How to know if i have thyroid cancer ??? I havent ate a full meal in about 2 weeks ive only been able to drink liquids , oatmeal and grits . its making me scared to sleep because i think im gonna choke in my sleep , my throat muscle gets tense when its cold im 21 years old i think i have this
Scared: How to know if i have thyroid... - Anxiety and Depre...

You probly dont have cancer, it takes a very long time to develop ! other symtoms would be present also, get it checked and dont worry.
Hello, why would you think you have thyroid cancer? Anxiety causes difficulty to swallow, it's a very common symptom.
Are you getting any help treating your anxiety?
How to know is by going to your doctor and getting blood work done and a checkup.
But you don’t just catch thyroid cancer, by the looks of your history you are experiencing a severe form of health anxiety. It’s so hard combat intrusive and ruminating thoughts if you don’t have right tools or defenses in place.
Are getting any treatment (counseling, therapy, medication, non medicated therapy) for you anxiety? You are probably not getting enough calories and are most likely lacking nutrients in your diet like protein, dietary fat, etc. Eating and sleeping are very important to your health and well being, not doing these will cause real health problems down the line, putting extra stress on being already stressed, you want to feel better not worse.

Ye ive been twice this week they checked my throat and said its fine but still having fear of swallowing its no pain tho but havent had a blood test since about February but i had this same issue going on then but it went away