Me and my mom fight every day, and today it got so bad I left the house and probably won't come back 'till tomorrow. It's horrible. I don't know what to do. I'm 16 so I have to come back eventually. It's exhausting. I need advice.
Exhausted: Me and my mom fight every... - Anxiety and Depre...
Why do you guys fight?
I don't know, we just do
what happens when you try talking calmly? Does she ever try to just listen instead of respond angry?
Not really. She's always like "I know best, not you." and usually she makes a big deal out of nothing

The tough truth is she does know best. Your mom was a teenager, too. She has had the same bad attitude, meltdowns and mistakes you have. Sometimes you have to look at the bigger picture. My mom and me never got along. She got mad when I stood up to my stepdad (he was an abusive douche), self harmed, overreacted, didn't go to school, had an attitude. But I've learned with age it was all for my benefit. I respect my peers and elders even if they're rude, I only react accordingly to the situation, I dropped out of highschool because I thought I know best for me and I've regretted it ever since. I've learned that a sour attitude has and will never get you anywhere, and I've learned life is nothing to waste. Now that I've had my son, I've learned that being a parent is tough. You have to give her the benefit of the doubt. It sucks, but it's life and that's what she's trying to teach you.
Though she is in the wrong for approaching it in an aggressive way, maybe she doesn't really know how else to approach you. Maybe you need to sit down with her and talk it out. But remember, regardless of your feelings, she loves you and she is trying her best.
It's hard living with parents. It's hard under lock down too with covid. I hope you can go to college and be mature enough to adapt well to dorm life because that will be the start of your moving out. right now you must think about your future. Avoid where possible. I am so sorry
My advice to you is that try to have a sit-down conversation with her and tell her how you are feeling and tell her you don't want to argue anymore or fight over things and that you guys need better communication, If she keeps arguing and fighting with you then the best thing you can do is go for a walk or a run but don't run away from the situation, your only 16 if you run away she can call the police and it wouldn't look good on you and honestly talk to your friends or an adult about what's going on maybe they can help you if you and your mom keep getting into arguments maybe they can help you out. Maybe even talking to your school counselor about it. It sucks you guys are arguing.