As like many of my friends here, can’t sleep and it has disrupted my life in a major way. My psychiatrist wants me to take seroquel at night to help me sleep. Of course I googled it and saw where seroquel is NOT recommended for sleep due to possible side effects. I have anxiety and depression. I’m not bipolar or schizophrenic. I do have high blood pressure and heart disease. The problem is that I can’t connect with my psychiatrist for another few weeks to discuss what I should do. Currently , I’m using melatonin, but it doesn’t help me much and it makes me feel weird. I’m 70, been a guinea pig for meds all my life, nothing works. And I don’t expect anything to work since meds haven’t changed since I was first diagnosed in the 1970’s. Just need some good feedback to help sort my thoughts out. Thanking you in advance...❤️🏄♀️
Anybody prescribed Seroquel for sleep? - Anxiety and Depre...
Anybody prescribed Seroquel for sleep?

I did a lot of research on this after my sleep doctor prescribed it to me.
Seroquel can cause medical conditions, not just side effects so the FDA said insomnia would not be an approved use as there are many other meds that could be used that don’t cause potential health problems. But it is prescribed due to its sedating capabilities at certain doses.
On the positive side, If your doctor understands the current meds you are on, your medical conditions, etc, he/she has decided your sleep complaint outweighs the risks of using this med. It being prescribed could possibly be of additional benefit for your depression and anxiety as well.
If it doesn’t work for you, you don’t have to continue using it, but there’s a chance it might. I’d trust your doctors advice and if it’s not a good fit let she/him know.

Thank you for your sensible reply. I’ll go ahead and give it a go. Usually, if I have side effects, they are noticed early on and I can stop taking the med without any consequences. Some of the other older posts I just read we’re quite scary. ❤️🏄♀️

Hi Isinatra. Insomnia makes everything feel worse. I’ve had it for about 2 years and tried a number of meds, none of which has really worked. I did try Seroquel early on and I didn’t like the way I felt on it. But that’s me. It might be a really good fit for you. I’ve started Gabapentin and I think it has potential but too early to tell. Some people have found Trazadone to be a miracle sleeping drug. Not me. But ask your doc about that. In addition to meds I get exercise and meditate....that helps, but like you I haven’t found the answer yet. One more thing. Have you tried doing a sleep study? When your doctor offers a suggestion you don’t have to agree right away. I’d sleep on it first. (a little insomnia humor there)...... let us know what works. Something will.
Hi I have experience with it, I was skeptical too at the beginning and did a lot of research and discussed with my doctor to be comfortable with it and was very keen to notice any side effects.. actually I had none which surprised me at first but I was glad and I started to help a bit with sleep especially the endless thoughts before you sleep.. good luck and only use it if you feel comfortable that’s the most important thing
Hi, it's like all the meds the positives have to be weighed up with negatives. I took high doses because I am very tolerant to meds, however a friend of mine said he would be asleep on 25mg every time. Both my friend and I didn't like side effects and tried alternaitve options like meditation, melatonin, and Sam e, St Johns wort (not together, can be dangerous). If you can try it for a week then re assess benefits and downsides, and then if you choose to continue I woild suggest you go through same process for month, and if your dose changes go through same for another month etc. This way your anxiety and depression can't get worse without giving you warning signs in your weekly review. Also highly recommend exercise at right time, stretching, drinking warm milk, no screen time 1 hour before bed, Google - sleep routines-- it's where your body learns to unwind at set times and helps you get ready for sleep by releasing its own chemicals to help your mind wind down. Good luck 😁
Hi, I can’t attest to seroquel, but I’ve been prescribed several different sleeping pills and found that 50 mg of trazodone puts me to sleep with no side effects whatsoever ( I am about 190 lbs man). I understand your frustration with trying so many meds ( I have also ) and I’m so sorry you’re having trouble sleeping. I’m assuming you’ve already tried cutting down caffeine and food/drink before bed, both affect sleep in a major way.
Trazodone can be prescribed by walk in clinic doctors. If you want to try something again I recommend trazodone 50 mg ( or half of 100 mg). It works for me 100%. But I also drink to sleep half the time when I’m not using it.
Good luck
Thank you all for taking the time to respond. Warmed my heart ❤️ I’ll be taking the Seroquel for the first time tonight with an open mind. No caffeine, food or blue light....serious business here!
Hi, I’ve just been prescribed seroquel for sleep. How did you get on with it?
Try ambien it works
I have been on Seroquel for 3 yrs. Since my year of insomnia. I take 1 hr. Before bed will last 10hrs from time taken. I can't say amazing things but I also can't say bad either. It is to help me sleep and start my day with my morning medication. I sleep medicated or not it's the only time I am at full rest.
Hello , I’m glad you have found something that can actually give you a whopping 10 hours of sleep. Sleep is so important. The only way I could get that quantity of sleep from seroquel would be to majorly increase my dosage. I would be just be too zombied out to function. I’ve managed to work out a beneficial sleep schedule to suit my needs. It wouldn’t work for everybody, since it’s so erratic. Not everyone has the ability to take multiple naps to get their eight hours in, but I’m retired and I’m grateful I can. Even at a low dosage, seroquel makes me feel just too weird. And who wants to feel weirder than they already do?😁 Thank you for following me, I hope I can be of some help to you. I’ll be looking out for your activities in the future. Oh, I’m not much of a poster, more of a replyer. Enjoy HU, I’ve really benefited by being here. Best to you. ❤️🏄♀️
I tried seroquel three times. It put me to sleep but I felt awful for most of the next day. AND I was only taking half a dose (12.5 mg) . So that was a no go for me. Now I take 100 trazadone with 5 mg melatonin but not sure if that really works anymore- but yeah. (I know this Post is old but putting my two cents in )
Lol Better late than never, Zimarra. I finally settled back to trazadone, too. Was taking 50mg and it wasn’t making a difference in my sleep. I tried increasing it to 100mg. and this time around with the increased dose, I did sleep better and longer. I’ll stay on the dosage until the effect turns negative. This old body can’t tolerate chemicals like it used to. If your trazadone decreases it’s effectiveness, you could talk to your doc about increasing the dosage. My psychiatrist thinks 100 mg is a low dose for most people. 🏋️♀️
Yeah I eventually want to get off it do trying to do with the less is more unless it really goes bye bye. Technically it is low dose but I’m sensitive to meds as is. I’m on 12.5 Zoloft and my pych thinks I’m nuts . (To be honest I may need to go to 25 but 50 would be too much for me which is the normal dose ).
Lexapro 10 mg in the morning and 75 mg of Seroquel before bed saved my bacon. I am not schizophrenic or bi polar. I have GAD ( anxiety disorder). I am a recovering person from alcohol 40 yrs. Also a follower of Jesus. I have always had sleeping problems but it got so bad I ended up in the hospital. Best thing that could have happened. I was watched, diagnosed by a psychiatrist and cared for by a loving staff. My advice: Do not go to a family doc. for a psych. condition. See a psychiatrist. ...and keep on seeing them for your meds. I thank God for their expertise and care.