I feel like am losing the battle - Anxiety and Depre...

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I feel like am losing the battle

28 Replies

Two months ago I left a job (was laid off) that was driving me crazy and I thought that by doing so things were gonna get better, but I fell into a deep depression and now I am struggling and I can’t find the way out. I have a beautiful family and house and I don’t want them to continue to see me like this anymore. I need help please

28 Replies

Hi and welcome to a supportive community! This year has been so hard for many of us. Hang in there. There is light at the end of the tunnel (although I know it doesn't seem that way now). Do you see a therapist?

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I actually have a psychologist who is prescribing sertraline to me, but she is not a therapist

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Oh, ok. It's always nice to have someone to confide in when feeling so bad.

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That’s is why I am here to at least talk to someone who may be able to understand what I am going through

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Yep, and we are glad you took that step!! I'm hoping that we can help support you!🙂

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Thank you

13ga profile image
13ga in reply to

hi guacho, and welcome!

you've come to the right place...

1st i'd like to suggest, that getting drugs to treat depression - this is only 1/2 of the solution. talking therapy is highly recommended alongside drug therapy. so i'd also suggest seeing a psychologist, or social worker, or someone that's professionally trained to help you with talking therapy.

i'm glad you're posting - there are many here that will talk with you. some very good and smart people hang out here! many here have had talking therapy, and can offer good ideas. but it's not a full replacement for professional help - depending on how bad your depression is.


so here's a quick list of the best ways to treat depression:

- exercise! 1 of the very best things to treat depression - equal to or better than most drug therapies! (don't discontinue taking drugs prescribed without consulting dr) - do exercise in addition to other therapies. exercise can be as simple as walking - great exercise. a more vigorous workout in addition to walking is ideal!

- meditation! the other very best, non-drug treatment for depression. there are plenty of youtube videos about this - and i posted a meditation 'how-to' here: healthunlocked.com/anxiety-...

- get a good nights sleep by going to bed at a consistent and appropriate time. get up at a regular time; too much sleep is not good either.

- keep posting, and talking with others!!!!

you are NOT alone!


that's a quick list... but drugs alone won't pull you out of a deep depression. what else are you doing to help yourself?? how are you spending your time? have you thought about WHY or WHAT is causing your depression? if so, would you like to share anything else?

in reply to 13ga

I have too much time on my hands,I go for walks and I read a bit, also I keep a journal, but most of the time I don’t do much. I would like to find a job, but am afraid that no one will hire me in this condition, I also do meditation and go to acupuncture. I feel normal some days, but also have days like this often.

13ga profile image
13ga in reply to

gaucho - that's awesome news!!!

you're already doing some really great stuff! the thing to keep in mind about depression - is that it takes time and patience... it doesn't just disappear over night. so you need to be vigilant and keep doing all that you're doing. if you feel it's not enough, follow some of the other suggestions i and others mentioned in addition.


next - and really important... i hear that you want to work, but have concerns about being hired...

DO it ! go find a job. what's the worst thing that could happen? you don't get a job - so you're back to where you are now... keep looking!

you could get hired, and then later fired.... but then you're no worse off than you are now! go get another job!

working is great therapy for depression - as long as you have balance in your life between job and personal life. working gives you purpose, helps you feel like you're contributing - these are SUPER tools for fighting a depression!

also - know that there are laws against discrimination in the workplace against mental disorders. if you get fired because of your depression - there is recourse! it may not be a fight you want to fight - and it's ok if you don't... just don't let it get you down - get back up, and keep looking for the next job.

spending alot of time doing nothing can be a dangerous thing for depression; especially if you're obsessing about the depression. if you've got extra time not spent looking for a job, or actively working to heal yourself - take on a hobby. do something you enjoy, and you can say - i did "xyz" with my time.

another thing positive - try volunteering somewhere... helping others - helps you too! that's why many are here - we're selfishly helping ourselves - by helping others!!!! ;-)

also - volunteering looks great on your resume!

in reply to 13ga

Thank you so much for the advice! I know that looking for a job in my condition seems hard, but I will start soon.

13ga profile image
13ga in reply to

i know that too, guacho...

but at least try... getting started is the hardest part - once started - momentum is in your favor!

and if you fail to try... ok you failed... don't beat yourself up - you had an oops.... clean the poop out of your pants, and try again! :-)


guacho - it's OK to fail!

but ONLY if you TRIED and failed!!!!

if you failed to try - that's not so good... but don't let it get you down - TRY AGAIN.


and there's the key to treating depression...

you simply keep trying until bit by bit, little by little, you kick it in the a$$, and send it packing.

in reply to 13ga

Thank you so much for the encouragement, I’ve been reading your replies all afternoon over and over and they have helped me feel much better today and look forward to tomorrow and the days to come.

13ga profile image
13ga in reply to


you're so welcome! i'm glad i could help!!!

Thank you, I like cooking, but it seems impossible to do anything when I am feeling this way

kenster1 profile image

is it possible you needed an extended holiday rather than quitting your job.with the pandemic you might be limited to finding employment but you need a focus a new hobby or taking up an old one you once enjoyed but anything to help distract your thoughts and long days.

in reply to kenster1

actually was laid off and I am collecting unemployment, I t was a mutual agreement with my ex boss. Thank you.

I’ll try .


Not at all man, it’s just hard for me right now. I appreciate your support

Thank you very much, I am glad to have found this place.

Hi, just don't give up. This has been a very difficult year for everyone. And generally speaking there isn't a lot of hiring going on in January and February. I need a job myself but I'm hoping I can get the vaccine in February and go from there.

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Thank you for the support, every little word and comment helps a lot. I truly appreciate it.

babybird722 profile image

Guacho, so many of us are having the same experience. Medication can fix the chemical imbalances in our brain but a therapist helps with the way we frame our problems. MDs focus on how you feel physically but a therapist really helps with how you feel emotionally. These groups are helpful reminders that we are all in the struggle together, but they are not a substitute for a therapist who will eventually come to know how you think and can identify harmful thinking patterns.

My job made me miserable and I felt hopeless, but now that I have moved on, I am trying to focus on the doors that are open for me and choices I have today that I did not have yesterday. A beautiful family... you are almost there. Chose a therapist who can help you the rest of the way to a more fulfilled life.

in reply to babybird722

Thank you very much

in reply to babybird722

I actually have a Doctor who prescribes me and I will see if she can talk to me or if she can recommend someone.

Lazy_dog_lover profile image


What made work so miserable? Did you find other work during the pandemic? What are your goals for the near future?

in reply to Lazy_dog_lover

Is a long story and I rather not go into details. I am planing on looking for another job.

Lazy_dog_lover profile image
Lazy_dog_lover in reply to

Ok, share what you want. That is part of why this group exists. It is harder to reply. I wish you luck.

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