I have struggled with anxiety and depression pretty much my whole life and it’s gotten a lot worse ever since coronavirus and I’m also about three months postpartum which I know doesn’t help. I knew that I would be more at risk for postpartum depression because I had a history of depression in the past. My husband recently got laid off from his job which I know doesn’t help. I just feel like we’re constantly struggling and I’m struggling to make it through each day and get out of bed each morning. If I didn’t have my baby I don’t think I would. I’m starting to have really bad thoughts lately and I’m just feeling so down and defeated. Nothing makes me happy. I tried to increase my depression medication dosage but I think it just made it worse so I stopped. I guess I just really wanted to vent and get this off my chest since I feel like I can’t really talk to anyone or no one gets it.
I feel like I need help and I have no... - Anxiety and Depre...
I feel like I need help and I have no one to talk to

Please don't up any medication without talking to a doctor first, promise? Do you have a therapist? It sounds like you could really use one to speak to. You are going through a great deal right now and having depression on top of it is only adding fuel to the fire. Trust me, I get it! I have had depression since the age of 7, I've had 2 sons, and money is always a problem. But I do want to say this to you... Sometimes our anxiety and stress over the virus can be more deadly than the virus itself. Will your husband get his job back once things start opening up again or does he have to look elsewhere? If he got laid off, he should be able to get unemployment, correct? You guys are going to get through this. And I"m here to support you and talk any time you need someone!!! I promise.
My doctor upped my medication I didn’t just do it on my own. Luckily my anxiety would scare me too much to do that. One good thing about it 😂 it’s very true about the virus. Thanks for the message. I truly appreciate it.
I didn't mean to "assume" you upped your meds on your own, it just sounded that way and it concerned me! I take Xanax when I need it or when I'm having a panic attack. I tried Klonopin but it took to long to work and I need something like NOW! It may be short acting but at least works immediately.
I appreciate you looking out! I could see how it sounded that way. I feel like something like Xanax could be nice because it works immediately.
I was on Ativan for years but stopped taking them almost 3 years ago. Then my stress level and anxiety increased so my Psych doc said she would give me something to help me through until life calms down. LOL... I don't think life is ever going to calm down, I just need to find ways to control my anxiety and panic attacks. But I absolutely appreciate having the meds when I'm hit quickly and can't get it under control! So for now, I'll try the "natural" ways and when that doesn't work, the Xanax at least works quickly.
Hi ladybug.if you want to try natural way then try to make strong your heart and kidneys. HealthyAdrenal gland also help in stress .and you can learn self acupressure therapy ,seed,colour therapy too.try to learn sujok acupressure from internet.it helps a lot.
Wow sorry to hear about you current situation and your husband getting laid really doesn't help.. Well thank God this baby came into your life to give the strength to get out of bed and give love to this beautiful child... we have all lived thru the anxiety, depression and panic attack.. It's a tough life I totally understand , it's mentally exhausting.. But you can't let this beat us... we have to survive.. Yes some days will be a lot worse than others.. But we can't give up.. What good will that do and think about the people around you that love you!!!!! It's all mind over matter.. I know we all have the inner strength to find some sort of comfort.. I'm sure you do as well.. Tell yourself tomorrow will be a better day.. Think about your life before the depression.. Think happy thoughts...
I so get you. I had my first kid when I was in a new neighborhood and didn’t have anybody to connect with. It wasn’t Covid-19 but I understand the isolation. Please talk to your doctor about meds. Maybe they’ll have you switch or supplement your current medication with others. You can also reach out to us and we’ll give you tons of virtual hugs!
I've never had a baby but I've seen my sister and a friend of mine deal with postpartum depression and I know it can be really rough. These times we are living in are stressful for everyone. I'm like, so tired of 2020 already. Some people say we are all going through a transformation, I just feel like I'm slowly going insane sometimes. Know that you are not alone, everyone's feeling all this isolation and financial stress. Just take one day at a time.
Have you talked with your doctor? He or she needs to know how you are feeling. I had severe PPD and I can't imagine having it during 2020. Please reach out to a friend and ask for support!
Hi Madmax234, could you try to watch PVH healing videos on youtube.its a different kind od healing.no touch no medication healing.it may work for your all kind of prblem .they have prayers and healing through pranik energy.
i'm on here for the solace of others suffering,so as i dont feel alone and guilty.we try to help ourselves because help from others is scarce, because the best helpers are too busy~ ciley god bless you