There isn’t a title I can think of.... - Anxiety and Depre...

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There isn’t a title I can think of....

42 Replies

Well my friends, I had to bury my oldest dog this afternoon. I was worried about my cats not handling the move, my oldest dog didn’t.

To be fair, she was sickly the last 5 years, she had melanoma removed from inside her mouth 3 years ago, tons of skin allergies, everal surgeries to remove benign growths from her face, etc. She never handled anesthesia well. She had trouble with her back legs, they eventually began to atrophy... she declined fast, anxiety from the move lingering anxiety from a thunderstorm that lasted from the afternoon into the night. Her body just gave out on her. She was 14.5, she outlived my other 2 dogs in years, but this wasn’t something I was ready for at all.

I’m struggling with sleep, understandably, I feel I failed her and of course burdening and guilt stricken by up and moving her from the only place she’s ever known. Im mentally, emotionally and physically drained at the same time, I’m trying to create better sleep habits, tonight isn’t going to one of those sadly.

42 Replies

So sorry I don't even wanna think about when the time comes for me to say goodbye to my Bullet. Idk what you believe but I believe that when an animal dies they go to the rainbow bridge and the ones who were loved are reunited with their loved ones before they both go off to nirvana never to be apart again. While it's sad, just remember the good times and realize she's at peace now all the things that were causing her suffering are gone now.

in reply to

Thank you so much for this. I too believe in the Rainbow Bridge, I have 2 other dogs, one as recently as last October that crossed over to be with her ‘sister’. I told my dog they would take care of her.

Been one of the toughest days I’ve had in a while... thank you for this. 🌺💜🌺💜

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You're welcome anytime. I'm here if you ever need a friend. It will get easier, her memory will always be in your heart. Stay irie one love.

Dolphin14 profile image

Oh Roxie I am so sorry to hear this. I know how hard this is.

There are no words, I've been where you are. Nothing made me feel better. I had to just ride out the grief and sadness.

There is a support group on the rainbow bridge web site. I would not have made it through without their help. Mayb that's something you can check out.


in reply to Dolphin14

I forgot all about the website, I can't visit it I start crying everytime. I love animals more than people. Animals never hurt or abandoned me.

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You sound like you have an amazingly big heart. 💜 I still have one dog and two cats. There’s always room for one more to take in I used to say. My heart can’t take much more but I bet I’ll be open again.

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I'm not that great. Just take your time and grieve. You'll know when it's time to love again. I read this poem one time about a dogs last wish. I don't remember it all but basically he was appreciative of the home toys warm soft bed and love his family gave him and the good life he had. His last wish was that his owners gave the toys and bed and love to a lonely dog who has no family and let him fill the hole in their heart left by the loss if their beloved pet.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

Totally agree. People are not for me either. Give me an animal any day.

My pain was so deep with my loss. I found the bridge accidentally. My grief was so bad. I reached out for anything to keep me afloat.

Yes I agree, the stories are so sad and I eventually left the site. I did meet a special friend on site. I feel the loss of our boys brought us a beautiful friendship.

I also believe I will be reunited with William. He will run to me and my arms will be open and my heart will be healed. 😢

I saw your picture of bullshit. Lol... love the nickname. You are so lucky. I will never have another. I can't handle the pain.

in reply to Dolphin14

Don't say that, I'm sure William doesn't want you to be sad and would want one of his brothers or sisters to know the same love he did.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

I know.... so many people have told me this. My heart is still so broken. I'm crying as I write this. 😢

I have the love to give. I just afraid,

in reply to Dolphin14

It's not time yet, he'll let you know when it's time to stop grieving and love again.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

Ty so much. Your words mean a lot.

There's a song by Phil Collins called You'll be in my heart. I love the words to that song. They speak to me and remind me of our special bond. Someday he may guide me down that path to love another. You are right.

in reply to Dolphin14

Never heard that song, Phil Collins isn't my style. You're welcome. Glad I can help someone once I in a while. I guess I'm not always worthless

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

No one is worthless. Your words just helped me.

Take care of yourself

in reply to Dolphin14

I'm glad I could help. But I have to disagree. There are plenty of worthless people in prisons.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

I guess that a whole different topic.

in reply to Dolphin14

Yeah it is. But I'm am truly glad I helped you feel better, and ik I'm not worthless.

in reply to Dolphin14

I may go to the website to seek their help. I wasn’t ready for this at all. My other dog passed last October but she had a bone cancer diagnosis, at her age (12 at the time) we decided no treatment, she lived a year and half, I got so much time to prepare for her, but this one I did not.

Thank you, means a lot to me. 🌺💜🌺💜🌺💜🌺💜

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

Yes, reach out. They have a chat room. The moderators have lost pets, they really understand.

I lost my dog suddenly also. Well, I had two weeks to prepare. So not as sudden as it was for you.

I wish I could have you over for ☕️. I would hug you and cry with you. Let those tears flow. Always remember that beautiful bond you had.

I'm thinking of you Roxie. My heart hurts for you. Take the time you need to grieve.


Sillysausage234 profile image

That’s so sad to read ...there’s always something it seems sorry for your loss my friend.

in reply to Sillysausage234

Thanks Silly. Life’s full of ups and downs, rollercoaster ride I feel I’ve been on for a month, ready to get the heck off it, that’s for sure. 🌺💜

Sillysausage234 profile image

My dogs nine but seems like yesterday I got her at 8 weeks old ....their time here is too short and they contribute so much , 🙁

Dolphin14 profile image


How are you doing?

in reply to Dolphin14

I’m hanging in there. A huge thunderstorm knocked me offline early this morning, but managed 3 hours of sleep after 1:30 am. Total I got about 5 hours. Not too bad.

