Most women misinformed understandable - Anxiety and Depre...

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Most women misinformed understandable

64 Replies

Women are bombarded with ads and the lies of commercials that tell them

Men want Barbie dolls etc

It’s true in one sense. To place along the Mexican border to scare everyone away humanely

The simple fact is mature men care about u. Harmony comparability and u feeling respected and valued

However if u say that most women laugh in ur fa

The truth is personality eyesface tc. Personally is all important to men

64 Replies
Isinatra profile image

Ads have been changing. I haven’t seen many Barbie dolls on lately. ❤️🏄‍♀️

Lots of pressure on horse women to be twigs rather than skills and I hear this constantly around me so bear with me. Maybe it doesn’t effect many people that’s great. I just hear lots of how superficial. Some. Men are. Versus valuing the person or valuing friendship companionship

Maybe I’m wrong

Then again there is the bachelor and bachelorette shows. Yikes. And the Atlanta wives and kardashinigicans. Omg scary as hello.

One mans opionion

in reply to

Brig57 you can’t base perception of women on “reality” show. Women these days are strong and powerful. We can still put on makeup and roll up our sleeves for some arse whooping too 🤷‍♀️🤣😂

Opportunity profile image
Opportunity in reply to

You’re right, those reality shows are like anti-reality. I really appreciate you supporting women, Brig57! Thank you!

in reply toOpportunity

I say it wrong but those people are ice cubes and so vain. Not a real woman woman and their qualities. Generosity and how they cadre for people I’m sport it comes out wrong It’s totally true we men really men appreciate the woman not dinesuons or superficial es.

Sorry I can’t put it better. Take care

in reply to

I hate it that sometimes it often real caring women feel badly avoiuthfmsdlves whff when I see hard they try to please and see the caring person. I wish I knew what to say Five min with my mother the battleship. They’d stop faulting themselves

Opportunity profile image

ZazenRiver345 Hidden Hb2003

I may have gotten a little carried away here. 😳😔. I am going to delete my replies above... which may inadvertently delete your replies. To you and to Brigs57, sorry!!

Mumma_h profile image

What a great post!!! So encouraging cos well, let’s just say I ain’t young anymore and I would like a partner oneday . For me a big attraction is being able to laugh with someone, looks aren’t as important to me anymore either as my ex husband was good looking and a charmer but turned out very abusive . Looks aren’t as important to me anymore. Just something nice , like you said , a nice smile , or eyes ....

in reply toMumma_h

i may have not said it right...but meant that many of us men appreciate the inner woman and they treat others..........same with male neigbhrs of course too.........................long tgerm is much more improtant than the outer ............and the eyes and trustworthiness ,,,,,,,warm smile or cheisty is soo improtant for long term relatihsopis be it an neibhtor or platonic or whatever..................just saying...........we like the people next door the best.............friendship worhty ...............not the hype not the glam............................maybe it wasnt necessary to say.......................i live in a small town and soooooo love small town people.......................they have no idea how great so called ordienary people are...........................they arent oridineary to me and ill take them by the apolgies if i offended anyeone wasnt meant that way............................meant we care about our neibhbors and freidns not the glam glam people..................................i prob shouldnt have ssid anyting

Mumma_h profile image
Mumma_h in reply to

I for one didn’t take offence at all!! I didn’t read all the posts , so tired from stress , but not sure why what you said would be offensive . I thought it was lovely , I appreciated it ! . I think your right , most men don’t just go for looks , it’s whats in your heart that really matters and be it make or female that is what most people want from their partner . 🤗

in reply toMumma_h

I don’t like hurting people’s feelings even accidentally. Friends are like the ur us people. All work together and very protective It’s their heart and companionshipAnd who they are. As most women and some men know. Comparability and neighbors and team that is automatic Doesn’t have to be said. The longer u know someone the more u like them and admiration and respect grows working together or. So and si isn’t reliable or doesn’t think of others Thank u for special

People here

Mumma_h profile image
Mumma_h in reply to

Also would like to add that I believe most women feel the same way about a potential partner. I for one would definitely go for someone genuine and caring than someone just good looking. Not to say someone with gorgeous looks can’t be like that (genuine and caring), that’d be a bonus😆 but not essential to a loving relationship.

in reply toMumma_h

To clarify. I lived with lots of families with real jerks and worse husbands. So

In total fairness Women have plenty. Of sound reasons to dislike men.

I agree that the people I grew up with taught us to value the person

And they didn’t appreciate being treated like meat or being looked at In certain ways

I think. Those women. Know long term

Partnership and Chemistry honesty etc is more important. And teach us indirectly

Those women were more about fairness and. Friendship


I don’t say it well but I agree with what ur saying

in reply to

I think it’s also true that ur life partner or true friends help give u of help compensate for early life.

