hey everyone, lately i’ve been feeling scared/uneasy for no reason and i’m wondering if this could be associated with anxiety.
Question : hey everyone, lately i’ve... - Anxiety and Depre...
I think everyone gets like this at times, most people just don't tell. I get it a lot, I sleep on mine, common sense comes back eventually and you realise it can't be stopped, it can though be dealt with. Think nothing of odd bits. Being anxious, worried, concerned etc is part of everyday life.
If it gets so bad then tell a gp, friend who can get help, speak to mind so someone like that to get some support from trained people. Take care of yourself. This is just my way and thoughts about it. I worry about stuff I have no control over and done know. I can't do anything about it, still worry like mad though!! Take care x
Sounds like it but I am no Doctor. See a Doctor and get a qualified response.
We all experience anxiety from time to time. Life can be tough. Could it be your protective intuition warning you of something in your life that you should be cautious of? I agree you should speak to a professional about these feelings. But, also pray for God’s voice on it. Maybe something here will be helpful, bit.ly/3gnApgw