Without you in my life, I slowly wilt and die. But with you in my life, you're the reason I'm alive.
Someday I'll grow to be strong withou... - Anxiety and Depre...
Someday I'll grow to be strong without you
Are you all right? Dr Feelgood is more my speed.
I hate Dr. Feelgood too poppy and mainstream. No I'm not alright I'm falling apart. I don't know how to be happy on my own anymore. I'm so used to spending my time with someone I cared for more than life. Now that she's gone I'm lost. I try to be alright. Just when I think I'm alright all the memories come back and I feel lost hopeless and worthless.
I'm sorry. I can read between the lines. Just said Dr Feelgood as a joke.
Yeah I really hate that song. I feel about that song the way I'm trying to feel about the one who broke me so badly. I hate not being confident any more. I'm glad she helped me quit being an egomaniac but this isn't good either.
Hmmmm, I feel like I'm talking to a wounded lion and I don't want to get swatted at and end up with a bloody nose. Take care.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come off like that. But you're right I am wounded and I'm struggling to heal.
Everyone on here is going through something or they wouldn't be on here.
I'm not good with asking for help. I'm good at helping others. When it comes to myself I either ignore everything or drink. Neither make me happy in the end. I wish I could just go to bed and wake up fixed.
It's hard to let someone know you need help. Especially when sometimes it's like what help is there??? My dad always tried to drill it into my head to be independent. And in some ways it's good to be self sufficient. But no one is an island.

I'm not good at asking for help. I'm just like you, I'm good at helping people. It's been my life's work and in my eyes a special gift I was given.
Wouldn't it be great if we could " wake up fixed" Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. It takes a lot of work to get better... the amount of time varies for all of us and I believe it depends on the depth of the wounds. Are you treating the surface by ignoring and drinking? Sort of like a bandaid for the deeper pain? If so I don't think you will find true healing. I'm just basing this on my own journey. My bandaid was work. I became a work aholic. After years of this the bandaids weren't sticking.
I hope you find the answers and take the steps to feel better. I wish you peace from whatever is hurting you.
I don't drink anymore despite how badly I want to. The one that broke me helped me get sober. I love her so much I refuse to let myself go into the bottle again. I'm trying to move on, but when you keep getting rejected or ignored by every girl you ask out it gets hard to feel better.