maybe i have imposter syndrome. i'm not sure what it is, but i passed my exam (barely) we need a 90% to pass and I got a 93%.
maybe i'm hard on myself but it's also peoples lives on the line. so the pressure, it weighs heavy on my body. The aches from yesterday are still here and i still have more work waiting for me.
i've come to the conclusion that the only thing that will ease this stress is having at least one or two friends in my life considering my mom hasn't responded or reached out to me nor my sisters to check on me and it makes me want to cry every second of every day. i dont eat much, and if it wasnt for the motivation to care for others i probably wouldnt eat at all.
i joined an app called bubble to make friends (its not only a dating app you can select friends and meet girlfriends on there) so i met a girl and we were talking nonstop for 3 days straight then all of a sudden she slowly started taking longer to respond and instead of responded back quick it took her all day so i quickly gave up. i know people have lives.. but im lonely and i dont know if i can take another friendship where im not getting the effort i put in. i dont annoy people, and im willing to be a great friend but im used to people choosing other people over me then it leaves me feeling like im not worthy of anyone to care about me. is there something wrong in this logic? because i need to know even if its tough love. i dont know. the worst part is all the girls in my cohort are all close, and they know im the only one in our class with no friends but maybe they stopped trying because theres something wrong with me that no one will tell me!
and even a guy reached out to me on my instagram who i found attractive but once the conversation got good i stopped responding because i was scared. but now its too weird to reach out to him. i know i should priortize other people right now but its sad to say i need someone to actually talk to because i go ALL day without talking to people then once I do have to finally talk in a meeting i'm SO SO socially awkward and my voice cracks and people talk over me or don't see me the way i'd want them to. maybe its my anxiety making it hard for me to even try to think positive. but the feeling of tears coming when you're in public.. those tears that are really hard to hold back.. i feel that everyday, all the time. this is how im spending my 20s, lonely, overworked, and maybe even more desperate which is the hardest trait for me to admit. we all need love and no one loves me.