Depression is the pits!: Hello, I'm... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Depression is the pits!

29 Replies


I'm new to this group.

I'll go out on a limb and say I'm male , single/divorced. 70 yrs old, Vietnam Vet and somewhat of a hermit, in that I live on a mountain (literally) in a small tight knit community. I've suffered from depression and (not formally diagnosed) PTSD.. I've tried the majority of traditional and non traditional therapies and medicines available. They have only worked for a while or not at all in some cases..I guess mostly not as I'd like, why else would I be here.

I'm here looking to get fresh ideas and perhaps share my own story to help others and myself.

29 Replies
LiveandLetLive42 profile image

PTSD is very common with veterans. Have you looked into support groups? It’s also affiliated with trauma which a lot of us here relate to. Thanks for sharing. All the best to you!

in reply to LiveandLetLive42

Hi, thanks for the prompt reply.

Yes, I've looked into and belong to a very good Veteran's support group. We help one another in many ways. I've made some friends as result..

It's not so much (and I don't want to minimize the situation) the PTSD

It's the depression and the crap that goes with it it that's hard to deal with.

It's , (even with therapy , meds and support) hard to get motivated to even get out and about, some days it's difficult to do my daily "routines"...

I'm not looking for a "magic pill" or lke that... just some new insights to depression management ..I've dealt with both depression and PTSD and at the rie old age of 70, I'm running out of options and hope.

LiveandLetLive42 profile image
LiveandLetLive42 in reply to

When you get a chance I wrote a post a little while back on how I manage. Definitely routine is key!! Also change!

in reply to LiveandLetLive42

I'll look for that post. Thanks.



in reply to Mary-intussuception

Hi how are you?

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to

OK just now. Having a reasonable evening. Had a rough few months (well longer). But not so bad just now.

I feel like you in that I have PTSD though not formally diagnosed. Not for same reasons though.

Have you ever considered writing about your experiences - or do you think that might be more traumatic rather than healing?

in reply to Mary-intussuception


Yes, I have a journal and and make entries every so often.. Somethins it helps, other times it makes it worse...

I keep the journal mostly for my son, whom I've been sepreated from for a long time..both by distance and by what became of our family due to PTSD and it's attendant symptoms and behaviors.

Agora1 profile image

Thank you for your service Lazarus. We're happy to welcome you to this

amazing support group. No one need feel alone, we are here for each other.

Through thick or thin, we stand together. I'm glad you found us. :) xx

in reply to Agora1

Thanks. I'm glad I found this site.. You're welcome for my service.. My "service" is one of the contributing factors of my PTSD and depression.. It's all complicated and convoluted... I'm still trying to sort it out 50 plus yrs on...

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

I've volunteered at Hines Veteran's Hospital (Chicago) in the past and

so I've seen what PTSD does to our veterans. We're here to listen and

support you and others on this site who are going through the same. :) xx

IamnotAvery profile image

I see that you've suffered trauma and dealt with it for quite a long time now :( I do hope that you find your solution soon! I know that you'll be able to find support in this forum. Thank you for sharing! I'll be here to listen to you as well!

Just read your profile. So sorry to hear of your loss of your Precious Dog last year. You must miss him so much.

in reply to Mary-intussuception

Thank you.

Miss my dog? Yes.. it's like a part of my heart has been ripped out.

It's rally adding to my depression .. I don't know if the grieving gets can't get much worse...(I hope)'

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to

Was your dog elderly or did he / she suffer from heart failure from a young age?

I think one year is early in grieving. Guess you two went everywhere together?

in reply to Mary-intussuception

She, was a rescue from a no kill shelter.. Her health records didn't indicate any health issues.

She was 5 (around) years old when we rescued each other the shelter wasn't exactly sure of her age. ( more on that story later).

She was indeed my constant companion.. We had many adventures and traveled many miles together.

I never thought I'd get so attached to any creature as I did her.

