I am 32 years old and I am having a hard time right now. I am just sitting here thinking about how I can't imagine my life when I get older (like past age 40ish). I have never been able to clearly imagine myself or what my life would look like when I am older. I wonder if this is normal? Or maybe it means I am not going to live to be older? Just a thought. I am not suicidal in any way, just curious. Thanks in advance!
Question for the older crowd... - Anxiety and Depre...
Question for the older crowd...

Yes, isn’t it strange that we can’t envision an older version of ourselves? You will still be your same beautiful self only wiser. At 40, you won’t be able to envision being 60, and so on. Father Time has a way of creeping up on us when we least expect it. Enjoy your here and now! 💛
Ha tell me about it. I was exactly the same. I remember having a conversation with my sister in the mid 90's about how old we would be in 2000. We would both be in our 40's then. We shuddered.
Now I would give anything to be in my 40's again as it seems impossibly young! Life goes faster the older you get too. All we have is the here and now so live your life and let it take it's own course.
At 28 I decided I wanted to be a feisty old lady when I got there. So I began being feisty at 28. I’m almost 74, and have achieved my goal.
When I was younger, I’d say..when I get older the paybacks will be hell. But the older I got, the urge to payback disappeared. . The wish for peace and calm replaced it.
When I was 38 I was like, "there is no way I'll be 40 someday". Now I'm 41 and am having the thought, "there is no way I'll be 42 someday". That day is coming up really soon.
Hi GingerHoney, I remember when I was 18 waiting for the day I'd turn 21
so nobody could tell me what to do. Ha..was I wrong. lol
But something happened with that birthday. I learned we are all here for
the ride, so we might as well enjoy it. Be grateful for each decade you are given.
Deep inside, you are still You. xx
ha! No face lift needed M. Although speaking of faces, I’d like to see yours or Pix’s back on your avatar. Your current one is distracting my train of thought.🤣💚💛
🤣no comment🤣
oh yes sorry, lost train of thought.
I'm 58 and I've always wondered what it would be like to be older, now I am I do tend to worry about how long I've got left and sometimes I think everything is a waste of time because I'm too old then I see people much older than me and they are having their best life, so I don't think it's so bad after all 🙂
I do know one thing - old age ain't for sissies! If we all started off old and became young there wouldn't be many of us left.
The older you get the crazier the younger generation seems to be? The world changes and so you become less able to identify with every younger generation. At 66 I've just become a pensioner, I prefer my own company more, I cannot remember myself liking anything what they enjoy now, I'm a Honorary member of the old boys moaning and groaning society😆🙃🤗