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I was just at a badcollege that hated men automaticallyespThose they considered weak

Dolphin14 profile image

Inner beauty is more important than the superficial.

I understand what you are saying.

Kind, generous hearts both male and female make the best friends in my opinion.

Enjoy your day Brig

in reply toDolphin14

I wrote the systemFor thirty years about stellar nutrsss

Not one reply

Unsung hero’s and lifesavers

Regret saying anything. Foolish man. Such is life injustice Can’t change it

Be grateful

People have true friends if they can or animals

The nursing memorial was built in 2016 in a grove of fifty tall cedars. A non donations

Rafiki11 profile image

I agree. A lot of us women think most men are like the minority of men who are awful.

Most men just want their woman to be happy just like she is. My husband doesn’t care that I carry 20 extra pounds and stretch marks compared to when we married.

in reply toRafiki11

He called me last week And we were chatting. He said u know brig Do I remind my dear wife those marks she earned and the life and life changes that come with her ability to give and carry our children or do I keep quiet as it sounds so whatever

I said partner. Ur sooo lucky

He said. Dont I know it I just don’t know how to tell her

Rafiki11 profile image
Rafiki11 in reply to

Words are always nice but actions speak the loudest. I never catch my husband “checking out” another woman and he shows me he isn’t grossed out with me even when I feel grossed out by me. 🤣

(I don’t expect my husband to never notice an attractive woman. But he shows me that he wants to be with ME. He’s not wishing for someone else.)

Maybe the best way to verbalize without sounding like you’re pointing out her flaws is “You are more beautiful now than the day I met you.”

Yes. One hug in fifteen years from my ex. Tip of iceberg. Yes. Actions speak the loudest. Can rrlTeglad he treasures u or makes u know. He only wants


I’m lucky to be around animals where being quiet is not a weakness nor is trying to be considerate

Again many kind men and women do respect an attempt to be civil

Tara52 profile image

There is a double standard for sure. I checked out a dating site for older singles. The men only wanted petite slim, athletic women. You should have seen their pictures! Most of them were fat, bald and ugly!🙄

Sprinkle1 profile image

Thank You, I have always been considered pretty, never had the best shape, but a nice one, been married 3 time!!! I am now dating on line a man in UK where I am from originally, he likes me and said he does not care for skinny woman, or over weight women, but a mature woman who has curves and some padding. He is soundly into me even thought I told him I am 78, he is 66, he is planning on coming to visit me this year if Covid allows it. I am thrilled, I used to be slim & trim but menopause took care of that?!!! I am healthy, exercise, eat a balanced diet, keep busy and love my life. So ladies out there, be yourselves, and go for what you want. I have not dated in years, was not interested, but we hooked up here on the forum 3 years ago, I like it and will see where it goes?!!!*** I send you all love and big hugs.......

Isinatra profile image

I hear you, sister.❤️🏄‍♀️

Isinatra profile image


Said things badly. Just why can’t people be valued for who they are and

Maybe doesn’t need to be said

But we like and appreciate our friends and pseudo family As they are And who they are how they treat others


No offense intended



I agree that those on those sites have their minds on Whereas. Mature men. As our the brandy And not the bottle.

I’ve worked with tons of horses and clients There are show horses and. But after soooo manu clients. Who do u enjoy ur chemdtdty. Hard and challenging or. Ahhhhhh pure smooth brandy. That makes life better just as is It’s the woman or friend or animal that graces ur life or. Ugggh every day. Long term u grow in admiration with their essence. If only they knew High comparability and huggable factor v barbed wire and crosnesss. Easy choice. If they only knew

Yes thank u I have hard time putting it into words. Character of the wood v. Plastic

Geee. Reread this. Wouldnt u admire someone who spoke in defense and protection of the vulnerable. Please tell me. What’s not to admire Wow and amen

Sometimes making the people with all heart realize Well. They make life worth living now dont they. Suuuure do for me. They would never laugh at a a sentimental mushy old cowboy

Really??? I’mShocked. Ur only move heaven and earth for anyone in need and cry for the hurting and unwanted un loved

And have everyday for years. Not. One time

Mirror motor con the wall who is one of the fairest of them


in reply to

Mirror on the wall why do dolphins set faux. Luna c. Et all wear long dresses when they do and have the longest arms

Silly old man that’s a silly question. The dresses hide the kids and the arms are wrapped around all the kids and souls that need loving and protection

