Does anyone relate? When I'm anxious, I'm finding that I'm pulling hair out and constantly trying it to not touch my ears. It almost feels like it hurts or bugs in my ears. I can't stop it when my anxiety hits. I don't pull chunks out, but I wish I could just shave my head but I can't. I have tried putting my hair up but it is too short. I'm so frustrated by it and it's tiring. Any suggestions would be great.
Embarrased but does anyone experience... - Anxiety and Depre...
Embarrased but does anyone experience hair pulling from anxiety?

I don't. I have heard that this is very common for woman who don't want to or were punished for biting their nails. I bite my nails constantly.
There is a name for this, although at the moment I can't think what it is. Are you in therapy? If not, consider it. Try to find another habit to substitute - one which is less painful. You might, for example, nibble on a straw or a toothpick, or keep a stress ball in your pocked and squeeze when you are anxious. I used to bite the skin at the sides of my finger nails until it bled, so I understand these are hard habits to break.
I have never heard of this but that does not mean that you are alone. I have heard of stress causing the hair to come out though so this could possibly be related in some weird way I do not know if it is that is just a thought I had while reading your post.
Yes, I relate except I have pulled tiny hairs away from near my mouth. My anxiety triggers me in to doing it. I've done it for hours in the past but Im somewhat better now. I find that at times I have to force myself in to doing something else to distract me and take my mind off it. It helps me.

Wow you can relate? I just pull little strands at a time but it's usually at night when I'm not not doing anything or in a car. I will have to keep busy. It's frustrating and tiresome. I also do it for hours. It's like it's uncontrollable. I know my anxiety triggers it also. Thanks for reaching out