Guys I’m stuffing so bad with anxiety and depression it’s never ever been this bad I can’t even eat all I do is cry I just want to be normal. What can I do please someone help I’ll try anything. Any YouTube videos or advice will help I just hate this so much and I don’t know what to do anymore
Help: Guys I’m stuffing so bad with... - Anxiety and Depre...

I am so sorry you are facing this and how much it hurts and feels like hell on earth. I know and understand more than I will go into but you know cause you are facing it each and every day.
I know that what works for me may not for you and even me at times. For I can find a helpful tool that works only for it to not another day. I have been super sick and not able to be here for a few weeks but I am able to get on today and I know it helps me to help others even if i am having a tough time.
I am learning breathing tools, tapping, butterfly hug, pretzel position, and taking time to do self-care with things that do bring me comfort or a bit of relief.
I know how you feel. I feel the same way. All I want to do is stay in bed all day. I have to force myself to be functional. I have a lot of anxiety that I will become disfunctional.
I’m sorry that you are going through this horrible time. I was in the same place about four months ago. It became obvious that I couldn’t help myself so I sought out professional help. I am on a small dose of Lexapro and I have another pill to help me sleep. I wasn’t sleeping either and I felt like a hamster in one of those rolling balls. I am proud to say that I am doing much better today. I too wasn’t eating and lost 12 pounds in one week. I have cancer too so that didn’t help. I could not stop crying either and it finally got to the point where I couldn’t hide it anymore. My family found out too which was good because they knew what I was going through and they all supported me even if it was just by a FaceTime call. No one wants to go through this but if you are in such a bad way, you need to advocate for yourself and get help. I still talk to a psychologist and psychiatrist and it really helps. Good luck to you. You will get through this too.❤️
Sending virtual hugs.
You tube The Anxiety Guy and Therapy in a nutshell are two really good things to watch. You are not alone sending you hugs.
I find Tim Janis on You Tube to be quite relaxing.
It's beautiful music accompanied with some of the most beautiful nature scenes you can imagine.
It helps me to relax and ficus on the immense beauty of this world...
Proverbs 3: 5,6
Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.
So sorry to hear this Sierramist, I can really relate and have had some really dark and scary moments with my anxiety. I find having something first thing in the morning to listen to helpful be it music or a podcast. Also chatting through with family and close friends. Initially i didn’t talk to anyone as the thought of talking to people terrified me, but I have actually found my family members have been through similar things and anxiety and depression touches a lot of people. Please know you are not alone.
I also had my first acupuncture session today for my anxiety as have heard this helping others. Early days but I found the first session good.
Sending big hugs your way x
Ps - I find headspace a good app, has mediation sequences, relaxing music
Get professional help. I take escitalopram which has turned my life around! ❤
I'm so sorry you are going thru this. Something that helps a lot with both is magnesium, it calms the mind body and spirit and ginseng is good to get rid of sticky negative thoughts that loop so you can get back to feeling better sooner. Get out in sun, go for walks to work thru things in a positive way. Volunteering is great too, since it helps get our mind off our problems. You are strong, you will get thru this and to a better spot soon. <3 Healing hugs.