Many women put others first innately - Anxiety and Depre...

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Many women put others first innately

9 Replies

we men speaking for myself struggle to understand the complex worlds of women (some) and some men.........

9 Replies
Blueruth profile image

Thanks for making the effort. I think this is something we all need to do with groups that are not like us. A good way to learn is via first person books and movies. Even fiction is an excellent way to put yourself in someone else's shoes.

Isinatra profile image

I have to believe that “in time of need” that all humans , not just women, put others first. We all sacrifice for others. Is it innate? I think so. It’s the basic instinct to perpetuate our species. We give of ourselves so future generations can live. The humans that destroy other humans….well…that’s a discussion for another day.

in reply to Isinatra

i have worked in vet med, advanced Eventing and Dressage and Academia - there are many who are not kind at all.....hard on students, and ruthlessly ambitious who work working students into the ground or

i applaud those who care about others v the slave drivers or screaming coaches....

or patronizing doctors (i have been a cross country course designer and builder up to championshiip courses since i was 19.....and doctors and P nurses still treat us like were 5...i have 20 major designs .....still they underestimate us....

others.....are totally different .......they care first not diss u or look down their noses.

in reply to Isinatra

caring ness is innate of materinalism women.......v females....or males.......both have a bell shaped curve of very compassionate to very agressive .....either genders

both genders there are alturistic caring people to people who just go for u juglars the mintue u walk in the room....speaking from experience

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

Yes, Brig. I agree. I’ve seen and experienced too,the atrocities that humans can and do to one another. But I give praise to all the men and women who put others first, whether it’s a man who goes to work everyday to feed his family and helps to protect them and sacrificing their lives for a just cause to the women who can and do the same. Yes, women nurture and care for others as do men, but in different ways. Thank goodness most women are gifted with maternalism, it’s a necessity even in this modern world and we’re good at it.

prob i was around too many mean men and women in my careers and the college....the kind ones stand out....generally very rare and our worlds.....common in some fields such as the my worlds they look down their noses at such people........and im just completely tired of it......

thanks for ur perspective

lived in homes where the kind wife just ground to im well aware of abusive ex tho.....was abusinve and harsh on my was my george patton slave driver why we always are in awe at real moms......growning up......we dont talk about it and no i dont want a mother thank u....not what im sayng.....but if uve had a life time of being cinderella.........u get very protective of the caring people from the narcsitst who get jelous of my bio mother......we learned to deflect her away from the snow whites that came around to teach ........keep my mother busy and stroke her ego to keep her away from the instrudtors the kids loved......its not hard to spot whose good for the kids or any siae or shape..theyare good with kids and the kids run to them.........saw this in the library recently.....a littel boy lost and hiding in the corner......twnety mintues later he was tearing aroudn the libary laguing and playing......only diff was a two legged dolphin or golden retriever.......on two legs.........i just keep busy so shes not aware i notice.........miracle workers and they dont even no it.....

20 min with my bio mother.......ud get it

nothing i can do bout my geroge patton mother.....but keep her away from cinderellas and snow whiites

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aplogies--- see utube katy perry -tiger

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