this one to three times a sitting. The gratitude journal is writing down something good every morning and night something that went well in the day, or something I appreciate about myself. Taking our focus off of the anxiety and depression and focusing on positive uplifting things really helps. What you think is what you believe. So thinking uplifting things you believe those things but the reverse is true - thinking negative self-defeating things, you will believe those. I will be praying for you. Feel free to pm me if you'd like to chat. Hugs and God Bless
How are things going? I have been praying for you. Hugs
Hi, that's how I feel too. I deleted some of my offensive posts, I was mad at someone else on here. Doesn't do me good to stay angry, you have to work through it. It's a good thing I'm not a parent, I'm not very patient when someone is making me angry, and I really don't want to be like either one of my parents, I am me. I have to live with my senior citizen parents right now, they're ready to kick me out, I can tell, they love to threaten me, and then where will I go, to an abandoned women's shelter where I don't want to be??? I have no options. And now I feel like I just want to implode on myself. Seems like everyone loves to hate me and I don't know why sometimes. Some people talk too much.
Hello and I'm sorry to hear that. I've been through a lot to with my folks, always something..I just wish mental illness didn't exist nor the other stuff that hinders us in life. Good luck
Here's a song that might help you feel better!!! youtu.be/-OO9LloDSJo
Thank u