So throughout my life I've been through a traumatic stuff that caused my anxiety to go up in flames and been through a lot of dangerous encounters and a lot of gun violence I'm wondering if all these problems I'm going through is the reason for these feelings to happen and plus I recently had a panic attack which set my mind through different negative thoughts do y'all feel the same or have a similar problem
Dread dying feeling: So throughout my... - Anxiety and Depre...
Dread dying feeling

So many things can cause panic attacks and PTSD. The best way to beat that fear is to face it. I've been through many serious and sad events in my life but we can't keep running from our fears. We actually need to run TO THEM. We have to face them head on and find ways to not let them rule our lives. It's not easy, I'm not saying that at all, I'm just saying that if we allow fear to run our life, we will lose every time. When you have a negative thought, see what happens if you can find a way to turn it into a positive. When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt us.
For me, identifying what is causing the panic attack and following it down to the root belief is really really helpful. When you know what the belief in conflict is you can deal with it. I can show you how if you want
Im curious yes
So your last panic attack what caused it? What were you feeling?
Well i don't like riding on highways it triggers my anxiety for sum reason and i was a lil intoxicated not to much tho and also alot high i should say but i don't do those stuff anymore but yea i was riding passenger and my heart started pounding and my body had this tingling feeling but it wasn't as bad as the other because i knew what it was at that point but it still affected me alot
What scares you about the highway?
Probably how fast the car goes the motion messes with me alot tbh
Always or only when under the influence?
For this example it is normal to have anxiety when you are going fast on highway... Especially as a passenger where you have zero control over the vehicle. Your minds job is to keep you alive. For this I would speak up and ask the driver to slow down or pull over and get a different ride. Now if your anxiety is over the top and you are having a panic attack at normal highway speeds while your driving then you would ask yourself " what does it mean to me to panic while driving?" Then answer " it means ...."
Yea u right there's alot of stuff that i don't ask myself about i just need to understand myself better to get through these problems
For sure!! When you get your answer ask yourself again what that means to you and answer it until you get to a core belief like I'm not enough or I don't matter or I'm a failure.. find the core and deal with that
I appreciate u alot i will try to do that
Always remember you are in control of your thoughts. Choose good thoughts and you will attract more good things. If you choose to stay in a negative loop you will continue to attract negative feelings. If you struggle with addiction, know that the core there is lack of connection. Heal yourself from the inside out ! It all starts and ends with your thoughts!
I just saw this post in my inbox. I’m turning with a panic attack as I text. Idk, one minute I’m fine, the next minute in freaking out about dying and my whole body flushes hot. I want the medicine to kick so I can get some sleep. Then I’m scared to go to sleep. 😔I hate this
I have the same feelings i haven't tooks meds yet im kinda scared tbh but i hope u feel better tonight
I used to have a fear of dying. I asked myself " what does it mean to me to die" my answer was " it means I failed" " what does it mean to me to be a failure?" " It means I'm not good enough" my core issue wasn't dying. My core issue was I believed I wasn't good enough. Since discovering this I wrote " I am Enough" all over my house. It's on my mirrors , my walls, in my truck, on my phone. I wrote it on a piece of paper and every morning I woke up I read it. I am enough! I matter! You can change your beliefs! I did and so can you!
Where these due to War or family life? It sounds like you’ve been through hell and back? Get Help😷🙏
Definitely the violence and trauma would set off those feelings. Do you have a therapist? I’ve struggled with trauma and had severe anxiety and negative thinking as well. With the help of medication and a good therapist plus lots of work through different issues and trying various non conventional techniques like EMDR have helped me get to a place where I don’t suffer daily anymore. I live a relatively peaceful, happy life now with occasional bouts of depression and anxiety. Hang in there and keep working at it. Hugs.
I don’t know if I’ve had trauma, but yes definitely high anxiety and depression. I suppose we’ve all had some form of trauma
In our lives. God bless
All the women in my family have this type of anxiety. All “Type A”, high-stress jobs and we take things (I guess life in general) entirely to heart.
I understand and I’m looking for answers too.
Covid19 has me absolutely FREAKED OUT!