Ur right mirror how obvious lol

Two bottles

One has. Vinegar

The other brandy off to apple juice

U chose

Two men. Their wife has cancer

Her hair falls out

She gains et or whatever through chemo

Long program depressing sick etc

One man dumps his wife

The other shaves his head goes to support groups. Pushes nutrition and walking around with a duck on his head if that helps. And plays comedy shows or music or gives her space or massages and four rubs takes over the home front

U chose Wonder why he would do that. Prob nothing to do with his wife

Kainan profile image

men who have grown up who takes personal responsibility. They will value and respect all human beings

in reply toKainan

Those who act. Like human beings not to be argumentative. I grew up with predictors and super entitled

But yes rural people grow up fast and responsibility is just blinking

I. Dont. Like fighting. Its not a power struggle it’s a sharing and finding someone who gets that and respects that v someone who calls u weak because ur trying to value land how rare a friend is. We’re just teachers But at the end of the day

Like I’m Kevin Costner or grad pit

Ahh no

Who wants an old used car

Works both ways

Mumma_h profile image
Mumma_h in reply to

Hey brigs57, don’t worry at all !! I thought your post was awesome, I got it ❤️. Don’t stress, people are going through their own stuff too, and can take things the wrong way . I have no idea what was said to you , I’m having a bit of trouble focusing and concentrating but I still can’t figure out what was wrong with your post . It was sooo good for me to hear it as I’m 47 , separated , little over weight , wrinkles appearing but would love a relationship oneday , I hope it happens, I want to make someone else happy too !! And be a loving and understanding partner, I hope there’s someone out there for me oneday 😊💕

in reply toMumma_h

Write anytime. Honestly. We dont see those things

Having a friend is awesome

in reply to

Oh 47. Sorry. I can’t associate with teenagers

Mumma_h profile image
Mumma_h in reply to

😆, I have to , they’re all around me ( teenagers, my kids and their friends.....) I think they’ve rubbed off on me little, they’re full of energy and hope and crack me up !!! But I’m getting more confidence to put them in their place if they’re hurtful ( which lucky for me not often, they’re great kids )or if they go overboard, or in appropriate, it wont happen overnight but getting there ❤️I totally get what you mean, though . TRUST me , they all aren’t bad , they just have things to learn that they Havnt yet and my job to maturely point them in the right direction as far as being compassionate and understanding of others

Mumma_h profile image
Mumma_h in reply toMumma_h

Ahhhh let em laugh I say and give them a bit of crap back, wit and wisdom and bit of old fashioned “Tate of your old medicine “ in a funny and unhurtful way does wonders 💕

Certain people have huge heart and never hurt people and have the ability to comfort as we can’t

Ads migiratiin

Tk u It may be the community et all

I should not have daidcznyghing. Appreciate it though

Many blind side People here I suspect

I should not have said anything

Yes. She is the source of our life. Ur beyond soul mate Yes

No. All the galaxies too.

Yes. U can hear it ten light years away


As any true mother would stitch places with her kids or family. Same diff

in reply to


Thanks for understanding

How are men supposed to learn when we are forbidden to talk to the tree Herself. All we can do is guess. Seems sooo stupid. How are we supposed to know what a tree. Wants or needs. We just guess. We love disappointing. Oh ya.

Nice when people don’t laugh

Stupid guy

A big part of horses is slow trust and slow progressive communication. Mutual hearing and least force. Development of language

Most people would roll their eyes. Esp doctors. Their ignorance is so

Profound as to be a joke

It takes four to six years

To train a high level horses

I don’t even bother talking to doctors

They think it’s like hopping on a lawnmower

What all u do is sit there

What the Mona Lisa id just paint

I taught riding and horsemanship for forty years

U never train horses that ur not comparable with it’s too long a journey

It has to start with building bridges

I’m sure everyone dies with laugher

I don’t care that’s how it’s done



And not with force

U earn

Their trust

Agora1 profile image

Luna, my therapist use to tell me to hug a tree when I don't feel grounded.

It worked :) xx

Reading_Rando profile image

I think the most single most attractive quality a person can have is authenticity. Too many people in the world are tought to be more interested in inauthentic performances than what is sincere and genuine. I dont know who here is familar with the french philospher Jean Baudrillard but he has alot of really good insights on this topic.

in reply toReading_Rando

Brilliant. Slam dunk thank u

Opportunity profile image
Opportunity in reply toReading_Rando

I’m not familiar but I just Googled him. Do you recommend any books in particular?

Reading_Rando profile image
Reading_Rando in reply toOpportunity

His most famous work is Simulacra and Simulations which is academic therefore hard hard work to read for literaly everyone. I found a decent youtube video describing his book which I will include a link to. He has really good ideas about authenticty and fakeness but he can also be way too cynical for my personal liking and takes some of his ideas way too far (a habit of french philosophers). He is really interesting despite this though.

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