So anxious right now: I was walking my... - Anxiety and Depre...

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So anxious right now

Heyyouthere33 profile image
17 Replies

I was walking my dog, something I've been doing for alittle while. Im stuck at home alot and I dont leave my home so it nice to get out of the house sometimes but I do get very agorafobia sometimes because of the anxiety. ANYWAY. I was walking and out of no where I became paralyzed with fear for no reason and my legs left stuck and weaks like I was going to not be able to use them. I had to just move and run home. Now im very anxious and im trying to calm down and not let those thought overwhelming me . Help!

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Heyyouthere33 profile image
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17 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Hi dear, been there many times...I can bet that you either started to hyperventilate without knowing it or were holding your breath. Running home was possible because

you were in a state of fight or flight. Now that you are home, your subconscious mind is

playing the event that happened over and over, making it hard for you to relax.

You are in a state of "what ifs". Try settling down by making something hot to drink

which will calm the body inside and then find a quiet spot to relax in a chair.. Turn to

YouTube and select "One Minute Breathing Meditation/Let Go of Stress & Anxiety"

by Jason Stephenson.

"Two Minute Guided Meditation to Release Stress" by Rosalie Yoga and

"Mindfulness 3 Min. Meditation" by the Honest Guys

These very short videos should help calm the inner mind and the hot tea, the inner body.

Feel better. You are safe, you are secure, you are cared about :) xx

Heyyouthere33 profile image
Heyyouthere33 in reply to Agora1

Yup exactly. It was like freeze then run soo scary and for no reason too

Sorry this has happened to you. Could you get a cup of cold water, sit in a comfy chair in a warm room, take some slow deep breaths then relax and drink the water. The shock and anxiety can cause dehydration so please drink at least one or two cups.

I've had this happen with my legs.

You will overcome this.

Let's know how you are.


Heyyouthere33 profile image
Heyyouthere33 in reply to Mary-intussuception

There have been few instances in my life where that had happened randomly. Its only happened this year actually so its all fresh new fears that im fight off or over coming. All irrational like "im going to become paralyzed"

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Heyyouthere33

So, how are you now? Have you been able to drink water? Your legs are ok now?

Heyyouthere33 profile image
Heyyouthere33 in reply to Mary-intussuception

Yes I am. I sat down and just meditated on it and I spinned this to a more humor memory. I would rather laugh about then cry about. I feel ok. I have energy cuz of the adrenaline in my legs so im going to put that in to. Im no longer going to let the fear control me. I will control me!

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to Heyyouthere33


sophie4 profile image
sophie4 in reply to Heyyouthere33


sophie4 profile image

I've experienced this many times...walking my dogs, or shopping at he supermarket...even being in a quiet library.Try to know (when it's happening) that you WILL get home and eventually you WILL feel better. Actually, it's a decision you have to I going to stay in a panic state or find ways to calm down and gain strength.

A cup of tea helps me. So does trying to take a nap. Writing about how I'm feeling...what just happened to me...and in writing make a short list of what you can do to feel a little better.

Anxiety and depression are reactions to something you've either tucked away deep inside and don't consciously realize is really bothering you, or it's a reaction to an event that has happened to you recently (and you've been through a lot), and the list goes on. Sometimes this can be something that other people in your family experience too but don't share their feelings with anyone.

You'll get a lot of help here. People will share some suggestions, some of their own experiences and what they did to get help or help themselves, and you will surely feel support and true caring.

Heyyouthere33 profile image
Heyyouthere33 in reply to sophie4

Thank you soo much for this. I'm still stress about it but it really is a choice.

sophie4 profile image

Did I tell you that I'm way, way, way older than you? Thought you should know in case you feel uncomfortable talking to such an oldster...funny thing happens along your life journey. You take all of your ages with you, and, if you work at it just a tiny little bit, you can connect to any age you were and feel how you may have felt then.And, you're always sort of amazed when you realize you became so much older not to mention the shock of looking in the mirror and wondering who in the world is that old woman. Anyhow...if you do feel like you'd rather talk with a person more in your age range, no problem. I totally understand. If not, know that I'm here to support you, can't imagine how to judge another person unless I've actually lived their lives...and I'm here to listen. Maybe suggest a few things...share a few things.