Lexi (her name) was a Tri color CockaPoo.. About thirty five pounds.. She looed mor like a Cocker Spaniel but had the the best traits of both Poodle and Cocker.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to

Lexi sounds beautiful. Your faithful companion, taken from you so suddenly, without warning.

Lexi was you're motivation wasn't she.

I can understand why it's so hard to get motivated. You must have suffered a great shock when she died, an unbearable loss.

in reply to Mary-intussuception

Yes, she was my world.. We rescued each other shortly after I was diagnosed with prostate cancer( 7 yrs in remission now) and I was here "last chance" a t a "fur ever" home. So, we had a unique bond... She started her "passage" in the middle of the night., the day after Christmas 2018 My former GF was with me. We drove her to a 24 hr. veterinarian to help her make that final passage in peace. The trip (50 miles one way) was traumatic. I couldn't seem to comfort her. She was struggling and nothing I could do would help. The vet helped her go quietly in my arms.. I still hurt and cry about her loss to this minute...

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to

You gave her 7 + wonderful, happy years.

You were meant to meet. So sorry for your pain now.

So, so sorry.

🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹



in reply to Mary-intussuception

Thank you..

marigold151 profile image

Thank you for your service. Much respect to you for what you have been through. I have two brothers who did not survive after they returned from Vietnam.

I found the app from the va that is helpful for ptsd. Here’s the link:

Check out this app, PTSD Coach, free on the App Store and Google Play!

I have ptsd and depression and have benefited so much from therapy and staying in groups of all kinds. Isolation is my enemy. Also I try to meditate most days. It’s one day at a time.

Glad ur on here!

in reply to marigold151


Thanks for the kind words and the app referral. I think for the most part the depression that set in some fifty or so years ago is the hardest part.. I do indeed feel out of sync with the rest of the world.. I'm only as isolated as I choose to be. I'm involved with a Vet's support group and am fairly active in my small community via some volunteering and social activities. I've only now been able to seek assistance trhough the VA as they only recently acknowledged the fact that "Blue Water" Vet's can indeed suffer from PTSD. So really, I'm only now beginning my journey towards the light.. At age 70 I'm not sure how it will go...

For me, the isolation and loneliness are the worst in what I call "The Small Hours"...evenings and early morning when most folks have family around for comfort.. I lost my dog soul mate around this time last year and it's been a rough last year.. It's not simple or inexpensive to try and find another companion...

But enough about me.. I'm here to listen and offer what support I can as part of this forum..

Feel free to reach out.

marigold151 profile image
marigold151 in reply to

I don’t know what I would do without my cats.

marigold151 profile image

Check out this app, PTSD Coach, free on the App Store and Google Play!

in reply to marigold151

Do you know if there is a similar app for Andriod or Windows?

marigold151 profile image
marigold151 in reply to

Yes I just chose the Apple cause I have iPhone. Go to App Store

in reply to marigold151

Thanks I'll do that.

KittenMittens22 profile image

Pets can be so healing. When you’re ready, maybe finding another dog to love will help motivate you and give you something to look forward to. The love of a pet cannot be compared or measured. Their love is truly unconditional.

And yes, what someone said earlier is that isolation is an enemy. I think it also helps to let out the thoughts swirling around. I, as well as others, are here to listen with loving ears. :)

in reply to KittenMittens22

Thank you.. It's been a year since I lost my dog..My "Fur Bearin' Soul Mate"... I do my best not to isolate, I know and realize that is not healthy. It's difficult to find "just the right dog" , but I'm looking. One major problem is finance. I'm retired now and on a fixed income. The shelters/adoption centers all want $300-500 to adopt. I understand they have expenses, I simply cam't come up with that in one go. As a veteran, I can adopt from the county shelter for free. Problem thereis, the majority of available dogs are Pitties and Chihuahua. Neither really fit my life style and my landlord has a no Pitte policy. So... I continue to look and hope...

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