miserable: I have no friends, no one... - Anxiety and Depre...

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25 Replies

I have no friends, no one likes me, I'm giving up. would the world even miss me?

25 Replies

I don't know.

Only 450000 of nicrst people in world it just like us

They all send billions of huggggggggggggs

Hello and welcome to the site, there are many people here who have felt the same way as you describe. Can you talk to your Parents and arrange a visit to your family Doctor, You need to talk to someone, can we help ?


in reply to

My parents don't really care about me

in reply to

I am in the UK and here at sixteen we can approach our Doctors without family members been approached. It may be worth you looking into that in your own right.

What is the problem you have with your family ?

Can we suggest anything ??

Have you tried Mindfulness Relaxation Technique or Breathing exercises. you can use this method by slowing your breathing with deep breaths.

You can purchase a book on Amazon for £7;00 STG or $10;00 USA.


goldieoldie profile image
goldieoldie in reply to

hi,how do you feel about you are your parents indifferent or the other way round ,Im an oldie,but wiser,never had any real friends at school,bullies have got a hold on you if you dont stand up to them,and if it gets too much --talk/vent on here thats what we are about SUPPORT-take care---music was my safety,and skating nowadays its mental health--given and taken...

in reply to goldieoldie

My mom left when I was little and my dad wouldn't care if I disappeared, and I know that because sometimes I don't even come back to the apartment

goldieoldie profile image
goldieoldie in reply to

hi,your not a ghost ,yout a very valuable person in your own right,begin or rather learn to care and like yourself,develop empathy and maybe when you realse there are others out there and on here ,this forum,have all feelings of unworthiness,among other things like depression and anxiety,sorry for the mistakes-----you were meant to live and move forward......dont allow others to deny you that gift.....I can PM you or you me,,,,😊😉😉

I wake up go to school, come back, do homework, eat, and sleep

in reply to

Also I have no one close to me

in reply to

Hello Ghost! Ok you mentioned that you go to school, come home, study, then go to bed. Is there anything at school like a club or sport that you might be interested in? Once you find people who are interested in the same thing you are into, it is easier to find a friend. What about a part-time job? Find a place fun and apply. You may never know.

Reading_Rando profile image

As long as you live you will have the opportunity to meet people who will like you and care about you. You may not be lucky enough to be around them at the moment but they are out there in the world. When you try and reach out (as you just did) you will find there are many people who care. Your not alone.

in reply to Reading_Rando

I would like a friend

Clarrisa profile image

Do you have Grandparents you can call by phone & speak to? I too felt my parents didn't really care about me growing up. I regret not writing & keeping in touch with my Grandparents. What may have stopped me at the time is my parents did not seem close to them, so I had hardly ever meet them. My mother did save their letters which I read after her death, & then realized that they really did wish to be close to all their grandchildren. This is sad because I had wanted to be closer to them too.

It is harder during a pandemic no doubt to make connections that lead to friendships. That is why I suggested Grandparents because they may be in need of hearing from others by phone or letter too right now. Counseling, excellent at that, helped me move past a less than ideal upbringing. If any is available at your school you might check to see what the therapist is like. If available who knows they may offer a idea or two to help out during these lonely pandemic times. I like you Ghost, but I'm sorry, I'm just an old lady out in California! Please take care Ghost, God answers prayers.

PilotJmanF profile image

I feel the same way. I just lost all my friends at college.

dmt1121 profile image

I sense that maybe you keep to yourself, perhaps lack a bit of self confidence and certainly, human beings, as teenagers and adults tend to shun those who do not fit their expectations for how people should be. Look at how things are playing out in this country and around the world right now. It's easier to fit in when you stick with your "tribe" and shut out the non-conformists.

Maybe you are one such non-conformist, who does not "run with the pack". I had few friends in school and even now. I do wish I had more friends but friends should be people you really connect with and can talk to. The MeetUp website has different groups that are focused on interests and shared experiences. That might be one avenue to pursue. Everything from hiking, to drawings, books, you name it.

I big part is making yourself available and taking a chance. Volunteering, being a tutor or any number of selfless activities puts you out in the world in new ways. You work with good people who care about others. If the pandemic is making this too hard, there are many new online Zoom classes too, where you may learn about others taking the class.

