Hi folks. I’m a 58y/o woman , married, grown kids out of the house. Since April I’ve been dealing with stubborn anxiety and recently depression. I have a therapist and support, I’m on some meds which only partly work. Meditate, the whole deal,. Can’t get it to loosen up. So that’s my story.
Older gal in the pits. : Hi folks. I’m... - Anxiety and Depre...
Older gal in the pits.

Haha, I like your nickname on here. 2020 has so far been so rough on so many people, this whole coronavirus situation is insane!!! I've heard that tonight there's a democratic convention going on, I might watch some of it. Welcome to this site , there's good people on here, I hope you get some support and help!☺
Were you ever depressed in the past? Do you have a history of depression or is this the first time you have been depressed? Is your husband a good source of support for you? Sometimes, when we have family members that do not understand, it is difficult. It sounds like you are getting good treatment. Perhaps the antidepressant they put you on is not effective. Often times it takes several tries to find something that actually works.
Oh no, not my first. 20 years ago I dealt with postpartum for nearly 2 years. Hubby’s great- can’t understand cause he’s not experienced either, but really supportive. I’ve been on lexapro for some 13 years, my doctor is looking to change it. On lamictal for mood (I’m not bipolar) moving up to regular dose
For me , the anxiety is the worst. Low dosage benzos are pretty ineffective.
Don’t mean to yammer on. This all takes so much time- waiting for meds to work, therapy. Hey I’m a young boomer. Don’t have too much time!
It sounds like the Lexapro is no longer effective. This often occurs with antidepressants. Paxil worked for me for many years, then stopped working. You are fortunate that your husband is very supportive,. That is a big plus. I also took Lamictal for a while, but it did not agree with me.
Anxiety is also the worst for me,. A very terrible feeling. I think that the older we get the more difficult it is to control mental health issues. I am a bit older than you, and it is quite difficult for me at this point.
I hope you can find a solution. I know it is not easy.
Hi. Could it be fear of the Rona?
That’s gotta be part of it, but there’s some deeper shit going on.
You are NOT an "older gal"... Not even close. But for the rest, you have come to the right place! I know you have been asked this a lot but do you walk? It definitely helps me! And having a fur baby too. As for needing 2020 to be over? The worst thing I spent money on this year was a 2020 planner!!
Same age range, same story, know where you're coming from. Talking helps but feel I need to make a big life change yet struggle to make decisions atm.
I m older too. Ashwaganda and walking daily, and l- theanine all help anxiety alot. hang in there. go easy on newscasts too. some antidepressants cause anxiety, I take 5htp or st John's wort for years cause I get anxiety and. Insomnia from prescribed antidepress.
I feel your pain. I’m 57 years old and since April I have been very anxious and depressed. I’m a bit better but not where I need to be. Some days are unbearable. I keep saying “this too shall pass”. I pray every morning that I may get through the day without despairing. You are not alone. We need to keep the faith that this will soon lift. 🙏
Could try lower dose of hydroxyzine like 25mg. See if that helps without making you drowsy. I recently started L methyl folate. I take 15mg. this is prescription strength. You can buy it over the counter at lower doses and take a few to get up to 15mg. It worked pretty fast for me- less than a week.
I am going through the same thing. If you need to talk I am here.