I am having such a hard time holding on. Believing I deserve to be here. Ii heard for 18 of 29 years that I am not good enough. I will never amount to anything. I was never told different until I left home. I want to believe the nice things people say about me. I don't know how to love myself and each day it's getting harder to. I am trying so many things to work on myself but I don't see any results. I know it takes more time but its so hard for me to push through.
When will things get better? - Anxiety and Depre...
When will things get better?

Hey, hold on. The way this worlds going, things have to get better. Make a list of things you like about yourself and don't let anything someone else says bring you down.

I don't want to give up give up. I just want to be better and not think so negative yabout myself. I i will make a list.
I've walked a similiar journey but have learned that being your own best friend is key, being kind to yourself, learning to believe in yourself.
My self- esteem was low too but I learned to accept the encouragement of others and to actually believe what they were saying until I'd absorbed it as truth, gradually my outlook, perceptions and attitudes changed
I'm sorry to hear that you've dealt with that line. No one ever should be made to feel like that. And right now, I can say "don't lose hope" or "keep holding on" but that won't change how you're feeling in the moment. So I will say this instead: don't let the words of the past or the fear of temporary happiness harden your hopes for a better self.
Please let me know if you need someone to chat with or bring you random facts to lift your day. Best thoughts.
Hi Scarlett, hold on a little longer, will you? How about you reset your mindset so as to change the way you see yourself? Maybe this is you telling yourself that you aren't good enough. Maybe this is just you stuck in mental inertia which will definitely fade away sometime.
I recommend you spend your days telling yourself what you want to be seen as. Your brain will adjust to it the moment you start believing it. And, try laying hands on different things to find out which one of them you enjoy doing the most, as soon as you figure it out, stick to it. Happiness will find you. I strongly believe that.