Im panicking again 😭 im so scared! I mentioned the other day that my gum was hurting its okay today but now im scared because im tasting sweet in my mouth like im teying to eat noodles and it taste sweet and i ate a hot chip just too see and it taste sweet but the after taste and spicyness is there and im just freaking out 😭!!!! Something is always happening to me i hate it 😔
Scared : Im panicking again 😭 im so... - Anxiety and Depre...

How’s the ears ?
They’re good thanks for asking
It was a distraction technique to take your mind off freaking out 😊
I managed to calm down a bit but the sweet taste is just new and it freaks me out !!!
Anxious minds make stuff up on us there’s always something
I was feeling okay until i ate and it tasted sweet 😭 but idk could be my gum causing it cause it still hurts like feels sore 😩
Maybe an abscess on your gum
I don’t feel no ball though thats the thing 😫
That’s good if it’s not swollen ......are any teeth sore?
Maybe a trip to the dentist would be advisable just to make sure all is ok given you said you had problem with your gum hope u go on ok🙂
I don’t think ill be able to see one its so pricey here in texas and the pain isn’t as bad . It’s just that sweet taste it just happened today and it scares me 😟
Give it a day or two it may well go away things often do try not to panic about it panicing stress can make you feel run down , that happens to me sometimes and then i get mouth ulcers it may well pass
Get your mouth checked out. Something that is freaking you out will keep freaking you out till you get peace of mind.
Maybe try canceling sweet with something sour, not spicey. Lemon, lime, vinegar, etc.
I am exactly the same. There is always something. I have trouble with my mouth as my meds for my depression over the years have made my mouth extremely dry and I cannot produce saliva. As I am getting older I am getting more scared and I need to curb that but do not know how. Very very debilitating. I am so sorry I cannot help but there are others like us out there.
Have you tried Biotene for dry mouth? It’s helped me so much. I also drink flavored water once or twice a day, and it helps immensely.
Nicky, you remind of my little sister, and of me when I was younger. I deal with severe anxiety and panic disorder, but luckily I’ve been able to control my out of control fears about my health. My advice? Relax. Go and do something else. So what if you taste something sweet? Maybe there was a spice or spice combination that made it taste that way. Are you bleeding? No? Then relax. Tell yourself you’re going to wait a few days to see if it goes away on its own. If it doesn’t, then make an appointment. I hope you feel better soon.
If your gums are sore and nothing else, then it’s gingivitis and it goes away by just brushing your teeth more and don’t forget to floss too, no need to panic.
Get some sugar acid neutralising toothpaste your blood sugars maybe raised thus hurting your gums. Bite/suck into a quarter cut lemon if your feeling anxious and drink plenty of water after bushing your teeth and with sugar acid neutralising toothpaste don't forget a good mouth wash brush for at least 2 mins with a soft brush, mouthwash for at least 1 minute. For the first day brush morning afternoon and evening. Drinking water will help lower blood sugars as to will exercise. Talking from a recent problem myself mine was more severe as I still need to see a dentist still but keeping it all under control.
Should pain go to your tooth nerves try rubbing clove oil on your gums it tastes awful if tasted try not to get it on your tongue it is a natural antibiotic and will numb any pain even sever toothache or for mild pain Bongela which is for gum pain and infections.
Hi my gum has been a bit like that the last few days , ive been gargling with mouth wash every night before bed and putting a little adult bongela on the sore area in the morning and at night and its starting to feel a little better today , hope that helps a little bit your not alone ! Hope you feel a bit better soon 😊