What Does Anxiety Feel Like for You? - Anxiety and Depre...

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What Does Anxiety Feel Like for You?

teemo1 profile image
7 Replies

I know anxiety is different for all of us, so I thought maybe some of us could compare notes.

Anxiety to me is this feeling of dread, kind of like I’m standing at the edge of a cliff where some invisible villain is planning to push me off but I don’t know when, or why. I feel dizzy and light-headed and off balance, like I’m on a rocking boat, which is especially troubling when I’m driving. Dizziness is my biggest and most bothersome symptom. It makes it hard to concentrate on what I’m doing.

There’s this pressure in my head like my ears need to pop, and a slight ringing in my ears. My hands are trembly and my mouth gets dry. I feel my heart thumping and my chest sometimes feels heavy. At lunch and dinner time my stomach feels empty but I have no appetite.

Then there are the panic attacks. This feels like the invisible villain has pushed me over the edge of the cliff with no warning whatsoever. I’m falling, then I gasp and shake my head and I’m back at the edge of the cliff, wondering when it’s going to happen again. More dizziness, and sometimes that strange feeling of unreality sets in.

Does anyone have these same sensations, or different ones?

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teemo1 profile image
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7 Replies
kenster1 profile image

my anxiety well I get the dizziness sometime feel like I cant breathe I hate the feeling like ive a childrens rattle going off in my head.being cought off guard triggers negative reactions.but do you know what that exact cliff edge has gone through my head for a few days.imagine this you live on the edge of that cliff and the coastal erosion is getting nearer and nearer and your trapped at the edge.its just a matter of time till it gets you but I like to think no matter what I will find away out.

Fwheeler28 profile image

My anxiety is similar the pressure in my head and neck the constant fear of death or some freak accident constant expectation of trauma and failure body scanning for issues labored breathing chest pains intermittently and tight muscles. Shaky moments yea it sucks but keep fighting and celebrate the small victories.

My anxiety fluctuates from panic attacks to stomach aches and nausea. I guess it depends on the situation. I usually get heart palpitations and have difficulty concentrating.

Ann10 profile image

I feel the anxiety in my stomach sometimes. At other times, my heart beats fast. I change my thoughts and breathe deeply. I think about what I am thankful for and that helps.

My anxiety stalks me and in an instant, I feel fear, doom and gloom as if I'm dying from the inside out. It overwhelms me and makes me nervous, and affects my entire body. My mind takes over and I feel that I have nothing to live for or look forward too. I want to call my family for some comfort, I want to hear the words, I know your struggling, I care and am here for you. But I know I will be rejected, my illness does not matter to them. It hurts, so I pray to Jesus for peace as the people in my life cannot give that to me. I carry on.

aaronm profile image

In all my life when I get the fight or flight stage I always fight. Anxiety triggers that response for me and in the past before meds and counseling I would fly off the handle in a rage. I still get angry but with anger management counseling I'm able to control my anger (still working on the anxiety part)

Why-now profile image

I'm now 54 any my anxiety has become worse than ever. I can tell when it's getting really bad. I start cleaning but find I have 20 different things going on. I believe the more I continue to move the better I forget it's bad but I'm left with a worse mess than I started with.

I'll be cleaning the kitchen, next I know I have laundry going, the bathroom to ten apart and so on. The older I have become the worse it has a grip on me.

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