You're so right!!!! How you choose to feel about your choice. Of course, everyone initially reacts to something...good or not so good..with strong emotions. Sometimes people feel 'out of control of their lives', or simply, out of control.

But you're perfectly IS a choice we all make once we realize that we have the individual power to see life as a long series of choices. We all make great choices and other kinds of choices we wish we hadn't made. When I make a good choice, I celebrate...with some sort of ICE-CREAM!!!! When I realize that the choice I made during one part of my life, or now, I's a challenge. Hop up, dust off and look at things from all sides...figure out what options you had or have to make a different choice that may serve you in a better way.

I learned something...I never give another person the power to make me feel or act in a way that isn't my way, or how I feel in response to something. I learned to be the owner of my own personal power. Does it always work, thinking this way? Nope. But I keep trying.

Constantly reminding myself that we are all living in a frightening world. You go outside, or especially when you go inside, like to a store or somewhere and everyone (hopefully) is wearing a mask. Looks weird...sometimes even scares me. And I've doubled up...I wear a mask and a face shield and depending where I am going, I wear gloves. Of course, I want to protect myself and I want to protect others. And for those people who are angry about being told to wear masks or being told to stay inside...well, I personally feel disappointed but it's a choice they are making for themselves...and most importantly, it's a choice their making for others. Somehow, that doesn't feel fair. But everything we do is an individual choice. Don't take my thoughts too literally. We have laws. It is not a choice to break these laws. And we have history...we can learn valuable lessons from history.

Keep your chin up...take extra good care of yourself...and always remember that there are many people who care about you. I'm one of those people.

Betcha want to know just how old I am...70!!!!!!!! Wooohooo!!!!

Heyyouthere33 profile image
Heyyouthere33 in reply to sophie4

And thats great, I will take advice and insite from anyone who listens and understands. Everyone has their own journey and I can learn a thing or 2 from people who have walked their journey.

sophie4 profile image
sophie4 in reply to Heyyouthere33

Great! Looking forward to chatting with you.

Barbie72 profile image
Barbie72 in reply to sophie4

Hey Sophie, we're not old - I'm 72 and everything you said I can agree did we get so wise at our age! Great when someone asks for our advice, huh? We've probably been there and done that, and if we can save one person from making the same stupid stuff, it's all good. I'm bipolar and am still learning new ways to cope. God bless!

sophie4 profile image
sophie4 in reply to Barbie72

Hello Barbie72!!Thanks so much for your reply!!! You're RIGHT!!!!!!!!! We're young chickens!!!!

I agree...any time, any way you can extend help to another person is one of the most important act you can do in life. I'm not at all wise, though. I wish I learned from all the huge mistakes I've made throughout my life, but it seems as though I really haven't. I do have loads and loads of experiences to draw upon so maybe I can help another person.

When's your birthday?? Lets celebrate our 'youngness'!!! This is funny...I told, after being asked, this stranger who was standing in line with me at some store with me, that I just turned 80!!!! She believed me!!!!!! Didn't even say a thing look wonderful!! She believed me!!!!

Be well. God bless.


Barbie72 profile image
Barbie72 in reply to sophie4

My birthday is 10-17. I loved your response! You sound like a very hip, healthy 80! You're right, we've got a lot of experience under our belts. Do you have kids, grandkids? I try to pass on little stuff, sayings, etc. but now I can't think of any since they are in college.....but some of them have stuck. How are you doing mentally? I think you have a really positive attitude which goes a long way, huh? My meds are doing good and I am stable now - a hiccup now and then. Have a good therapist that gets me back on track. Any problem with losing hair? I can't believe how it's falling out....probably meds, but am on them for several years. Just part of getting old, right?Have a good day!

sophie4 profile image

Hey Barbie72,I think I remember writing to you...did you receive my reply?

How are you??? Do you know Dylan's song, "Forever Young"? Joan Baez performed it and i know other artists did as well. Being up here in the 7th decade and the journey of getting here, amplifies the words, don't you think..that is if you know the song.

Tell me about know, anything you feel comfortable sharing. What do you enjoy doing?

Be well and stay safe!!!!

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