i hope you all feel good today. one month ago i was diagnosed with depression. i feel so lonely and feel like only my therapist understands me. id like to meet new people who are able to understand what im feeling and maybe talk about it
loneliness: i hope you all feel good... - Anxiety and Depre...
Hi and welcome to the forum.I`m new here myself but wish you well.
I have depression too and I know how lonely the journey can be. I had a really good friend until I got ill and then I was ceremoniously dumped. I hope you don`t encounter the " I`m busy" or the " its not convenient right now" mentality. There`s some good people on here that can offer comfort and support. I wish you well, take care.
thank you so much for the kind words. its just so lonely because everyone abandoned me, they didnt believe that i feel bad. they thought i am lazy. i wish you all the best

I often feel like people abandon me as well. Something that I’ve come to terms with is understanding that everybody is their own person, and they need to look out for themselves as much as you need to look out for yourself. It feels hard and I don’t have it all figured out, but know that you’re not the only one who feels this way.
I understand you, I really do! Mental health is one of the loneliest journeys. People don`t know what to say or how to be helpful, so they retreat to a safe distance and ignore us. All we need is a comforting word or a friendly hug and a bit of understanding. It`s not like we are demanding that the world evolves around us, just a bit of support in our time of need is all that is required!
you are totally right, its just about understanding that sometimes i am not down for socialising because its just difficult for me. thank you for your kind words!
You're welcome my friend! I'm struggling too, so you're not alone.
I understand this. I have felt lonely my whole life. I remember times when I would be sitting with a group of people and think to myself no one here would care if I was dead or alive so what's the point. It is hard to cope when you don't have anyone who understands you.
Take things one day at a time, it's easy to overwhelm yourself. Get a routine going and build it up. For me I am starting small but brushing my teeth and getting out of bed at least once a day is my goal right now. I know it doesn't seem like much but for me it's progress. Best of luck to you friend. You are not alone anymore and we all understand what you are going through.
Welcome to the group thay truly understands u. All of us were where you are and we did not know who to talk to about depression but this site just made everything new and amazing. For me, just knowing that I will wake up and get on this site and speak to the people who get me is all the medicine I need because I get freed by it. People here are amazing, supportive, respectful and loving. U have made a good decision and you will also make connection and maybe find friends, I know I have. You will also get advice from people who have been there. Welcome again
thank you so much, it makes me really happy to hear it. im glad that i found this website! i hope you have an amazing day
Thank you, you too
You are not alone! We are here for you. I hope that you have a wonderful doctor who can walk you through the next few months in a smooth way. I suffer too, but thanks to my counselor and doctor I do not suffer as much as I used to.
Sorry you are depressed. I have been there before and it does feel very lonely. I am glad you are seeing a therapist and that they understand. You are not alone, and many people have experienced depression and loneliness, although not many people talk about it. Part of depression is the desire to isolate, when in reality this makes things worse. Do you have anyone at work that you can relate to? Any other activities outside of work? I know it is really hard with Covid especially, since we are very limited in what we can be doing with other people, etc. Do you exercise much? Exercise helps stimulate endorphins, which help make you feel better. Fresh air and sunshine are good for you, and the vitamin D which our bodies make from sunshine helps our moods as well as our immune system. I supplement with a 10,000 IU of vitamin D3 in winter because my doctor checked my blood levels and they were very low, since we live in an area of the country where there is a low amount of sunshine especially in winter. The D3 really does help me, anyway. I used to take antidepressant prescriptions but not anymore, though they did help when I needed them. I encourage you to keep reaching out, try to find some kind of activities where you can meet more like-minded people. Glad you are reaching out here and hoping you feel better in time.
Hey welcome to the community! This is a great place to come to get some support. We’re all here to look out for one another and find ways to connect. Hopefully that can take away some of the loneliness. It has for me 😊👍
Welcome to the forum! Depression is more common than one thinks and especially with Covid and all, so many of us are affected. So it's good if we can support one another with kind and encouraging words. You are not alone, I just wanted to tell you that. I do pray that you meet some encouraging soul in your life, in the place where you live, as well. Until then, we are here. And I don't know whether this will help in any way - but I have experienced so much peace knowing that even if my family and friends leave me or abandon me, God will never leave me! And God will never leave you.
I wish people knew all it takes is a phone call to say hello , thinking about you.I’m very anxious when the weekend comes.
It’s getting really bad.
Glad I found this site