She was buried on my property in a special place I picked for her where she gets morning sun, so I’ll always be at peace with her here.💜

I’ve still got work to do on my old house, I’ll be there staying busy. It’s the best thing I think. I think I’ll go there and even get in a short run. Exercise does help me in many ways, run off some emotional energy sort of speaking.

Here’s some coffee ☕️☕️ join me this morning, it’s hot and very strong. 😁

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

🐾🐾 She will be with you always. Right there at your New home.

I need that emotional energy exercise fix. I totally get that. I go down hill pretty quickly if I have to go days without it.

I'm glad you got some sleep. Keeping busy will help.

Ty for the coffee. Hot and strong just the way I like it ☕️☕️

I'm thinking of you Roxie. ❤️

in reply to Dolphin14


Aww...I'm sorry to hear this. Are you going to be okay?

in reply to

I’m okay today, thanks to all my friends here, everyone helped me get through a tough evening/night.

All of you guys are amazing. Thanks so much for checking in on me. 🌺💜🌺💜🌺💜🌺💜

in reply to

Any time, my friend.🙂

Hey just wanted to check in and see how you're doing today.

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Awe, thanks so much for checking on me. See my reply to Dolphin below.

Weeks after this one have no where to go but up. 😁😁😁

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I have a black cat that decided she rather live outside than inside. One day I left my car windows down and she jump in the backseat and laid down. I didn't know she was back there. So at like 11pm me and Bullet went to McDonald's for a midnight snack. I was going down the road at like 30mph all of a sudden I feel something land on my shoulders and before I could react she was out the window. I thought she was dead she landed on her feet and took off like she jumps outta moving cars routinely. I got out of the car to get her and she ducked under an electric fence getting zapped cause I saw the sparks. I didn't see her for like 2 weeks. Finally she comes strolling up looking to be fed.

Dolphin14 profile image

Hi Roxie

How are things going?

in reply to Dolphin14

I’ve been okay. I lost my black cat today, it took us all day to find her. That took my mind off things for a while.😁😁

My husband left the attic door open while he was working upstairs (we have 1 high door and 1 large crawl space) she got up in the crawl space and hid. I noticed the door open when I got back from being at the other house. It was either there or out the front door. She would not meow at all when we called her...not one.

I questioned my existence for a while. After searching from 10 am- 7:00 pm, she just strolled by at 8:30 like nothing was wrong. Haha, but so mad at her at the same time.

Stress isn’t my cup of tea, I think I needed a tranquilizer earlier but I’m still here. Sleep is a struggle tonight but I’m okay.

PS chigger bites all over me from searching the woods. 😬😬

Thanks for checking on me. 🌺💜🌺💜🌺

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to


Well, this certainly has been a tough week for you.

Your cat had some nerve exploring the house for that long. I'm glad she is safe.

Have some ☕️. Get out for a run and work out some of that stress.

Hang in there. Eventually things will settle. ❤️

in reply to Dolphin14

Good morning, the coffee greets me with just what I need. Got enough sleep to be okay today, with the help of herbal supplement, it works to give a tad of sleep.

You’re right, my cat had no nerve, but my husband knows how protective I am of their safety till I get them fully acclimated to their surroundings, so I was mad at him and his ability to mock me for being a bit over protective. Well he got a dose of being in my shoes... 😁😁

I’m okay today...just really itchy. 😂😂😂


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That's hilarious to read! Sorry it stressed you out, though. How's the new house?!

I got this hilarious wedding invitation from my cousin:

"It happened at ____. Sorry you weren't there. No need to RSVP. It already happened. Damn covid-19"

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I’m letting yesterday cats are acting themselves this morning, so happy day in that area. 😂 While we work in this house, they stay locked in a bedroom until someone is watching them and their movements in the house. I can’t do that again. 😬😬

My new house is not your average house, it’s built in a subdivision that isn’t well known with tons of forestry. The house is amazing for its uniqueness, I was so hoping this house wasn’t going to be the house of tragedy. 😥 I’m looking at yesterday as a way to scare the pants off my husband and take me serious. 😂😂😂

The wedding invitation is hilarious. Love the sense of humor that Covid-19 didn’t take from them. 💜🌺

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I'm so sorry, hon😥 Just look at it this way: your guy is having fun on the "farm" (or whatever you choose to call animal heaven) , free from pain and anxiety.

Your house sounds lovely! I love being surrounded by nature!

You mean to say that your husband doesn't take you seriously??!! Put him on, I need to speak with him.😂

Yeah, my cousin is hilarious! He always has been!

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Today I’m blessed with a a Happy Ending. 💜

I’ll put him on soon...he’s still sleeping like a log. I hate him for it too especially the nights I struggle with sleep. 😂

Men, can’t live with them or without ‘em... wait...

I think I could live without mine on some days. 😅😅

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Boy, do I hear that! I have sleep issues as well and here my husband is, tuning everything out with his snores. Sometimes I just want to shake him awake so he can be with me in my pain of no sleep, but that would be mean since he works.

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Feel the same about mine. I wouldn’t have my life the way it is without him and his sleep. So I hate him in silence. 😁

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