I have severe GAD, PTSD and depression. I have always had an extremely wild and vivid imagination. I struggle with anxiety and fears all the time, but at night when it starts to get dark or I lay down to try and go to sleep its like I am overwhelmed with fear and terror. then my mind starts with scenarios and its just one big vicious cycle. The lack of sleep affects me overall physically and mentally. I have huge sunken dark circles under my eyes and I just look terrible. Anyone else struggle with this or have any suggestions to help? At times I definitely notice its worse than others. Not sure if its things I watch or see or even read, but its so draining
Scared At Night: I have severe GAD... - Anxiety and Depre...
Scared At Night

Yes I feel the same way when it comes to bedtime... I always need the light on I keep Netflix on and always have my phone in my hand ... I try to keep my mind busy I eventually fall asleep but wake up just hours later I can never get a full nights sleep I will def talk it over with ur psychiatrist if you have one to see what medication can help I def will try to take something you need sleep or even if you can find a hotline number to call at night just to have someone to talk to when your having these fears could help you also
That's how I am, lights on, tv, noise machine, scrolling on the phone etc. I was given hydroxyzine but it drugs me out so bad and seems to worsen my depression. Benzos of course are controlled, not sure what else there is. I maybe slept 4 or5 hours last night and it was full of dreams, but I have to try and stay up bc I have to work all day. I'm just so freaking tired all the time and I just want to cry
& try to watch comedies before bed or cartoons what u watch before u sleep does make an impact on your dreams and mind
I have GAD, PTSD and severe depression. Nighttime is definitely the worst for me. I think it's because it's so quiet and dark and the loneliness hits leaving too much time to think. I've been going to CBT for 9 years now. Started with weekly, then every 2 weeks, then monthly and now I just do maintenance visits when I feel like I need it. It has provided some good coping mechanisms. I also take Lexapro for my depression. It doesn't completely take away the anxiety, but does help it stay at a manageable level 90% of the time. Before all that though, I would leave my TV on the shopping channel all night for the light and the noise or I would turn on talk radio. I also kept a word search book by my bed. That little bit of distraction would often help me immensely. Before I had children, if I would get the feeling that I just couldn't be alone at night, I would get a book and go sit at an all night diner near me. There were always people in and out and the workers knew me so I always felt safe there. Hopefully this can give you some ideas. Sorry if there's any typos. I'm on my phone and still half asleep lol
Love your pic!! I'm a huge Star Wars fan 😀 I am in therapy, just really starting with a good trauma based therapist, but she is well versed in CBT. I always have the tv on, noise machine, some light etc. Its just so exhausting. Im a single parent so there's never time to catch up on sleep, my eyes look terrible. I sleep maybe 4-6 hours a night but it's not even restful when I do. I have to work and it's just extremely hard.....I'm just worn out and want to cry
My advice is to say the The Lords Prayer every night before you go to sleep, if you say it sincerely it will give you a deep feeling of safety
Progesterone cream can help also GABA
Hi ginger, I also have GAD and this last while I’ve been so bad with my anxiety. I’m weaning off mirtazapine which really help the sleep (nothing else) what really helps me although I’m 40, is Harry Potter. I put them on at night time from the first one and when I wake up during the night I’ll put the next one on. I am also on quitiapine which is for the catastrophic thoughts, I’m on a low dose of 25mg it can be taken morning and night. The anxiety had me terrified all day & night but it has eased even though I’m tapering from the mirtazapine. The Harry Potter books and films really do help me and I’ve tried so many other things but this is the best for me. I had became kind of automatically afraid in the evening because I knew what was coming if that makes sense? I really hope you can find something that helps. I’m here anytime you need to chat. X
Thank you, sounds like we definitely have a lot in common. Sorry you can relate, GAD is tough to live with. I honestly didn't realize how debilitating mine was until my therapist explained it to me. My family has never been real supportive or even willing to discuss mental illnesses such as mine, and if it is mentioned its minimized and not that big of a deal. So I'm sort of just trying to learn about GAD and living with it and understanding what self care is etc, bc that has never been an ok thing in my life. Maybe its just the way GAD works but mine seems to cycle, and right now its extremely ramped up. I keep wracking my brain trying to figure out what is making it so bad. The lack of sleep isn't helping. I am not on any daily meds for my GAD and depression except a beta blocker and wellbutrin. I do have emergency meds for extreme anxiety and panic attacks and here lately I've needed it just so I can sleep. I've never heard of the meds you are taking, maybe I will look into them. I have not watched or read Harry Potter but I've always wanted to. Im almost 40 as well and my go to at night is Disney movies and Star Wars 😎😃
Hi, with my GAD I have been well for years and then it appears with a huge bang. I know for me it’s because I don’t share my feelings like when I’m angry, upset etc I hold it all in and pretend “I’m fine” so this is triggers and I can last years without getting to this stage. I have a fantastic support network and my gp is the best, since being on mirtazapine I have been getting periods of constant anxiety every couple of months and for longer each time so the medication isn’t working for me which is why I’m now tapering, and start new medication next week. I studied mental health nursing and thought I would have a better handle on it but it doesn’t work that way unfortunately. I recommended a book a few days ago and that has GAD and other conditions, which I feel helps me to read. I’ve tried beta blockers but they weren’t for me, I have benzodiazepines also. It is a debilitating illness and I totally understand how it feels, that constant sick feeling in your stomach, the scream that is sitting in your throat just waiting to come out, the feeling of total fear and catastrophic thoughts that feed every physical symptom associated with anxiety. Hope this helps. 😊
Trying to find a med for my anxiety has proved pretty unsuccessful for me. The wellbutrin is for my depression. SSRIs and I don't get along very well. they finally put me on a beta blocker bc years of my anxiety was affecting my blood pressure and heart rate. It did seem to help with things in the beginning but here lately not so much. Do you mind if I ask why beta blockers weren't for you? So I do have emergency meds but that's it.
I have been pretty lucky with my meds the first one I was on was paroxetine (Paxil) and that worked for years. I had no anxiety at all, but when that stopped working I started mirtazapine and felt great but only for a short time and then the severe anxiety would come back every month or 2 so I’m now coming off that. The beta blocker (propanalol) made me so depressed and although I have several anxiety I wasn’t ever depressed, which is apparently a common side effect? I started the quitiapine nearly 3 weeks ago because my constant catastrophic thinking was keeping me in a high state of anxiety all day and night, I was terrified and kept thinking this is it the worst is about to happen, any little twinge had me in tears. Are you in the uk? This past few days I have felt so much better even though I’m coming off the mirtazapine, so I know I’ll be up and down until I’m on the new medication.