Hey everyone, recovering from a rough weekend of little/no sleep due to constantly thinking about what my ex-wife was doing all weekend. I have my children Friday/Saturday night, so of course she is out with friends and it is none of my business what she has been doing. I seriously spend HOURS thinking about every scenario and it is absolutely gut wrenching. I can't think of anything else and it is driving me crazy!! How did you guys get over the thoughts of your ex-wife being hunted in the wild again?
I woke up today with this feeling that it isn't over and that if I focus all my energy on what is right, I might be able to get my life back again. However, I also have this feeling that it's way too late for that and I'm tempted to fall down a hole of Tinder or equivalent apps to find someone that will help take my mind off what my ex-wife is most likely doing.
I feel so lost and empty.....