It's not that you will never have friends. I think it's more that perhaps it is harder for you to get to know people. That takes time and finding common interests, concerns or situations to give you that "ice-breaker" to start a conversation.

Good luck and let us know what's happening with you.

I have not really had friends for a few years now, and after circumstances this year that saw me break off from a small group, I don’t really want to go through that hurt again. And yet, The loneliness at times can be quite overwhelming. I can’t really offer much advice in addition to what some other users have suggested. I think joining clubs or activities can be beneficial but it’s just finding the willpower to join them, and Of course sticking to them. You may not click with people immediately, and it takes time especially if you find it difficult to make friends in the first place like I do but you should not feel discouraged. I’m not sure where you are but depending on your country and restrictions due to Covid it may not be possible to go to clubs in person. Tbh, online communities are probably more preferential at the moment: reddit and discord channels for example, and if you have certain niché interests there’s a lot of shreddits that are available. I’m debating whether to join reddit myself and join a few communities there.

Your schedule of a typical day really seems like it also doesn’t bring you much joy. I know what that can be like. I find my days this year being quite empty and listless, and it just feels like you’re going through the motions, and that can really affect your mental health and your outlook. I don’t know if you have any hobbies, but I’d recommend doing a hobby that doesn’t ask too much out of you Like doing some art or reading or breaking the “get up, do this, eat, do that, sleep” with a workout. You don’t even have to workout outside, and there’s a lot of free exercise instructors on YouTube that you can start with. I find it a struggle to motivate myself at time when I’m having a very difficult day but if I force myself to exercise or go hiking I feel a lot better afterwards.

texasbonnet profile image

Please don't give up. Our world needs people who are striving to be a better person. It is sad and lonely without friends but they are available. Sometimes we need to ask for what we need. I bet there is someone waiting for you to ask to be your friend. My whole life has been trying to get a friend a keeping that friend. At my age I lose friends due to death and relocation. We never out live our need for friends. I will be your friend and will try to be here for you when you are down. Have a good a day as you can possible have.

Spooky99 profile image

Hey your not alone! I have a very small circle of people I am close to. I was always shy , not out going. Lazy. Not good at sports. Lol. I didn’t have a group of great friends in my high school. I am now 52. I’m married with children. I’m still quite and that’s ok. I’ve been screwed over by friends. So one good friend is enough!!! You have to love yourself. It’s a bad time right now for doing things. I’ve attempted suicide in my early 20’s. I do think people would have missed me. I think it ruins lives. There has to be something you like. I have my dogs, grandkids. Depression sucks! But it comes and goes. Are you on meds? Maybe therapy? You can message me. Hugs to you

Josephine815 profile image

Please don't feel like that. This a support group. That's what we are here for! To share with people who are going through the same thing. And there's God as well, don't know if you are religious or not, but pray, pray to whom ever you want. Prayer is powerful. I will pray for you ❤️🙏

Don't give up, you can always find a friend on here

dang2dang profile image

you can find comfort in God. I listen to pastor Joel Osteen on youtube. He is very inspirational. Hope this may help. And don't give up. I have no friend too and we can be friend if you like.

Tara52 profile image

I can relate to those feelings. Our thoughts can really make us miserable when we think they are true. Did you realize it is just as easy to think another way instead of believing the repetitive lies you have been rehearsing for years?Our minds are powerful tools but we have to train them to produce good in our lives. God said He made you good and God cannot lie. It will take some conscious effort on your part. If I could do it (and I practice at it everyday) you can too! Make baby steps. Start with one major miserable thought you say often and change it. You will to start to notice a difference in how you feel. Remember it's our thoughts that create feelings and feelings create symptoms.


Pel3749 profile image

Hi Ghost4. We like you. You are very important and we care. It can be very hard at your age with friends and family. Talk with someone from your church or school counselor,they will help you. Stay connected with this support group for it is very helpful. Maybe you can join some type of club in school that you like, or volunteering with children maybe a daycare center or scouts. Exercising and yoga is a relaxing outlet. Stay focused and put yourself first. You are so young ,full of life and have a lot to offer. God bless you and keep us posted.

Lobito profile image

I used to feel the same; I looked up for help. I am having therapies that have been very helpful. The first thing you have to do is to love and accept yourself. I am sending a huge 🤗 Please smile 😊

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